Sentences with phrase «tiny people living»

The Borrowers Tiny people living in the walls and floors of your home.
I used to believe that there were tiny people living inside the television and they were acting out the shows for me.
The picture begins in what appears to be a toy house with tiny people living inside — reminiscent of the cutaway ship set in «The Live Aquatic with Steve Zissou» (or Jerry Lewis's famous construction for «Ladies» Man»).

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Only a tiny proportion of people entering this form of direct sales stay in it and make a good living.
Many people in the world's largest cities already live in tiny apartments, and one way to save on costs for a space similar to Hill's is to cut down on the number of alternatives needed, says Lloyd Alter, managing editor of Treehugger.
An atheist is like a tick on the ass of a miscoscopic leech with it's head buried in a tick turd, living inside of the intestines of a ivory tower educator, standing up on his tiny little soap box and pretending that people don't exist.
It wasn't just about the subject matter — although it's tricky to write about such a tender and intimate time in a person's life, to tell your own story while still holding space for stories that are so different than your own, to attempt to shepherd people well in the liminal spaces of their faith journeys — but it was also just the season of life with being pregnant with our fourth and then giving birth and suddenly having four tinies between the ages of 9 and newborn meant I had a lot less time with a lot less energy (and even less sleep!)
As cities grow, more and more people know nature only in tiny yards and gardens, which are luxuries on which their lives do not depend.
In other words, even though we have roughly 2000 years of biblical history in Scripture, these records only cover some of the events of some of the people who lived in a tiny, remote, relatively insignificant corner of the world.
One of the most important people in my life said: «I know only one way of bringing Light into this world: every day scraping dirt from the tiny small YOUR portion of the window».
Somehow, a belief system that teaches people that they are the center of all the universe, created in the image of the most perfect being imaginable, strikes me as a bit more of an ego trip than accepting that we aren't destined to live forever because of our «specialness», but that we live our short lifetimes and die like every other living thing on the planet, our bodies decomposing and ultimately entering the food chain once again, on a tiny speck of a planet in an ordinary, remote backwater of the universe.
(I'm thinking of people like Lisa Sharon Harper, who has worked tirelessly on immigration reform; Justin Lee, who models and practices «living in the tension» through his work with the Gay Christian Network; Karla, the struggling mother of three whose infectious smile greets thousands of people at our local food pantry here in Rhea County; our friends from Samaritan's Purse working with Ebola patients in West Africa; or Sarah Bessey, who is expecting Tiny # 4 soon.)
Seeing him crawl out of the bed we've shared for nearly a third of our life, after just two hours of sleep (yet again) with a grin on his boyish face and arms wide for his tinies, little morning people hurtling towards our bed, I believe him.
And I'll be honest with you: there are a few posts back in my archives that I wish now that I had not written about the tinies — I feel sad that I took a private moment and made it public, let other people weigh in on their lives.
Concerning the OT, you ask «Did God only whisper truth to these few people who lived in a tiny section of the world for such a brief period of time?»
If a tiny, resource - poor country like Nicaragua is able to make significant improvements in the living standards of its people after partially freeing itself from the clutches of an empire, then this will undoubtedly fill others with hope.
The amount of conceptual novelty it can introduce is tiny indeed, and the «cleverest» DNA - molecular - occasion in the world is oblivious of the fact that its aims may have an effect on the welfare of the human «living person» who happens to inhabit the same organism!
There is greater tolerance for different points of view within Mormonism where I live — precisely because we are such a tiny minority outside of the Wasatch Front and we need every single person who's willing to serve.
The first time I raised a glass of perfectly pale green and creamy matcha latte to my lips, my life was changed forever, but its not like I'm ever even a teeny tiny one part per million bit of a dramatic person here.
I don't know about you, but I love watching shows about people living in tiny houses.
It's equal parts maddening and hilarious because 192 square feet is a tiny amount of space for two people, but I've somehow managed to turn it into our bedroom and living room and kitchen thanks to 1) clever storage solutions from IKEA and The Container Store (ok, and a few Costco boxes that got shoved in the top of our closet) and 2) a portable cooktop and snack - size refrigerator (both of which have made eating at home a breeze).
I think you might find it has a lot less to do with science and facts than it does about a person's core beliefs that evolved from the thousands of tiny steps that led them through life up to this moment in time.
Once you become a mom, it seems like the focus of holiday gift - giving shifts away from you and to the tiny people in your life.
At Ergobaby, we are continually amazed by how the tiniest person can transform our lives with just one exquisite breath.
Growing life, the purest thing a person can give to the world: a tiny baby.
Not only do baby signs benefit your tiny sweetie at home — these benefits are extended to daycares (and other child care settings and residences of significant people in your baby's life) as well.
Because life is a bit crazy for awhile, they learn to roll with the punches and develop more patience and flexibility (at least as much as is possible for people so tiny and still learning) which is definitely positive.
Fulfillment: Adding a tiny person to your family brings a sense of fulfillment to your life.
However, he's a reasonable person and understands that right now, in this season of our lives, this tiny and completely dependent person needs me a bit more than he does.
He can feel overwhelmed by his new responsibilities and this tiny new person that has just entered his life!
The people who are having it cushy are the non-doms who seem to be able to live here and even sit in Parliament without paying more that a tiny amount of tax.
Assistant Professor Lin Qingsong, who is from the Department of Biological Sciences under the NUS Faculty of Science and is one of the scientists who led the study, explained, «Many people may not realise that more human lives are lost to the tiny mosquito, more specifically malaria parasites, each year as compared to ferocious animals such as lions and sharks.
Their chosen topic of conversation would deprive many people of an appetite, but the scientist and his guest shared an intellectual hunger for a stomach - churning subject: gut worms — specifically, tiny worm - like parasitic organisms called helminths that live nestled in the gastrointestinal tracts of their hosts.
Because people must have traveled across the islands of Southeast Asia to get to Australia, the date suggests humans were moving through Indonesia at the same time as Homo floresiensis, the tiny extinct human nicknamed «the hobbit,» was living on the island of Flores; the last date for that species is 60,000 years ago, although so far there's no evidence of encounters between humans and hobbits.
I'm not sure enough people have lived ever to identify all the potential genetic effects and interactions in a statistically meaningful way, and as we learn more we will have to determine how important those tiny effects really are.
My response is always the same: No matter whether the person is living in a mansion or a tiny house, I always tell them they need to start with less stuff.
We navigated Instagram for some of the most beautiful tiny spaces around and reached out to the people who live in them to see if they live up to the hype.
I started my online business while living in a tiny house, so I know from experience that working and living in a small area can drive a person a little stir crazy.
Maybe — just maybe — the blood markers might move a teeny, tiny bit unfavorably, but again, if a once - a-year honking piece of carrot cake (or whatever) means the difference between trigs of 35 vs 40, or HDL of 85 vs 79, people need to weigh that against their quality of life and the simple pleasure we sometimes experience from good food and good company.
It's said to live at the end of many people's nerve endings, but it's soooooo tiny, that your immune cells are even too big to get there.
About Blog What kind of people sell their spacious home in the suburbs to move to a comparatively tiny fixer upper on a small acreage to start a micro farm and live the life of their dreams?
At first I must admit it was hard adjusting to this tiny new person in my life, but honestly motherhood is the best thing ever.
If a lady is a city person, who actively participates in the city rich social life (night clubs, exhibitions, museums, concerts and so on), there is a tiny chance she will be happy living in a small town, on a farm or in the country.
A magical World War II tale of courage, resilience and love, The Children of Chabannes reveals the untold story of how the people in a tiny village in unoccupied France chose action over indifference to save the lives of 400 Jewish refugee children.
Loosely based on books written in Britain by Mary Norton, this adaptation of The Borrowers does an incredible job of recreating the tiny lives of the Clock family — little people that live in between the walls of a house owned by the late aunt of the Learner family.
Loosely based on books written in Britain by Mary Norton, this adaptation does an incredible job of recreating the tiny lives of the Clock family — little people that live in between the walls of a house owned by the late aunt of the Learner family.
Occupational therapist Paul lives in a world where it is possible to shrink people down to live in tiny communities, in order to address overpopulation concerns.
Co-written by Hayao Miyazaki, it's the magical tale of a family of tiny people who live under the floorboards of a house.
According to the diary, there's a group of tiny, nearly invisible people known as the Minimoys living in the backyard.
Along the way he discovers a secret land full of people so tiny, they are almost invisible — and that's when the real adventure begins in this family friendly, live - action / computer - animation mix.
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