Sentences with phrase «tiny bathroom feel»

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She has to learn to recognize feelings in her colon and bladder that parents can't point out; when she has them, she's supposed to stop what she's doing, find a bathroom, take off her diaper or underwear, go, wipe herself clean, and pull her clothes back on again — not a tiny feat for a toddler who might still have trouble climbing steps and eating yogurt.
I placed the mirror in my 1950's tiny bathroom to house some jewelry and to make it «feel» a little less cramped.
Its layout actually feels larger than even most other tiny house bathrooms.
While a bathroom covered in beautiful tile and with a glorious soaker tub would definitely feel luxurious, we can give even the most average every day bathroom a tiny sense of «luxury» with affordable accessories and easy updates.
We only have it now in our full (tiny) bathroom and in our half - bath (also tiny) and I feel so comfy in those two tiny rooms thanks to the wallpaper.
It is teeny tiny, and considering it is the main bathroom of the house, I think my family and guests would like to feel as if they won't break the biffy when they sit down.
I'm thinking about doing something similar on a tiny wall in my bathroom and have been feeling overwhelmed.
An all - white color scheme keeps this tiny, windowless bathroom feeling light and airy.
Our tiny bathroom now doesn't feel quite as small, since there isn't a normal door swinging in and out, but instead allows more usable floor space.
Just because your bathroom is tiny, it doesn't mean it has to be bright and white to make it feel bigger.
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