Sentences with phrase «tiny insects in»

They are an important insect predator; they often eat mosquitoes and can catch over 1,000 tiny insects in an hour.

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«Crowdfunding sites have played a huge role in helping producers figure out what can work,» says Dan Imrie - Situnayake, who runs Tiny Farms, an Oakland, Calif., consulting firm that helps insect producers get off the ground.
Atheists: I know many there are many people that practice religion just by fanaticism, I've seen many people in my opinion stupid (excuse the word) praying to saints hopping to solve their problems by repeating pre-made sentences over and over, but there are others different, I don't think Religion and Science need to be opposites, I believe in God, I'm Catholic and I have many reasons to believe in him, I don't think however that we should pray instead of looking for the cause and applying a solution, Atheists think they are smart because they focus on Science and technology instead of putting their faith in a God, I don't think God will solve our problems, i think he gave us the means to solve them by ourselves that's were God is, also I think that God created everything but not as a Magical thing but stablishing certain rules like Physics and Quimics etc. he's not an idiot and he knew how to make it so everything was on balance, he's the Scientist of Scientist the Mathematic of Mathematics, the Physician of Physicians, from the tiny little fact that a mosquito, an insect species needs to feed from blood from a completely different species, who created the mosquitos that way?
They suck in tiny insects
Tiny temperature increases in the tropics could have a big impact on cold - blooded insects, lizards and amphibians
A new dye industry finally arose in the late Middle Ages, allowing Catholic cardinals to cloak themselves in scarlet drawn from the shells of tiny kermes insects and tapestry makers to weave with vivid reds from dyewood trees native to India and Brazil.
James Cook University researchers in Australia are creating a buzz in bee research, gluing tiny transmitters to the backs of the insects for the first time.
The insect's wings sport an azure hue that comes not from pigments, like most colors found in living things, but from tiny nanostructures on the wings» surface (SN: 6/7/08, p. 26).
Tiny red fire ants in Argentina target fearsome caimans, with as many as one in four of the crocodilian's babies falling prey to insect attackers.
The tiny bumps, which range in diameter from 50 to 300 nanometers, help the insects camouflage: by breaking up the cornea's even surface, they cut down the glare that reflects off the eye, which could potentially alert a predator to the bug's presence.
A new study shows that sand flies, tiny insects that transmit a parasitic disease called leishmaniasis, also secrete a protein in their saliva that protects mice against the disease.
Fruit flies — the tiny insects that swarm our kitchens over the summer months — exhibit rational decision making when selecting mates, according to research published today in Nature Communications.
It was not until the polymerase chain reaction technique for amplifying nucleic acids was developed in the late - 1980s that it became possible to do anything with the tiny and fragmentary biochemical evidence from insects embedded in amber.
The tiny insects were initially collected in the 1970s, but because they resemble other wasps, no one thought they represented a different group until now.
To find out if the cockroaches had personalities, Planas - Sitjà and his colleagues glued tiny radio frequency identification chips to the thoraxes of 304 roaches so that they could track each insect after it was placed in a new environment.
In addition to the microbes tangled together in the granules, they've found that the watery oases also house other bacteria, algae, fungi, single - celled animals called protozoans, and even tiny invertebrate animals including insect larvae, worms and various tardigradeIn addition to the microbes tangled together in the granules, they've found that the watery oases also house other bacteria, algae, fungi, single - celled animals called protozoans, and even tiny invertebrate animals including insect larvae, worms and various tardigradein the granules, they've found that the watery oases also house other bacteria, algae, fungi, single - celled animals called protozoans, and even tiny invertebrate animals including insect larvae, worms and various tardigrades.
What's more, using sensors on its skin the butterflyfish can detect tiny waves in the water produced by insects moving around on the surface, allowing it to work out how far away they are and in which direction.
K. intermedius are thrips: tiny insects that rarely exceed 1 millimetre in length.
They form a functional complex with another protein, the so - called olfactory receptor co-receptor, which enables insects to smell the tiniest amounts of odor molecules in their environment very rapidly.
So far, Wynne has discovered seven species of springtail, tiny insects whose defining feature is a spring - loaded tail that flips them into the air and away from danger — a built - in ejector seat.
Mycobacterium ulcerans, the bacteria that cause Buruli skin lesions and bone deformities, can thrive in a wide range of wild creatures, especially tiny insects grazing on freshwater algae, says Aaron Morris, now at Imperial College London.
This deposit is famous for its intricate fossil preservation, and the moth specimen was so exquisite that Yale University paleontologist Maria McNamara and colleagues were able to zoom in on the insect's wings to detect the fine details of tiny scales.
Atwood and her team tested the idea in Canada and Costa Rica by temporarily removing fish and insect top predators from ponds, streams and tiny wet ecosystems associated with bromeliad plants.
Tiny flying robots that are part machine and part insect may one day save lives in wars and disasters
The Harvard RoboBee, designed in Wood's lab, is a microrobot, smaller than a paperclip, that flies and hovers like an insect, flapping its tiny, nearly invisible wings 120 times per second.
There's a new long - distance insect flyer in town: a tiny dragonfly a mere 4 centimeters in length that wings its way over oceans and continents.
Anyone who has tried to swat an insect can attest to how difficult it is to make contact with such elusive targets, but dragonflies, in spite of their tiny brains, have mastered the art.
A tiny parasite called Strepsiptera does the same thing — but it's not all fun and games, at least not for the insect that it lives in.
In 15 years he has led 170 expeditions and documented more than 500 previously unknown species of creatures, including Microgale nasoloi, a tiny hedgehog - like tenrec that feeds on insects and scurries about the forest floor; Heteroscorpion magnus, a giant scorpion that hides in rock crevices in the northeastern part of the island; and Cryptosylvicola randrianasoloi, a tiny, sparrowlike warbler that lives high in the forest canopIn 15 years he has led 170 expeditions and documented more than 500 previously unknown species of creatures, including Microgale nasoloi, a tiny hedgehog - like tenrec that feeds on insects and scurries about the forest floor; Heteroscorpion magnus, a giant scorpion that hides in rock crevices in the northeastern part of the island; and Cryptosylvicola randrianasoloi, a tiny, sparrowlike warbler that lives high in the forest canopin rock crevices in the northeastern part of the island; and Cryptosylvicola randrianasoloi, a tiny, sparrowlike warbler that lives high in the forest canopin the northeastern part of the island; and Cryptosylvicola randrianasoloi, a tiny, sparrowlike warbler that lives high in the forest canopin the forest canopy.
In an attempt to settle the debate, an international team led by Vincent Smith, a taxonomist and expert on lice evolution at the Natural History Museum in London, turned to the tiny louse — a parasitic insect that infests birds and mammals and is thought to have evolved alongside them — for new insightIn an attempt to settle the debate, an international team led by Vincent Smith, a taxonomist and expert on lice evolution at the Natural History Museum in London, turned to the tiny louse — a parasitic insect that infests birds and mammals and is thought to have evolved alongside them — for new insightin London, turned to the tiny louse — a parasitic insect that infests birds and mammals and is thought to have evolved alongside them — for new insights.
So in this issue Hanson follows that through to a conclusion coming up with tiny insect - like robots with greater than human level intelligence living by the billions in skyscrapers and sort of doing their virtual work at the equivalent of pennies per day and what this leads to, there are two different ideas about what this kind of economic runaway advancement would ultimately lead to.
Karin Nordström's group from the University of Uppsala, Sweden, and Flinders University, Australia, and Shannon Olsson's team from the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) in Bangalore, India, have long been interested in how insects, with their «teeny - tiny» brains can recognize objects such as flowers.
The Trichogrammatidae are a family of tiny wasps in the Chalcidoidea that include some of the smallest of all insects, with most species having adults less than 1 mm in length.
High levels of male - male courtship are widespread in many fly species, but not in Drosophila melanogaster, the tiny insect that has been a mainstay of genetic research for more than a century.
«How can such tiny insects, each less than 1 centimeter in size and equipped only with a simple brain, construct air - conditioned buildings up to 500 times their size?»
The Dixie National Forest bears one of the most obvious signs in Utah of the mark being left by a tiny tree predator commonly known as the bark beetle, a wood - boring insect that in large enough numbers can decimate an entire forest.
Hundreds of tiny winged insects invade this poor lady's car, and right before the scene ends we see the dark druid, or the Darach, in the back seat.
But anyone with a camera can go record tiny insects at work, wind blowing in trees, and any other element of nature to inspire similar not - particularly - profound feelings.
Bites from these tiny insects could cause severe illness in pets.
These tiny little insects live in the coat of the dog, burrowing into the skin and causing severe itching.
Otodectic mites tiny insects living in the ear canal and feeding by piercing the skin in the canal.
These tiny insects thrive in temperatures between 65 °F and 80 °F and they love high humidity levels.
Upon further inspection, you spy tiny brown droppings in his fur and little insects dancing around his ears and nose.
These tiny insects are dark in color, ranging from reddish brown to an almost black - brown.
Elephants» skin appears tough, but in reality it is sensitive enough to feel the bite from a tiny insect.
Ear mites am tiny insect - like parasites that live in the ear canal of cats (and dogs).
These tiny biting insects can cause serious annoyance for you and your cats — and they can be tough to get rid of, especially if you prefer natural remedies that minimize the use of chemicals in your house.
Simply known as Ka («Mosquito») in Japan, the concept executive producer Akira Satō — who used to be the director and / or producer on most of Zoom's projects — cooked up to bring his team into the 21st century was sheer ingenuity: In the shoes of a tiny bloodsucking insect (yes, it actually wears shoes), players got to terrorize the typical (at least on the surface) Japanese suburban family Yamada by sneaking up to them, alleviating them from a few drops of their blood, and getting out with a full stomacin Japan, the concept executive producer Akira Satō — who used to be the director and / or producer on most of Zoom's projects — cooked up to bring his team into the 21st century was sheer ingenuity: In the shoes of a tiny bloodsucking insect (yes, it actually wears shoes), players got to terrorize the typical (at least on the surface) Japanese suburban family Yamada by sneaking up to them, alleviating them from a few drops of their blood, and getting out with a full stomacIn the shoes of a tiny bloodsucking insect (yes, it actually wears shoes), players got to terrorize the typical (at least on the surface) Japanese suburban family Yamada by sneaking up to them, alleviating them from a few drops of their blood, and getting out with a full stomach.
Hockney's humor is apparent in works such as Crawling Insects, 1961, where scratched - out figures are accompanied by a trail of insects drawn in ink, as though, frustrated with his depictions of the human figure, the artist decided to draw tiny bugs iInsects, 1961, where scratched - out figures are accompanied by a trail of insects drawn in ink, as though, frustrated with his depictions of the human figure, the artist decided to draw tiny bugs iinsects drawn in ink, as though, frustrated with his depictions of the human figure, the artist decided to draw tiny bugs instead.
Covered here on our blog, his earth toned works give us a glimpse of the hidden landscape in our own backyard, bustling with tiny imaginary creatures based on real animals and insects.
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