Sentences with phrase «tiny blood vessels»

Many develop headaches, pain and fever, but some develop a life - threatening condition where tiny blood vessels in the body begin to leak.
A network of tiny blood vessels can be seen easily running through your baby's body, because of the transparency of his or her paper - thin skin.
-LSB-...] work by protecting tiny blood vessels in the retina of the eye and the inner ear.
Second, it affects tiny blood vessels and the brain's ability to control blood flow, which is essential to keep it working normally, he explained.
While high blood pressure can cause damage throughout the body, organs that are supplied by many tiny blood vessels are especially susceptible to damage from high blood pressure.
One of the main obstacles to such tissue engineering has been producing the network of tiny blood vessels that keep newly growing natural tissue alive.
Human skin has many sweat glands in it, and beneath the surface of the skin is a vast network of tiny blood vessels called capillaries.
Mosquitoes carrying heartworm larvae bite dogs and inject the infective larvae into the dog under the skin or into tiny blood vessels as the mosquito takes its blood meal.
In sickle cell anemia, a single genetic mutation leads to abnormal, crescent - shaped red blood cells that clot in tiny blood vessels throughout the body, causing severe pain and eventual organ damage.
The trauma ruptures tiny blood vessels called capillaries, allowing blood to leak into surrounding tissues.
It causes baby's tiny blood vessels found in his or head to tear and bleed and may lead to blindness, hearing deficiency, slow learning, other results caused by brain damage and may even cause death.
I remembered nursing her in those early days, when her eyelids were still translucent, tiny blood vessels visible.
The H5N1 strain causes tiny blood vessels throughout the body of a chicken, for example, to collapse.
In May, a second team, led by Ali Khademhosseini, reported building tiny blood vessels that branch or merge in three dimensions, as blood vessels do in human organs.
To 3D print vessels on such a small scale — 100 microns, small enough for tiny blood vessels — Chen leveraged his connection to Innolign, a Boston biomedical technology company he helped found.
In all of these conditions, tiny blood vessels react to injury in a way that ultimately can be counterproductive, often leading to severe swelling of brain tissues that can be fatal.
The kidneys house tiny blood vessels that filter waste products from the blood.
I'm am currently using it, am very aware of the Niacin flush (proves it's working to expand tiny blood vessels) and I'm quite used to and comfortable with the flushing heat and sensation.
When a mite infested cat constantly scratches its ear, it can tear open tiny blood vessels in the ear flap, which can lead to permanent disfigurement.
If the eye is normal, within a few days tiny blood vessels will form in the cornea that aid in the healing process.
You can often see tiny blood vessels coursing across the cornea called neovascularization.
The advantage of this (vs. regular scalpel) is that, as the radio frequency cuts, it also cauterizes back tiny blood vessels and nerves.
Tiny black dots that look like seeds (actually dried blood from tiny blood vessels) may appear on the surface of warts.
The infestation begins when a mosquito harboring heartworm larvae bites a dog, and, in the process, the larvae are released into the dog under the skin, or into tiny blood vessels, while the mosquito feeds on the dog's blood.
Alpha lipoic acid is one of the few aubstances that can pass the blood - brain barrier, a wall of tiny blood vessels.
Implantation occurs when the cells nestle into the uterine lining and rupture tiny blood vessels.
In both cases, the B vitamins may work by protecting tiny blood vessels in the retina of the eye and the inner ear.
For example, he explains, smooth muscle cells grow thicker in large blood vessels like arteries, but similar type of contractile cells begin to die off in tiny blood vessels in the eye.
In some very rare instances, a forceful spit up or vomit can cause a tear in a tiny blood vessel in your baby's esophagus.
Spider veins are tiny blood vessels that become misshapen.
This can, however, disrupt the tiny blood vessels leading to loss of your nipple later on.
Excess sugar can injure the walls of the tiny blood vessels (capillaries) that nourish your nerves, especially in the legs.
Researchers have recently discovered that port - wine stains are due to a faulty nerve supply to tiny blood vessels.
These skin patches are caused by dilations in your baby's capillaries (tiny blood vessels), which are visible beneath his super-thin skin.
But the opah has an elaborate network of tiny blood vessels, in which arteries lie next to veins in tightly packed arrays.
The study also measures dental health and the condition of the tiny blood vessels at the back of the eyes, which are a proxy for the brain's blood vessels.
Normal red blood cells are able to pass easily through the tiniest blood vessels, called capillaries, carrying oxygen to organs such as the lungs, liver and kidneys.
First, they 3 - D - printed wormlike strands of a gel called agarose, each serving as a cast of a tiny blood vessel.
As a result, fewer infected red blood cells might clog up the tiny blood vessels in patients» organs.
After analyzing the videos, they found that, as the animal dipped its tongue in and out of the flower, tiny blood vessels on the hairs of its tongue became engorged with blood, prompting the hairs to stand straight up and drag even more nectar up from the flower.
Instead of dilating and increasing blood flow to the heart during stress, in women the tiny blood vessels are constricted, leading to areas of reduced blood flow,» said Vaccarino, who is also chair of the department of epidemiology at the Emory University School of Public Health.
The team looked instead at tiny blood vessels, about half the diameter of a human hair, within the rib of an Early Jurassic Lufengosaurus specimen.
The study also measures dental health and the condition of the tiny blood vessels at the back of the eyes, a proxy for the brain's blood vessels.
After detecting this debris, which includes DNA and histones (the proteins around which DNA is wrapped), T cells make B cells produce antibodies, which bind to the bulky DNA, forming tangles that can become wedged in tiny blood vessels.
The researcher will present evidence showing that tiny blood vessels that supply the brainstem become inflamed in animal models with high blood pressure, potentially because sticky molecules trap inflammatory white blood cells.
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