Sentences with phrase «times the energy density»

From computer models, he found that counter-rotating vertical turbines could be arranged in such a way that a vertical wind farm has a higher power output per unit of area than a horizontal farm, upward of 10 times the energy density.
The new zinc - polyiodide redox flow battery, described in Nature Communications, uses an electrolyte that has more than two times the energy density of the next - best flow battery used to store renewable energy and support the power grid.
Pound for pound, nuclear explosives — which derive their power from runaway chain reactions in their radioactive fuel — carry about a million times the energy density of chemical explosives.
The two - step process produces microsupercapacitors with four times the ability to store an electrical charge and five to 10 times the energy density of the earlier, boron - free version.
So could the next generation solid - state lithium battery, which «delivers 2.5 times the energy density of typical lithium - ion batteries, with the potential of costing one third of the 2020 projected price of those batteries,» Green Car Congress reported.

Not exact matches

Late - Time Mixing Sensitivity to Initial Broadband Surface Roughness in High - Energy - Density Shear Layers
The answer to that turns out to be «definitely maybe»: If general relativity can be extended without modification into arbitrarily high energy densities, then yes — we can show that time doesn't extend indefinitely far backwards.
While that sounds like a small number that will not cause thermal damage, it is easily thousands if not millions of times higher than the energy density shown to cause biological damage in hundreds of studies, as biological damage typically shows up in the micro to picowatt range.
Fruits and vegetables should feature at all meals and are a healthy addition at snack time, but by including them alongside other healthful foods for snacks, you boost the energy and nutrient density of your toddler's diet.
Two proposed forms for dark energy are the cosmological constant, a constant energy density filling space homogeneously, and scalar fields such as quintessence or moduli, dynamic fields whose energy density can vary in time and space.
Instead of using ovens to dry the slurry that contains the battery's positive and negative electrodes, the company has found a way to keep the entire process wet, saving time, simplifying the design and boosting the energy density.
Lithium - sulfur batteries have recently become one of the hottest topics in the field of energy storage devices due to their high energy density — which is about four times higher than that of lithium - ion batteries currently used in mobile devices.
The release of energy from fusion processes between deuterons and tritons (DT - fusion) requires high temperatures to overcome the Coulomb potential, high density for frequent collisions and a high energy confinement time.
They have the energy storage of normal batteries, but also possess a power density rivalling supercapacitors, meaning they can charge and release energy 100 times as fast as normal lithium ion batteries.
Conversely, batteries have high energy density and low power density, which means they can last a long time, but don't deliver a large amount of energy quickly.
This electrode was used to make a micro-supercapacitor with energy density 0.5 J / cm ², which is about 1000 times greater than existing micro-supercapacitors, and very similar to the density characteristics of current Li - ion micro-batteries.
For the first time, we have a battery that could compete with the lithium - ion batteries in energy density, but without the risk of explosion or fire,» Wang said.
«At present, one should not completely rule out the possibility of constructing a time machine from materials with positive energy densities,» says Ori (Physical Review Letters, vol 71, p 2517).
In those cases the battery of choice remains lithium - ion, which has an energy density five times that of vanadium.
For example, if the matter - energy density at the time of inflation was of the order of magnitude that is characteristic of string theory, then a great deal of gravitational radiation would have been produced at that time, and it would have left an imprint on the cosmic microwave background.
Nothing can be located at a precise point in space or time, preventing the formation of a blip of infinite energy and density.
An important overall measure of physics performance is the «triple product» of the peak ion density, the plasma energy confinement time and the peak ion temperature.
Based on particle physics alone, if we were to naively guess what the energy density of the vacuum ought to be, you might think it was zero; and zero was sort of acceptable to us for a long time, but the quantum vacuum that physicists really know is not empty, so, zero was not really a very sensible answer anyway.
The researchers produced a power density of about 60 watts per square meter over multiple cycles, which is six to 10 times higher than the power density produced by other liquid - based thermal - electric energy conversion systems.
Graphite has been the default choice of active material for anodes in lithium — ion batteries since their original launch by Sony but researchers and manufacturers have long sought a way to replace graphite with silicon, as it is an abundantly available element with ten times the gravimetric energy density of graphite.
Instead, Arvind and his colleagues» new strategy, known as BlueCache, relies on flash memory, the kind used in flash drives, which consumes about 5 percent as much energy, costs about 10 percent as much, and has about 100 times the storage density.
The energy density can change over time in this generalization.
We are working on a new electrolyte and a new catalyst so that the battery can be recharged multiple times, potentially for battery backup applications that require high energy densities
At the center of the Sun, where its density reaches up to 150,000 kg / m3 (150 times the density of water on Earth), thermonuclear reactions (nuclear fusion) convert hydrogen into helium, releasing the energy that keeps the Sun in a state of equilibrium.
Another study by Penn State University researchers found that over a six - year study period, women eating a low energy - density diet gained about five pounds over six years, while those eating the higher energy - density diet gained 14 pounds — nearly three times as much weight!
Many times people are unaware of the calorie contribution of their non-plant foods because of their extremely high energy density in comparison to their plant choices.
Between this meeting and March, the Subcommittee would work on the issues of breakfast, energy density, the level of activity regulating appetite, portion sizes, and leisure time physical activity modes.
Since the batteries» energy density is set to improve by about five percent year on year, there should be some windfall driving range and performance benefits available by the time the i5 puts in an appearance in 2023.
Purely electric was clearly the better technology today if it wasn't for the miserable energy density of current state of the art batteries - they suck - big time - and weigh insanely much on top of it!
Maserati claims up to 50 - percent better energy density from its 800 - volt battery technology, which means it should be able to use a smaller, lighter battery pack while maintaining long range and fast charging times.
Use the energy cannons, the high - density laser cannon and the slow - time generator of the Isagoras to destroy the alien army.
Visitors in the gallery could be said to experience countless versions of the pieces because they change in hue and density, sometimes glowing with energy like living beings, depending on the light and time of day.
Ethanol doesn't have the energy density for jet flight and bio-diesel has a high gel point, which is bad news for planes that spend a good part of their time in the chilly 30,000 foot zone.
I was trying to estimate the mining footprints of solar and nuclear, and came up with some very tentative rough estimates that ore input for solar energy might have an energy density (per unit mass) ~ 5 to 80 times coal, while nuclear (convential US fuel cycle) may be ~ 20 times coal — on the solar side, this doesn't include some balance of system components, and on the nuclear side, it only includes the U, but on the solar side, the actual energy density could get much higher with recycling of the same material into multiple successive generations of solar energy devices, and on the nuclear side, breeder reactors.
A huge laser delivers a large amount of energy in a short time to heat the walls of the larger chamber, and the radiation emitted from those walls in turn drives the small capsule to a very small size, increasing the density of the gases inside to much higher density than lead and heating it at the same time to very high temperatures required for fusion to occur.
5) A warming effect in the atmosphere arises because between coming in and going out the radiant energy is «processed» by the molecules in the atmosphere into heat energy and then back again, often many times for a single parcel of radiant energy, the number of times being directly proportionate to the density of the atmosphere.
Theory predicts that sodium — oxygen (Na — O) batteries could provide only half the energy density of Li — O, but that is still five times better than Li - ion batteries.
Historically, every time humans have transitions to higher energy density fuels, there has been a significant improvement in human well being.
Since the volumetric energy density of ammonia is three times that of liquid hydrogen, and ammonia combustion can be exceptionally efficient (about the same as burning diesel fuel in turbodiesels), it may be true that a hydrogen economy based upon OTEC and ammonia may be close at hand.
There are many other known advantages — such as avoiding 650,000 fatalities per year globally — and unknown benefits we can not imagine (for example, benefits from the 20,000 to 2 million times increase in energy density and the effectively unlimited amounts of energy available).
By replacing animal and human muscle and low - density energy sources like wood, dung, and other biofuels, and low - density, intermittent wind and solar, fossil and nuclear fuels have freed people from the basic tasks of survival to devote time and bodily energy to other occupations.
For batteries with sufficient power and energy density for electric vehicles and electricity storage on the grid or in buildings, this «learning rate» translates into a price drop of around three and a half times since 2009.
Therefore, as the energy density of the battery module increases over time, I'll be swapping out depleted battery modules for the new technology modules.
So - called renewable energy is a failure because, in spite of innovations and improvements over time, they remain low - density and unreliable energy sources.
So it's all gases at greatest density will be doing the same thing around the planet at the same time (*) and as these change with differences in density in the play between gravity and pressure and kinetic and potential from greatest near the surface to more rarified, less dense and absent any kinetic to write home about the higher one goes, then, energy conservation intact, the hotter will rise and cool because losing kinetic energy means losing temperature, thus cooling they which began with the closest in density and kinetic energy as a sort of band of brothers near the surface will rise and cool at the same time whereupon they'll all come down together colder but wiser that great heights don't make for more comfort and giving up their heat will sink displacing the hotter now in their place when they first went travelling.
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