Sentences with phrase «tiny picture points»

Digitally coding these shapes requires less data than the conventional technique of making a «bit map» of an image, which divides it into a mosaic of tiny picture points or pixels, and describes each pixel in digital code.

Not exact matches

Netflix and other content services threaten to turn the TV into simply one screen among many, and premium picture quality — once Sony's bread and butter — is now a selling point for only a tiny market segment.
It is a strange picture that we are given of Jesus during these first days in the temple: arguing freely with Sadducees, scribes, and Pharisees; parrying more or less subtle attempts to lure him into statements that could be used against him; answering sincere questions and approving good answers to his own questions; pronouncing fiery invectives against influential teachers who opposed him; lamenting the failure of Jerusalem to respond to his challenge; and then calmly pointing out to his disciples the tiny but sacrificial offering of a poor widow.
The aspect that I first want to touch on about this much - anticipated doctor's visit is that at this point, your baby is starting to look so much more like a REAL baby, like we think of when we picture a tiny human child.
Stevens is brilliant as this Eddie Haskell - cum - Terminator (he even emerges naked from steam at one point, like the T - 800), ingratiating himself into an entirely reasonable scenario and only occasionally, in the beginning, demonstrating that little tiny bit of psychopathology that points to the picture's conclusion.
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