Sentences with phrase «tiny minority»

The phrase "tiny minority" refers to a very small group of people compared to a larger group. It means that only a small number of individuals belong to this particular group or share a certain characteristic, while the majority of people do not. Full definition
While many people's dream would involve painting or drawing all day, only a very tiny minority of highly talented artists can make this a lucrative decision.
We don't want firms to follow the ethics of tiny minorities who submit proxy proposals.
There is only a really tiny minority that cares about reading in the bathtub or on the beach, not enough to really drive meaningful sales.
That small tiny minority of preorder books accounted for the majority of our bestsellers.
While all that may be true for a very tiny minority, most first - time authors are not prepared for the investment of time or money necessary to attain those goals.
I see only tiny minorities in this country as being truly «anti-innovation,» for instance.
I skipped the survey because I'm probably in the absolute tiniest minority here because I don't have kids yet.
This wasn't good enough for the now tiny minority of churchgoers who disagree.
I don't think it's fair for a group of successful indie authors — the %.000625 — to define the «average experience», when the truth is a teeny tiny minority of authors is making any money, and for the vast majority of authors, publishing is an expensive hobby.
This is not the only tiny minority pickin on the majority.
I'd say that there is a common feeling among Christians today that they are somehow persecuted... here in the US, even in the Southeast where they are by and large the majority, they constantly talk about how tiny minorities are taking their rights away.
Point being - while the noise from this «Sceptics» meeting goes on; yes, it IS relevant that these people are a TINY TINY minority.
Writing has never been a profession of easy riches (just of a very very tiny minority who make a lot of money, a fair number of authors who struggle to make a living, and countless authors who earn nothing or even lose money), and self - publishing is, in many ways, even tougher: part of self - publishing means that you have to do everything yourself (or pay to have it done).
Just because there are a very tiny minority of churches that accept gay people, does not equal out the huge anti-gay religious movement around the country and world.
To be fair those protesting the funerals of servicemen (Westboro Baptist Church) represent a very tiny minority of Fundamentalists.
In fact the concentration of stock ownership of corporations in the hands of a tiny minority of the population matches the concentration of corporate assets.»
But a tiny minority of the cryptocurrency market
The messages represented a tiny minority of the tweets she received last night; per Topsy, an analytics service, thousands of well - wishers have tweeted their condolences to Williams's daughter in the time since news of his death broke, and several dozen reported her abusers to Twitter.
I realize that being secularly bullish on high - quality, long - dated bonds places me in a tiny minority of investors, but frankly that is always where the profits are greatest.
The class - struggle argument, however, had much more resonance in the days when stocks, bonds and other wealth were held by a tiny minority while the masses struggled to buy food and pay rent.
However, only a tiny minority of brokers offers this feature.
To insist that «gay is okay» is to throw out Nature for the sake of the personal desire of a tiny minority.
Peace, You are part of a tiny minority that thinks that.
I do not respect that person, and I'm relieved to know that he is a tiny minority.
And he is not paving the way for his Reconstructionist friends and acquaintances, who comprise a tiny minority among those who support him.
Atheists are a tiny minority having to deal with Christianity being shoved in their faces on a daily basis.
Why a tiny minority picks on the majority is a mystery.
While the number of those who can appreciate the beauty of a chess masterpiece is far greater, it is still a tiny minority of the human race.
The first Christian abolitionists were a tiny minority, fighting a difficult battle against Christian slavery supporters who could quote twice as much scripture for their position, and still could.
Those who are pushing gay marriage down everyone's throat as far as the world is concerned are a TINY minority — and they are so arrogant and smug to «push this down everyone's throat.»
«It isn't a politically correct message, and some would argue only a tiny minority of Muslims hold such extreme views, but Ella is speaking from tragic personal experience.
Time has come to stop catering to a tiny minority of our population that for the most part live in insular ghetto like enclaves of fellow muslims and makes little attempt to be absorbed into the American way of life.
The rest of us have to deal with that tiny minority.
At that point, the non-Muslim population has to focus on that tiny minority and defend itself from their actions.
It is a shame that CNN feeds the hate machine by giving this small, tiny minority of Christians a national stage to spew their hate.
Though polygamists are a minority — a tiny minority, in fact — freedom has no value unless it extends to even the smallest and most marginalized groups among us.
In this case, comparing happiness in a majority (Christians) to a tiny minority (atheists) should not be too surprising.
Throughout the Diaspora, Jews are a tiny minority surrounded by large non-Jewish cultures....
He reaffirmed that church leaders have «an obligation to cooperate with the requirements of civil law regarding the reporting of such crimes to the appropriate authorities,» but added that the offenders «are a tiny minority of an otherwise faithful, committed clergy.»
The leaders in American culture are not like the tiny minority of landed aristocracy who were educated as gentlemen at Oxford or Cambridge so that they might enjoy their leisure and be ornaments of erudition.
(and its not a tiny minority.
Schmidt understands this shift as the logical continuation of the history he has been telling: «Through a long drawn - out process of secularist activism, a tiny minority of atheists, agnostics, and freethinkers had managed to gain explicit judicial acknowledgement.»
The truth is that, through no fault of their own, only a tiny minority of Catholics have receivedthe life - giving message of the Church's teaching on sex and love.
That's a tiny minority amid 1 billion Hindus, but still sizable enough to rank among the 25 countries with the most Christians, surpassing «Christian countries» such as Uganda and Greece.
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