Sentences with phrase «tiny objects like»

It's like that mind - bending discovery from quantum mechanics that tiny objects like electrons can actually be in two places at once and act simultaneously like a particle and a wave.

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In a few thousand years of recorded history, we went from dwelling in caves and mud huts and tee - pees, not understanding the natural world around us, or the broader universe, to being able to travel through space, using reason to ferret out the hidden secrets of how the world works, from physics to chemistry to biology, we worked out the tools and rules underpinning it all, mathematics, and now we can see objects that are almost impossibly small, the very tiniest building blocks of matter, (or at least we can examine them, even if you can't «see» them because you're using something other than your eyes and photons to view them) to the very farthest objects, the planets circling other, distant stars, that are in their own way, too small to see from here, like the atoms and parts of atoms themselves, detected indirectly, but indisputably THERE.
As the scanner pokes its prey (here, a small, green plastic frog) with a needle - like probe driven by a tiny motor, a light sensor detects contact between probe and object with an accuracy of 30 micrometers, and a linear actuator translates the rotation of the Lego gears into linear distance at a resolution of 6.25 micrometers.
The 500 - pound, 5 - foot - tall robot was much larger than the 12 - pound, 32 - inch - tall monkey whose neural signals were directing it, and this underscored a simple yet remarkable point: Implant technology could enable brainpower to control a huge object (like a robot crane) or a tiny one (like a microscopic surgical tool) just as easily as a life - size mechanical arm.
Current thinking is that these tiny diamonds can form in three ways: enormous pressure shockwaves from high - energy collisions between the meteorite «parent body» and other space objects; deposition by chemical vapor; or, finally, the «normal» static pressure inside the parent body, like most diamonds on Earth.
BEAMS of electrons can pick up and move tiny objects, just like optical tweezers that manipulate items using light.
«It's fascinating that the first interstellar object discovered looks so much like a tiny world from our own home system.
«Traditionally people make this kind of material very tiny, fingernail - sized, and it would take maybe a week to coat a small object like this,» says Sun.
Quantum theory allows tiny things like atoms or photons to be in two places at once, but nobody has ever seen such behavior in a macroscopic material object.
When bats echolocate, they emit rapid - fire, high - frequency clicks (usually out of range of human hearing), then swivel their ears like radar dishes to catch the echoes, a system sensitive enough to detect objects as thin as a human hair and tiny, night - flying insects.
Because the plasmons are confined to the tiny gap, they are more sensitive than light is for sensing the motion of small objects like the gold nanoparticle.
Tiny structures — like loops or cylinders — within the rings divert the incoming waves around the object, preventing both reflection and absorption.
CUP photographs an object with a specialty camera lens, which takes the photons from the object on a journey through a tube - like structure to a marvelous tiny apparatus called a digital micromirror device (DMD), smaller than a dime though hosting about 1 million micromirrors, each one just seven by seven microns squared.
Feathers, like most opaque objects, typically get their color from pigments in surface coatings (much as melanin colors skin) or from tiny surface structures that reflect light, such as those found on iridescent butterflies and beetles.
Some of these dips in light showed that MU69 (illustrated) might be shaped like a peanut, and one light blocking detected July 10 suggested the Kuiper Belt object has a tiny companion.
They present 50 step - by - step projects adaptable to any mood or style and incorporating tiny treasures like found objects, trinkets and special shells or rocks.
Conversely, Macropsia creates the illusion that nearby objects are tiny making the mushroom muncher feel like a giant.
Small objects (like bullets) make holes in the skin due to their quick speed and tiny surface area.
Like the collage artist who takes objects from the world, combines them with paint, and sets them inside a frame in order to show the viewer that «the tiniest authentic fragment of daily life says more than a painting,» Genzken uses the gallery space itself as a kind of frame, setting objects within and then adding her own version of a paint stroke.
«The objects that I used, like my original sculpture, have lots and lots of little tiny pieces.
One sees a tiny cage - like enclosure, confined by glass, with a desk, chair, and other objects that are normally meant for human interaction (see He Tried to Internalise Everything and The Acquired Inability to Escape).
As these pictures are, given the book's small format, tinier than is typical, my suspicion here is that Judd himself, who didn't like seeing his work diminished, might have objected to such thumbnail illustrations.
Each small piece was created with tiny discarded objects like paper clips, matchsticks, and rubber bands.
In this work, which is wall mounted like an gargantuan floral wreath, tiny little objects such as angel figurines and silk flowers are camouflaged and completely overpowered by molten matter made up of large masses of foam and glass paint with beads, while actual bubbles are emitted into the viewer's space with the assistance of an aerator.
Mosaics are magical because from a distance they look like solid objects but up close you see the incredible detail that comes from the hundreds of tiny pieces of china that have been painstakingly glued together.
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