Sentences with phrase «tiny measuring spoons»

Is there another way to measure the germal (say via the tiny measuring spoons)?
72g 2.43 fl oz water 4g 0.14 oz vegetable glycerin 1/8 tsp silk peptides (I use these tiny measuring spoons to measure out such small amounts)
After going through that evolution, you might wan na try to tinker a bit with the recipes — add a splash of lemon here and there, use pecans instead of walnuts and generally do the seasoning with your fingers rather than using tiny measuring spoons (swap out exercises, try a different rep scheme for deadlifts, etc.).
1/8 tsp gold mica (both micas are optional, they're just for colour) 1/8 tsp bronze mica (I use these tiny measuring spoons for tiny measurements like this)
1/8 tsp gold mica (I use these tiny measuring spoons to measure out such small amounts) 12 drops frankincense essential oil 4 drops myrrh essential oil

Not exact matches

I used a jarred honey, so I also made sure to overfill my measuring spoon, since you know honey sticks to the side of those tiny spoons like crazy.
Grown and loved for their glorious foliage, hostas can be petite (H. «Tiny Tears» is one of the smallest, its leaves about the size of a dessert spoon) or enormous (H. «Empress Wu» is apparently the largest, with leaves measuring 45 cm wide and likely to grow more than a metre high).
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