Sentences with phrase «tiny chance»

It would work, but its really tiny chance to land the job you're looking for!
Many of these schools offer lovely two - to - three - hour tours that culminate with administrators telling you that you have a teeny - tiny chance of actually getting into the school through a lottery system that also takes diversity into account.
Also, in the tiny tiny tiny chance the rapture isn't a complete lie, I can't wait for it.
Tiny chance because they're not big on sequels unless you're talking Lord of...
His touch was not perfect in all cases but this is really his first tiny chance at Arsenal football.
Of course, there is an itsy - bitsy tiny chance you may have one legitimate reason to push back your wedding.
If real MP is added to the game, so you can easily find each other, do coop stuff, etc., etc. then it makes sense to me to want it, but people fell over a stupid comment from Sean which, if implemented that exact way, would still give you the same experience as without except for a teensy tiny chance to meet another player some where and look at them... Or are you just only into MP games and are all SP games major borefests to you?
You'd be forgiven for thinking that a renegade lawyer going up against one of the biggest bands in the world in court only has a tiny chance of prevailing.
But all that doesn't matter, if there is even the tiniest chance that the evidence might be wrong and that some day their deity will come and explain all the inconsistancies then they will stick to their faith and want to teach their children «the controversy» even when there really isn't one.
If Rick Perry ever had even a the tiniest chance of winning, putting out this article out just sealed his doom!
Then I thought I'd hang out and get you to autograph your cookbook and see if by a tiny chance you would rub off on me.
The tinier the chance of my having time to grab a Sharpie, the huger the awesomeness of the lightbulb moment.
Kansas City somehow manage to lose a ton of games while also seeing solid production from anyone on the roster who has even a tiny chance of being part of the next competitive Royals team.
(One asterisk: Oregon State quarterback Luke Del Rio transferred to Florida, and there's a tiny chance he's eligible.
i do nt know what you think guys, but i see a tiny chance for us to win the CL.
-- yea, I know, there might be that tiny chance I'm being delusional... again.
At least I use Pinterest and will have a tiny chance to win such a great prize.
As I've illustrated in the graph below, the effect of campaign spending is most pronounced for Labour: when a Labour candidate doesn't spend much money they have a tiny chance of winning, but if they spend enough money the model predicts victory with near certainty.
«And there's a tiny chance that it will hit Mars.
There used to be a tiny chance that the Republicans would allow people to take...
There used to be a tiny chance that the Republicans would allow people to take over the responsibility of investing their personal share of the trust fund.
Quantum mechanics holds that if there is even the tiniest chance of something happening, however absurd it may sound, that thing is sure to happen if you wait long enough.
Frightening as the greenhouse effect is, the task of curbing it is so daunting that no one has been willing to take the necessary steps as long as there was even a tiny chance that the effect might not be real.
Quantum mechanics, however, predicts that there is a tiny chance that the pendulum can reverse direction at any point, a process physicists call dynamical tunneling.
It's an asteroid a quarter of a mile wide called Apophis, and it has a tiny chance of hitting Earth in 2036.
If a lady is a city person, who actively participates in the city rich social life (night clubs, exhibitions, museums, concerts and so on), there is a tiny chance she will be happy living in a small town, on a farm or in the country.
For cockroaches, this concoction is a delicacy, but there's a tiny, tiny chance a dangerous virus lurks inside.
They must decide whether to come home or disobey direct orders, risking their lives on the tiny chance they can reverse course and collect him in a craft that wasn't designed to do so.
(If you really, really want to go out on a limb, you might give Dallas Buyers Club a tiny chance.)
If it really is as good as some people are saying there's a tiny chance it could crack the Oscar race.
Once again, the theme is, «If you can pay OTHER PEOPLE enough money to «FIX» the crap you think is good, you MIGHT have a tiny chance, because you CA N'T do anything right.
Since my wife and I can't do without it, we'd like to help her insure it in the tiny chance it fails during our stay.
The fact that there is a tiny chance you might be like Lou Simpson is what gets so many people into trouble with their investing.
There's a tiny chance you could get me back, but honestly I don't think you have it in you at this point.
The median return has dropped from a little less than 16 % to about 13.5 %, and there is only a tiny chance of getting less than 6 %.
The median return has dropped from a little less than 16 % to a little less than 12 %, although there is still only a tiny chance of getting less than 4 %.
The median return has dropped from a little less than 16 % to a little more than 10 %, although there is still only a tiny chance of getting less than 4 %.
People who think that there's even a tiny chance bitcoin could become a world currency say it is severely undervalued.
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