Sentences with phrase «tiny little fruits»

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Yes, by using the gelling power of these tiny little seeds we can transform a few cups of ripe fruit into a low - sugar, spreadable, spoonable jam in about 20 minutes.
Chia are tiny little seed - like fruit that grows on the Salvia Hispanica plant, which is part of the mint family.
I have a leetle tiny hint though — when working with dried fruit in scones and cookies and most dough - centric baked goods with little moisture content — re-constitute dried fruit, if even a little bit.
It's the story of a hungry and tiny little caterpillar is weak and insignificant and how he eats his way through all the healthful fruits and other foods.
While many of us remember gobbling up tiny boxes of raisins along with our cups of applesauce as children, other people remember methodically removing the little chunks of fruit from their ants - on - a-log and their bowls of Raisin Brain.
I only really recommend that you give your hamster fruit and veg as part of his / her diet, however some people choose to give their hamsters little tiny pieces of raw meat.
Because this fruit is nontoxic, it is a safe treat option for your furry friend Even if your rabbit eats a portion size that is a little too large for them, it probably will not do any lasting damage to their tiny body.
All you have in your arsenal is fruit that you collect and for some reason explodes these enemies that are unfortunate enough to be within its vicinity into tiny little yellow coins that you collect in order to spend on shiny upgrades in the games shop.
I just put a little turkey, some sugared fruit and a few acorns under glass... voila... a tiny tableau.
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