Sentences with phrase «tiny effect»

But these are still tiny effects on the complicated whole - Earth system.
«People used to think all the risk genes had such tiny effects that it would be hopeless to find any with large contributions to the total risk,» she says.
From the backgrounds that look very nice, to all the little tiny effects that were put into place, this is not a bad looking game.
«Even with generous assumptions about the properties of the radicals, we predict tiny effects of these radiofrequency fields, and the main conclusion that we come to is that the current understanding of the radical - pair model can't explain any of the reported behavioral results,» says Hore.
«They claim to measure an incredibly tiny effect that could very easily just be noise.»
So, except for tiny effects of convexity bias (due to earning or paying interest on margin), futures and forwards with equal delivery prices result in the same total loss or gain, but holders of futures experience that loss / gain in daily increments which track the forward's daily price changes, while the forward's spot price converges to the settlement price.
Britain's efforts to reduce the speed of global warming will cost huge sums of money and have a pitifully tiny effect»
Hi Jenn, Sorry for the late reply... I think it is a good argument that CO2 should be regulated and is a pollutant etc, but I think the global and tiny effect individual sources have makes it quite complicated if you want to begin talking about liabilities and damage.
Privatizing the SS Trust fund would have a tiny effect on income Occupy Wall Street main concern was income inequality.
It would have to be a process that magnified the tiny effect of the atomic particle itself, as the condensation of droplets in supersaturated vapor magnifies the ionization produced by a particle in a cloud chamber.
Pinker says that the findings are a first step in demonstrating that intelligence relies on large numbers of genes, each with a tiny effect, rather than on single genes that have moderate or large effects, but which are so rare that none has yet been identified.
«I assumed it would be a tiny effect, but it turned out to be detectable,» Kipping says.
In general these have revealed a tiny effect size but it is consistent, inexplicable by chance, and is neither confined to the results of a few experiments nor stronger in the poorly designed ones.
This means that the laws of physics for antiparticles are almost identical to those for particles; any difference is a tiny effect.
This well - known, but tiny effect was measured with unprecedented precision in 2010 using two optical clocks — however, they were located at the same institute.
ALMA can find more planets by measuring the tiny effects over the stars they orbit and allows measuring the mass of these planets under formation.
The tiny effect that gravitational waves have on space led many scientists to believe they would be undetectable.
I'm not sure enough people have lived ever to identify all the potential genetic effects and interactions in a statistically meaningful way, and as we learn more we will have to determine how important those tiny effects really are.
The pull from the stars or moons on the atmospheres of planets is usually a tiny effect.
Coffee seems to have only a tiny effect on zinc absorption (luckily, because zinc is extremely important), and no effect on magnesium.
The findings about greater happiness in online couples «are tiny effects,» says Finkel, whose research published last year found «no compelling evidence» to support dating website claims that their algorithms work better than other ways of pairing romantic partners.
It's a pity you didn't read to the end of my sentence you quoted, ie «Therefore CO2 at 0.04 % has only a tiny effect, and GE is constant (global average).»
CO2 is, of course, the main candidate in question, so it is expected that people will be quick to identify that one as opposed to the tiny effects of, say, nitrous oxide and ozone.
If it goes into the briny deep, it has a tiny effect on the huge mass of water.
Adding another 20 ppmv of CO2, or another 40, or 80, will not result in any measurable change in the planet's temperature, because many other climate forcings overwhelm the tiny effect.
But as stated, it has such a tiny effect that it can be ignored.
The tiny effect of rising CO2 levels on climate contrasts sharply with their enormous benefits to plant growth and agriculture.
This has a huge influence on the Svalbard temperatures — far more than a tiny effect from the increased albedo at the airport.
As shown by Figure 1, omission of South America and Africa has only a tiny effect on the global temperature change.
CO2 emissions have only a tiny effect on temperatures, but strongly enhance plant growth.
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