Sentences with phrase «tiny fragments»

The phrase "tiny fragments" refers to very small and broken pieces or parts of something. Full definition
It is often a difficult and labour - intensive process to detect tiny fragments of plastic particles in soils, for instance.
But being able to recover tiny fragments of DNA doesn't change the fact that any sample will contain genetic sequences from more than just the organism of interest.
Their work suggests that the process relies on tiny fragments of RNA in sperm that can pass «echoes» of environmental experience down to future generations.
Sunlight, waves and wind break down plastic into tiny fragments.
The reason we do not grasp this easily is that our «knowledge» is largely indirect and inferential, from tiny fragments of reality to the whole.
Their fossilized droppings, or coprolites, contained tiny fragments of mollusk and other crustacean shells along with an abundance of rotten wood, researchers report September 21 in Scientific Reports.
The discovery that most bottled water is contaminated with tiny fragments of plastic has stirred up a mild panic.
From the outside, someone proposes to use tiny fragments of compounds trapped in rare diamonds «to draw conclusions about how the entire planet was operating 3 billion years ago, and it sounds a bit cheeky,» says John Platt, a professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Southern California who was not involved in the new research.
The sheer number of H. naledi bones and teeth found is remarkable, as often fossils are just tiny fragments of the skeleton.
We have to learn of all their criticism and discontent with Le Dictateur though tiny fragments here and there.
Particulates come from tail pipes and smokestacks, but also consist of tiny fragments shed from tires, roads and brake pads.
As a first step, they've quarantined the lagoon, owned by a power plant and used as for boating, to prevent tiny fragments of C. taxifolia from being spread by boat anchors.
Then they powdered single teeth from 36 skeletons ranging in age from 3300 years to 1500 years old and extracted tiny fragments of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), a marker commonly used for genetic typing of human populations.
Haas and Creamer have found traces of maize in 17 out of 27 pollen samples but only a few tiny fragments of actual corn.
As a complement to laboratory techniques such as gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, visible and electron microscopy carried out at the Centre of Research and Restoration of French Museums, Paris, the scientists used the ultra bright X-rays on the ESRF's ID21 beamline to analyse tiny fragments taken from different sculptures.
But as soon as any animal dies, unless it is cyropreserved with great care, all the DNA is attacked by gut bacteria, by water, by temperature change, and soon you have nothing but tiny fragments.
But he also transplanted tinier fragments, ones less than half the size of the traditional pieces.
Scientists have also found that countless tiny fragments drift to the bottom of the oceans, carpeting the sea bed.
Thankfully, the filmmakers clip the compulsion to go cynical or sardonic, playing Matt's journey with a miraculous sense of optimism, occasionally passing by tiny fragments of poignant backstory to ground the personalities, supplying a few creative financial roadblocks for the gang.
- The Daily Telegraph (UK) «This concentration on isolating tiny fragments of experience and apprehension makes for an intense and immersive read, one in which brutal events are cast in a diffuse light that gives them an almost mythic quality.
The show is titled «PCR,» an abbreviation for «polymerase chain reaction,» in molecular biology the technique that finds and multiplies tiny fragments of DNA and is used by crime labs everywhere.
He uses a technique of hand - cutting and interlocks tiny fragments of hand - coloured paper to create a surface that resembles the clarity and intensity of an illuminated manuscript.
Yet the discovery shows that with ever - cheaper genetic sequencing and faster computers, it is possible to recover a full nuclear DNA sequence from an ancient human, even when the genome is broken into tiny fragments.
Ten of the 15 coprolites that Chin and her team examined contained tiny fragments of shell that were scattered throughout the dung.
More provocative is the work which gives the show its title., and is comprised of 10 kilos of small cellophane drug baggies, each filled with tiny fragments of paint and found images.
To this end we study flatworms known as planarians that can regenerate entire new animals from tiny fragments of the body; this amazing ability relies on stem cells that the animal maintains throughout life.
The case hinged on tiny fragments of blood, hair and fibres found on Dobson's clothes.
Their fossilized droppings, or coprolites, contained tiny fragments of mollusk and other crustacean shells along...
# 2, it's one tiny fragment.
My point is that we know so very little about our universe that I can say «at the moment nothing we know of is eternal» while at the same time understanding that the universe could be like that electron and wink in and out of existence in some constant renewal, from singularity to singularity and back again, but because we only see a tiny fragment of the process we can only make sloppy assumptions as to the mechanics involved.
Lucy Snell, a graduate of London School of Theology (LST), said that while she wouldn't change her experience, she and her peers went through a challenging time trying to make sense of their beliefs: «Bible college is basically like your whole worldview being broken down into tiny fragments and then slowly being rebuilt, but not fully.
In an article called «Thanks to Books,» Stefan Zweig lyricized: «Tiny fragments of eternity, mutely ranged along an unadorned wall, you stand there unpretentiously in our home.
In the visible world the Milky Way is a tiny fragment.
Bible College is basically like your whole worldview being broken down into tiny fragments and then slowly being rebuilt, but not fully.
The tiny fragment of brain you have lodged in your skull concludes that because you didn't see it, it didn't happen.
Our love is from a single body, a tiny fragment of the cosmic whole, outward.
If it be but the tiniest fragment of pure good, which is brought to light, the Shechinah is helped thereby.
The whole article should read, «Tiny fragment of papyrus taken out of context means nothing and is proof of nothing.».
We can make the human tale larger only by making ourselves a little smaller — by seeing that the vision each of us is granted is but a tiny fragment of a much greater Truth not given to mortals to know.
A hydrolyzed formula is one in which the protein in milk has been broken down into tiny fragments.
For example, tiny fragments of plastic can be accumulated in yeasts and filamentous fungi.
For instance, the surfaces of tiny fragments of plastic may carry disease - causing organisms and act as a vector that transmits diseases in the environment.
A slice down to about one cubic millimeter can create a whole new (while tiny) individual with the exact same genome, which can grow from a tiny fragment into a normal sized nematode.
While some efforts to develop a vaccine use all or most of the virus to stimulate the immune system, the researchers believe it could be safer to employ only a tiny fragment containing this ridge.
Breast cancers that metastasize to the brain are usually deadly, but a team based at the University of Mississippi Medical Center has discovered a possible fix: a tiny fragment of genetic material known as microRNA.
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