Sentences with phrase «tin foil hat»

A man with pink hair shocked the world yesterday by confirming what some people with tin foil hats have been saying all along.
If the latter, please go take some real science classes, chemistry, biology and get a better fitting tin foil hat.
Guys, where did you get your awesome tin foil hats?
At that point, they can not yet say tin foil hat, they can only laugh and ask what the heck do you mean.
Wow these Tea Party people seem like Tin Foil Hat wearing conspiracy theory types.
There are even versions of tin foil hat conspiracy theorist nuts in sugar online dating world too.
The next time you hear industry pundits and status quo defenders of our market structure label critics with tin foil hats for claiming the markets are rigged, remind yourselves that Nanex's Hunsader caught Sarao's specific activity just weeks after the Flash Crash.
Some of their concerns will me legitimate, at least if you believe in the Precautionary Principle, and others border on tin foil hat conspiracy theory.
I'm not here to be Tin Foil Hat Man and convince you that companies like Amazon are spying on your every move and compiling data sets based on your activity so that they can more effectively serve you ads or sell you products.
Talk about tin foil hats... I've explained this ad nauseam.
This is obviously a ploy at MLS to sweep Toledo and the fact he's still center ref under the rug, and so people also forget that maybe Dom should have been fined for his flop dons tin foil hat
Sarah Palin,??? The entire Republican party has been usurped by tin foil hat wearing lunatics.
Please take your ass back to Tin Foil Hat land.
As you'd expect, things have been rather quiet for the XCOM lads and lasses, considering that so far aliens have been confined to being a common talking point among tin foil hat wearing crazies but it's not long before shit gets real.
Second: I can't help thinking (with my round tin foil hat fitted upon my square head) about the enormous amounts of money being spent, and being requested by the UN and other world bodies, to combat the possible threats caused by AGW.
«The real problem isn't the existence of tin foil hat anti-nuclear groups but that the media refer to them as «environmentalists.»
I'm not here to be Tin Foil Hat Man and convince you that companies like Amazon are spying on your every move and compiling data sets based on your activity so that they can more effectively serve you ads or sell you products.
Hilarious that all this with Sony and Evolution are tin foil hat conspiracies, way too far out to believe and everyone is grasping at straws.....
Christians might just as well go around trying to pass laws requiring everyone to wear garlic and tin foil hats
Some people wear tin foil hats to protect them from mind control radio waves they believe are being broadcast by CIA satellites.
we captured him and flew him back to gitmo so we could waterboard him for info... thats sarcasm you tin foil hat wearing nut job.
The Tin Foil Hat Brigade Is Here says: March 24, 2013 at 10:51 pm Yeah, Bush was very good for that, I agree, breath deep.
Their conspiracy theories become more and more bizarre with each telling... soon they'll be wearing tin foil hats and people will see them for what they are.
Also, it would appear your tin foil hat may be getting a little too snug.
Now put that tin foil hat back on and stop spending so much time on those p0rn sites.
Take off your tin foil hats and abandon these asinine fairy tales.
He will never get the support of the tin foil hat crowd.
Now, should there be a single valiant atheist that have the balls to do such thing in a Muslim ceremony, surely I would throw my tin foil hat on him.
And yes, I scrub my tin foil hat regularly, I can't be having those psychic spies stealing my mind's elation now can I?
Your tin foil hat is on too tight.
Democrats would love nothing more than the king of the tin foil hat crowd to be on the republican ticket.
Take off the tin foil hat, Obama has been President for years.
I hate to disappoint the tin foil hat, conspiracy minded among you, but the play itself was a good play.
The Devin Townsend Project — Disruptr Conspiracy Bonus — Astronoid — Tin Foil Hats It Came up Next And Couldn't Be Excluded Extra Bonus — Black Rebel Motorcycle Club — Ninth Configuration
We have no way of knowing if the Sounders were only informed now, they may have known already despite all the tin foil hats
You already know how to protect yourself from that What was that tin foil hats?
I'm not naive and I have no great love for Cuomo, but it may be time for somebody to put on his tin foil hat.
In theory, a citizen can escape being in any other official Federal databases aside from that (I'll leave my tin foil hat on Skeptics and not mention DHS databases, as they presumably aren't legally accessible for the purposes of election registration even if they have enough data).
Now I know why they ran out of those tin foil hats.

Phrases with «tin foil hat»

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