Sentences with phrase «tiny muscles»

Their agility in the air demands quick, precise wing movements and a constant adjustment of tiny muscles in the wing membrane.
Tiny muscles contract around the cells that produce milk, squeezing the milk into the ducts.
When a cat's ear detects loud or sharp noises, tiny muscles in the middle ear contract in order to lessen sound transmission and protect the delicate inner ear.
The brain releases a hormone called oxytocin that causes tiny muscles in the breast to tighten and squeeze the milk out, or «let it down.»
Stabilizer are often tiny muscles that keep your joints healthy and strong and prevent damage to occur to ligaments and tendons.
I'm a typical female... nicely muscled bottom half, tiny upper half with tiny muscles and no fat.
This uses tiny muscles in between the ribs known as intercostal muscles.
Overloading them with heavy weights when doing chest and shoulder presses and pull - downs and rows for the back can lead to tearing of these relatively tiny muscles if they are not properly strengthened.
The appendages include claws, sebaceous glands that lubricate the skin and hair, and tiny muscles called arrector pili that can make the hair stand on end (see Figure 1).
The cars themselves are great, from tiny muscle cars, to buggies, big rigs, and even an ice cream van.
All those incredibly numerous and tiny muscles sculpting cheeks and lips, nuancing the skin around the orbits, telling our tales, often whether we like it or no.
Pure Barre challenges you to not just go through the motions of the workout, but to really connect your thoughts and focus to each and every tiny muscle you are working.
Every tuck, pulse, and inch performed in class presents a physical challenge by working each and every tiny muscle in your body.
They work their tiny muscles in their fingers by holding paint brushes.
Toddler toys are lots of fun as little people experience the exhilaration of flexing their tiny muscles, testing boundaries, and experiencing lots of new and exciting things.
Play with toys that need to be squeezed, pushed together, or pulled apart will help strengthen the tiny muscles in the hand that are needed for more sophisticated skills later on.
Doing songs with hand motions and even just squeezing on their favorite adult's finger help to strengthen the tiny muscles for writing one day.
They utilize those tiny muscles in the thumb and pointer finger which helps prepare little hands for all sorts of tasks — not the least of which is writing!
When oxytocin reaches your breast, it causes the tiny muscles around the milk - filled alveoli to contract and squeeze, and release milk.
Cutting develops the tiny muscles in the palm of the hand.
You don't have to enter a trance for your subconscious and your body — in this case, the tiny muscles in your fingers — to respond to a suggestion.
You don't have to enter a trance for your subconscious and your body — in this case, the tiny muscles in your fingers — to respond to suggestion.
Hair follicles attach to tiny muscles that cause your hair to stand up (giving you goose bumps) and trap heat when you're cold.
Trains those tiny muscles: Try Pure Barre, which uses ballet - inspired moves to target those hard - to - activate muscles.
Among other things, the long hours of sitting can lead to atrophy of the piriformis, a tiny muscle located in the buttock region.
Considering you're hanging from a bar, you'll develop all the tiny muscles of the midsection area as well.
The tiny muscles in your finger, won't cause too much of a trouble since they perform just one easy task and you won't have to use them for heavy weight training.
Unlike other variations of the crunch, where you're on a mat or stability ball, this modification minimizes strain on your knees, hips and the tiny muscles in your ankles.
The curtsy lunge works the tiny muscles and ligaments in the ankle to build strength where it's needed most.
Just laying on the floor in anatomical position or savasana I have to tell myself to release my shoulders, I can feel all the tiny muscles fighting against gravity.
Yes, they're tiny muscles.
All the tiny muscles of the shoulder get a good workout.
Because your hip flexors are really just a collection of tiny muscles, there are quite a few ways to inhibit and stretch them, but I generally recommend the following:
The rotator cuff is a group of tiny muscles that hold the head of the humerus in its socket, ie.
By strengthening muscles in this new range of motion, you stabilize all the tiny muscles around your joints that help hold the joints together.
For adult Yorkshire Terriers, protein levels of 35 % should be right on par and when feeding Yorkie puppies, 35 % protein is also a good target to help their tiny muscles grow.
For adult Chihuahuas protein levels of 25 to 30 % should be right on par and when feeding Chihuahua puppies, 30 % to 35 % protein will help those tiny muscles grow.
When calling this game a «hard - core platformer» I mean to the extent that even a tiny muscle movement misplace in your finger can cause you to miss that third star.
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