Sentences with phrase «tiny pieces of banana»

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Normally when it comes to treats I have a ton of self control, but it was like every time I walked by this banana bread I could NOT resist slicing off a tiny piece, until I had done that like seventeen times.
I added 2 tablespoons of Carrington Farms Flax Chia Blend to the mix and then sliced a banana into tiny chunks and placed 3 - 6 pieces on each pancake after pouring the mix on to the pan.
Also, if you have a dog that tends to swallow food whole instead of chewing it, consider mashing the banana or cutting it into tiny pieces before feeding it to your pet.
Rabbits have sensitive gastrointestinal tracts, so fresh fruit and treats should be fed sparingly — one Craisin or a «tiny piece of grape, banana or apple» a day, Fraser suggests.
With these deliquescent flowers, these crowding petals and tiny, tiny miniaturized blossoms on a twig that could be a bunch of bananas or could be an exquisite piece of wintersweet, it's hard to know.
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