Sentences with phrase «tiny people picking»

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I suggest people pick up «The God Delusion» by Richard Dawkins and hopefully try to open up their minds just a tiny bit.
The birth announcement process involves picking a design, customizing it with your baby's stats, printing, addressing and mailing them — that's a lot to do for a family that has a new tiny person hanging around the house.
We should pick the best people for the job regardless of whether one tiny nation likes the person we choose.
The best electrodes for recording brain activity, meanwhile, can pick up only a tiny portion of the chatter in the brain because engineers can implant only a few dozen electrodes in a single person.
«From birth, through every interaction a child has with people around her, she is picking up ways of doing things from other people in her culture, ways of acting, ways of talking, ways of thinking, through all the tiny, everyday lessons of living.»
Previously when people picked them up they would remark, wow such smelly breath for such a cute tiny dog.
You are a tiny, lime Tic - Tac with legs rolling around a giant stick ball that pick up objects, animals, people, and buildings in order to rebuild the universe.
If you are a person who loves doing internet research, picking up new skills, asking for help, planning and preparing for all that you do, then it's very conceivable that you could create your own set of tiny house plans for your build.
In a tiny house community, you've got a built - in support group right there — people who are ready to pick you up when you've had a bad day, give you a shoulder to cry on by the fire, or just binge - watch your favorite show on Netflix with you.
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