Sentences with phrase «tiny bubbles on»

The batter should be thick, with little tiny bubbles on the surface.
To lighten the dough as much as possible, raising agents which fizz with tiny bubbles on contact with water (like baking powder, bicarbonate of soda and cream of tartar) are often included in gluten - free bread recipes to lighten the dough as much as possible.

Not exact matches

If we're counting on this tiny bubble in space being habitable, we're not going to be around for long.
Firstly you will see lots of tiny bubbles form on the surface which transform into larger ones and then begin to burst.
Cook until tiny bubbles appear on the surface, about 2 - 3 minutes.
Heat a large pot of salted water over high until tiny bubbles appear on the bottom (water temperature should be about 180 °F).
In this time you might start to notice a tiny bit of bubbling on the surface or in the sides of the starter.
I would agree that this was a tiny bit too soupy for me — I took it out of the slow cooker and put it on the stove for an hour let let some of the liquid bubble off.
Don't let the mixer keep running if everything is already well blended, and try to keep it on a low setting because high speed = air and air = tiny little bubbles that will cause the cake to crack during baking.
We've watched the tiny bubbles cascade to the bottom — from the crema at the top on down — at Royal Blue Grocery on Rainey Street and Salt & Time's butcher shop in Austin.
Add a large spoonful of the batter into the pan and cook until tiny bubbles start to appear on the top of the pancake.
The following detergents are the only detergents approved to wash your cloth diaper rental diapers with: Tiny Bubbles Sports Wash Rockin Green Redemption Soap Allen's Eco Sprout Bumgenius Country Save The Laundry Tarts Ruby Moon Eco Nuts If there is a detergent that you would like to use that is not on this list please contact us before use to ensure that it is cloth diaper safe.
Note: Tiny Bubbles is discontinued and Biosoakers are on backorder.
One thing I noticed, is the musty, funky smell on the diapers when using Tiny Bubbles and Rockin» Green is not there.
To prepare your baby's diaper, wash on hot with a eco-friendly cloth diaper detergent like their GroVia Tiny Bubbles Cloth Diaper Detergent.
Take a good look at this photo: It shows you 1.6 billion years old fossilized oxygen bubbles, created by tiny microbes in what was once a shallow sea somewhere on young Earth.
The function of the tiny fat globules, which sit on the surface of the bubbles and link them, is just to stabilize the foam.
But behind such atmospheric phenomena are billions of tiny interactions between the air and microscopic drops of saltwater cast upward as bubbles on the ocean's surface burst.
Their work relies on a phenomenon known as acoustic cavitation, in which sound waves rattling through a fluid create tiny bubbles and then cause them to expand and collapse.
If you've ever raised a glass of champagne in celebration, you may have noticed tiny bubbles bursting on its surface.
When an ant does end up underwater, tiny hairs on its body can trap bubbles of air that give the bug a buoyancy boost.
If there are any alien civilizations out there, they would only know about us if their planet is within that 200 - light - year bubble, or if they happened to be passing through our tiny portion of the Milky Way on a transgalactic journey.
I had been interviewed for a BBC documentary on my work to use microbubbles to improve cancer treatment, and that's when I got a call from my collaborator Ray Averre of Avrox Technologies to ask if it would be possible to make a sports drink using tiny bubbles of oxygen.
Nanobubbles: tiny air bubbles on colloid surfaces.
Cook until tiny bubbles form on the surface of the batter, about 2 minutes.
Leto's Rayon in Dallas Buyers Club met with hostility not just because it embodied so many stereotypes («a sad - sack, clothes - obsessed, constantly flirting... drug - addict prostitute» as Steve Friess wrote in Time) but also because no trans consultants were enlisted, and because Leto used his speech on winning the Golden Globe for best supporting actor to talk about how that «tiny little Brazilian bubble butt was all mine» rather than anything he had learned about the realities of trans living.
Berg's direction is almost poetic as he orchestrates the percolating problem at the ocean floor, tiny bubbles rising from the crust, a crack mirroring the rising tension beneath the facade of congeniality up on the surface.
There's some value bringing that horror concretely home; it leaves us wondering what other tiny bubbles we should be on the lookout for now, as greed, speed, and short term solutions remain the order of the day.
One arm curved languidly around her head while the other rested palm - up on the sea - washed pebbles, the fingers curling in the tiny wavelets that bubbled over them as the tide rose; her legs, opened shamelessly in relaxation, seemed to invite the sun's warmth to penetrate directly into her body.
If you stare at the top of the screen with the lighting on, you'll see tiny bubbles of light that are a bit brighter than the rest of the display, thanks to the location of the edge lighting.
Turtle grass: Thalassia testudinum: BEACHCOMBERS TIP: While snorkeling on calm days over the Thalassia, 4 to 5» deep, if one looks carefully one can see streams of tiny bubbles of oxygen coming from the photosynthetic reactions of the Thalassia.
You'll arrive on the sandy shelf, and be treated to small bubbles dancing out of tiny holes in the sandy floor.
Now the wait is finally over as Tiny Bubbles officially released in the iOS App Store last night, as well as on Steam for Mac and Windows desktops.
But don't be fooled by that cute and colorful presentation; Tiny Bubbles offers cleverly - designed challenges and surprisingly nuanced mechanics, available now on iOS.
Built on a foundation of accurate soap - bubble physics, Tiny Bubbles presents you with a number of objectives revolving around careful matches through precise pops.
One promising new device called «Silverstream» cuts water friction by laying a carpet of tiny bubbles along the hull so it rides mostly on air.
Deeply isolated in their own tiny academic bubble only talking to like minded individuals also inside of that bubble where the real word rarely intrudes, I doubt that very many of these scientists realise just how stupid and even imbecilic and disposable they are starting to appear to the ordinary citizen on the street particularly when they try to sell a bill of goods like those adjusted and etc and etc temperatures from a half dozen or more decades past as the real temperatures of the times and then change those same temperatures or remove then the next day or week or whatever and then change then yet again and again.
My review unit has what looks like tiny air bubbles at the top and bottom of the glass front, thankfully not on the display itself.
Instead of bursting into tears and tantrums and storming out of the store, why not take your anger out on a tiny horse, or blow bubbles to relieve your stress?
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