Sentences with phrase «tiny organisms»

Our skin is covered in a web of billions of tiny organisms including bacteria, viruses and fungi.
Simply put, inside our cells, we have tiny organisms called mitochondria which work like tiny power plants to produce energy.
This phenomenon was discovered in a recent study of the human microbiome — the vast collection of our resident bacteria, fungi, and other tiny organisms.
Highly reactive, it can kill many tiny organisms, including germs.
Researchers engineer tiny organisms to deliver cancer drugs to tumors without the usual nasty side effects — and at much less cost than conventional methods.
Natural climate drivers include the energy from the sun; aerosols from periodic volcanic eruptions, dust, and salt spray; natural carbon cycle processes like termite mounds in Africa that emit methane, or tiny organisms in the ocean surface that take up carbon dioxide; and variation in snow and ice cover that change how much the Earth's surface reflects the sun's energy back into space (referred to as albedo).
The breathable air we enjoy today originated from tiny organisms, although the details remain lost in geologic time
If waters around coral reefs become too acidic, we will no longer see beautiful coral sculptures, but only a slimy coating of tiny organisms on the sea bed.
A geomicrobiologist — someone who studies how tiny organisms affect or use minerals — recently studied the rusty water and came up with some surprising results.
Combining genetic material can of course bring beneficial new combinations, but even for tiny organisms that are barely visible to the naked eye, mating is fraught with all kinds of hazards, such as a long wait for offspring, sexually transmitted diseases, and the risk of getting eaten during or after sex.
The aragonite, a crystal form of calcium carbonate, formed by tiny organisms then become too corroded to survive in high - pressure or cold waters including some parts of the shallow North Pacific, the southern ocean and the deepest waters of the ocean.
This ensures that the birds who call Haystack home and the thousands of tiny organisms living on its surface and in its tidepools are protected from any harm.
Cyanobacteria: Such tiny organisms produced today's proportion of about 20 percent oxygen in the atmosphere of the earth.
During the Ediacarans» latter days, the first tiny organisms with calcified shells began to populate the oceans.
Now, scientists at the University of North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center have found tiny organisms living in the upper female reproductive tract, an environment they said was once thought to be sterile.
Fast - moving flows of interplanetary dust that continually bombard our planet's atmosphere could deliver tiny organisms from far - off worlds, or send Earth - based organisms to other planets, according to the research.
By comparing the relative abundance of species of tiny organisms preserved in the deep - sea cores, PRISM scientists could roughly map how cold - loving organisms gave way to warm ones (and vice versa) at different times in the past.
The answer is tiny organisms known as cyanobacteria, or blue - green algae.
In environments like Antarctica that seldom preserve foraminifera — tiny organisms whose shells are the gold standard for dating ocean sediments — researchers have relied on dating bulk organic matter.
They wanted tiny organisms called phytoplankton (FY toh plank ton) to pull carbon dioxide from the air.
This was surprising to me because it is crazy to think of how much one of those teeny tiny organisms must weigh, and how many of them there must be in your body in order for it to add up to three pounds of microorganisms.
(singular: archaeon) a group of tiny organisms often living in extreme environments, such as ocean vents and salt lakes.
Amoeba - like tiny organisms that live in the sea.
Ear mites, otherwise known as Otodectes cynotis (Latin translation: «Ear beggar of the dog»), are microscopically tiny organisms that are part of the Arachnid family.
Through a range of practices, from scuba diving to examining tiny organisms under the lens of a magnifying glass she immerses herself in both.
«Could tiny organisms carried by house cats be creeping into our brains, causing everything from car wrecks to schizophrenia?»
A less well - known — but no less important — contribution to blue carbon comes from tiny organisms that live on the seabed.
But they also include viruses, fungi and other tiny organisms such as protists and archaea.
These are glued together into a mat of tiny organisms called cyanobacteria.
She notes that the study's authors took great pains to exclude other possible explanations for the subsurface oxidation, whether from sediment mixing by tiny organisms or from oxidation by nonbiological agents such as nitrates and metallic oxides.
Obesity is linked to changes in our gut microbes — the trillions of tiny organisms that inhabit our intestines.
With increased understanding of these tiny organisms, we might just be able to coax them to do our bidding, giving us unprecedented control over human health.
Scientists are beginning to catalog and understand the tiny organisms crowding our gut, but with the exception of some very specific applications, most of that research so far has changed the lives (and bodies) of mice, not people.
Five hundred years passed before Louis Pasteur asked the right question: «What are the tiny organisms that carry the black plague?»
The filter of this humidifier is a Microporous Filter Cartridge hence it can filter the tiniest organism in your baby's room.
He found that most of the millions of genes collected came from algae, one of the tinier organisms on the planet but one that already has an outsized planetary impact, providing more than a third of the oxygen we breathe.
Dictyonema glabratum isn't some obscure, tiny organism, says Manuela Dal - Forno of George Mason University in Fairfax, Va..
Numerous studies in recent years have documented how lower pH (higher acidity) can make it harder for shellfish and tiny organisms to form shells or internal skeletons and to reproduce.
Replacing the tiny organisms» silica shells with more useful material could open the door to miniature devices based on natural designs
Through photosynthesis, tiny organisms that live in the ocean surface waters pull carbon - dioxide out of the atmosphere, which usually means cooler temperatures.
These tiny organisms wave their tentacles in the currents to snatch tidbits of food, all the while secreting shells to anchor their trunks.
And with an additional finding that women with ovarian cancer have a different bacterial makeup, researchers are asking whether these tiny organisms could play a role in cancer development or progression.
These tiny organisms popped up in Earth's oceans early on, sometime between 4 and 3 billion years ago.
In a process called upwelling, those cold waters normally bring up the nutrients that feed the tiny organisms, which form the base of the food chain.
A sunshield for iron - oxidizing bacteria: These tiny organisms build their own sun umbrella by forming iron minerals or rust around their cells; this protects them from harmful UV rays.
«This is particularly important when you want to look at a species» ability to cope with change,» said Jennifer Pistevos, a master of research student at the Marine Biological Association, who studied clone populations of Celleporella hyalina, a tiny organism she found to have an amazing ability to reproduce in both more acidic and warmer water conditions.
One of the key questions surrounding Tremblaya biology is how the tiny organisms survive.
Atri argues GCRs could reach the Red Planet's surface with enough energy left to power a tiny organism.
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