Sentences with phrase «tiny blood vessels in»

The scratching or shaking of the ear ruptuers the tiny blood vessels in the ear's cartilage causing them to bleed under the skin of the earflap forming a pocket of blood.
Tiny blood vessels in the inner lining of the eye burst, causing the retina to detach.
When a mite infested cat constantly scratches its ear, it can tear open tiny blood vessels in the ear flap, which can lead to permanent disfigurement.
These cells live in the tiny blood vessels in the cat's lungs and fight to get rid of intruders, but the cat becomes ill as these cells try to kill off the larvae.
-LSB-...] work by protecting tiny blood vessels in the retina of the eye and the inner ear.
In both cases, the B vitamins may work by protecting tiny blood vessels in the retina of the eye and the inner ear.
For example, he explains, smooth muscle cells grow thicker in large blood vessels like arteries, but similar type of contractile cells begin to die off in tiny blood vessels in the eye.
As a result, fewer infected red blood cells might clog up the tiny blood vessels in patients» organs.
Many develop headaches, pain and fever, but some develop a life - threatening condition where tiny blood vessels in the body begin to leak.
When the embryo implants in the uterus, it can intrude on the tiny blood vessels in the spot that it attaches to.
In some very rare instances, a forceful spit up or vomit can cause a tear in a tiny blood vessel in your baby's esophagus.

Not exact matches

If you could see into your womb, you would be able to see your baby's tiny veins, because the network of blood vessels that run underneath the skin can be seen easily, in addition to bones.
I remembered nursing her in those early days, when her eyelids were still translucent, tiny blood vessels visible.
In rare cases, your baby may forcibly spit up, causing a tiny tear in the blood vessel present in the esophaguIn rare cases, your baby may forcibly spit up, causing a tiny tear in the blood vessel present in the esophaguin the blood vessel present in the esophaguin the esophagus.
These skin patches are caused by dilations in your baby's capillaries (tiny blood vessels), which are visible beneath his super-thin skin.
«You've got narrow vessels with thickening fluid trying to get through them,» which in effect creates a network of tiny blood clots, Cochran says.
In sickle cell anemia, a single genetic mutation leads to abnormal, crescent - shaped red blood cells that clot in tiny blood vessels throughout the body, causing severe pain and eventual organ damagIn sickle cell anemia, a single genetic mutation leads to abnormal, crescent - shaped red blood cells that clot in tiny blood vessels throughout the body, causing severe pain and eventual organ damagin tiny blood vessels throughout the body, causing severe pain and eventual organ damage.
«Our tests indicate we can operate on tiny structures such as blood vessels without damaging them,» said Thomas Looi, the project director for one of the partners that developed KidsArm at the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) Centre for Image - Guided Innovation & Therapeutic Intervention (CIGITI) in Toronto, Canada.
It's printed in a layered lattice, which leaves tiny channels throughout the organ that act like blood vessels and allow nutrients to be dispersed through the tissue.
In May, a second team, led by Ali Khademhosseini, reported building tiny blood vessels that branch or merge in three dimensions, as blood vessels do in human organIn May, a second team, led by Ali Khademhosseini, reported building tiny blood vessels that branch or merge in three dimensions, as blood vessels do in human organin three dimensions, as blood vessels do in human organin human organs.
After analyzing the videos, they found that, as the animal dipped its tongue in and out of the flower, tiny blood vessels on the hairs of its tongue became engorged with blood, prompting the hairs to stand straight up and drag even more nectar up from the flower.
Instead of dilating and increasing blood flow to the heart during stress, in women the tiny blood vessels are constricted, leading to areas of reduced blood flow,» said Vaccarino, who is also chair of the department of epidemiology at the Emory University School of Public Health.
Early in pregnancy, these trophoblasts invade the uterine wall and later develop a complex network of tiny projections called villi, which contain fetal blood vessels.
The Canada - Taiwan research team, led by Reisz, used the synchrotron at the Taiwanese National Synchrotron Radiation Research Centre to find the substance in place, known as collagen type I, preserved within the tiny vascular canals of the rib where blood vessels and blood would be in the living dinosaur.
During PAE, an interventional radiologist makes a tiny incision in either the groin or wrist to insert a catheter (a small tube about the size of a strand of spaghetti) into an artery and, using image guidance, directs the catheter to the blood vessels on both sides of the enlarged prostate gland.
The researcher will present evidence showing that tiny blood vessels that supply the brainstem become inflamed in animal models with high blood pressure, potentially because sticky molecules trap inflammatory white blood cells.
Shaped like a tiny doughnut with a depression instead of a hole in the center, each cell rushes through the widest blood vessels and squeezes through the slimmest vessels, known as capillaries.
In an NIH - funded study, scientists were able to direct human stem cells to form networks of tiny blood vessels that can connect to the existing circulation in micIn an NIH - funded study, scientists were able to direct human stem cells to form networks of tiny blood vessels that can connect to the existing circulation in micin mice.
Surgeons at Perlmutter Cancer Center use microsurgery, in which tiny surgical tools and a microscope are used to carefully connect the flap blood vessels to blood vessels in the chest.
In a new study, scientists led by Selvi C. Jeyaraj of the Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital have identified a biological mechanism that may be responsible for icy extremities: an interaction between a series of molecules and receptors on smooth muscle cells that line the skin's tiny blood vessels.
Tiny red dots on the skin, called petechiae, occur when the smallest blood vessels in the body, called capillaries, bleed into the skin.
Note: He makes comments about Vitamin P in citrus fruits (i.e. citrin), which helps the blood to flow through the tiny blood vessels, niacin also does this (a B vitamin)
In the nephron, a glomerulus — which is a tiny blood vessel, or capillary — intertwines with a tiny urine - collecting tube called a tubule.
The sudden change in temperature also strengthens our capillaries — tiny blood vessels that do a big job when it comes to blood circulation, tissue oxygenation and detox.
Also, one of the other changeable factors he talks about in the book is capillary density in the muscles... basically the number and density of the tiny blood vessels where oxygen and nutrient exchange take place.
Horse Chestnut reduces inflammation and tones up vein walls, plugs up minute holes and microscopic leaks in the tiniest blood vessels, reforces the strength of veins which promotes elasticity and prevents swelling and improves overall circulation.
As you drink and force your body to metabolize alcohol, you're converting ethanol into acetaldehyde and acetate in your liver, and this causes increased production of tiny blood vessel constrictors called thromboxanes.
«The further the condition progresses, the higher the risk that bacteria will get into the bloodstream through tiny broken blood vessels in the gums, then travel to your pet's organs, leading to cardiac, kidney, or liver disease,» says Jeffrey Klausner, DVM, chief medical officer at Banfield Pet Hospital in Portland, OR.
(ref1, ref2, ref3) When podocytes loose their grip on the tiny incoming blood filtering vessels where they belong (the afferent glomerular arteriole capillaries), they wind up in the urine.
Despite their small size, they suck large amounts of blood from the tiny vessels in the intestinal wall.
All other living cells in the body are nourished by tiny blood vessels.
Human skin has many sweat glands in it, and beneath the surface of the skin is a vast network of tiny blood vessels called capillaries.
Despite their small size, they suck large amounts of blood from tiny vessels in the intestinal wall.
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