Sentences with phrase «tiny proportion»

Combine tiny proportions with the Monte's tauter ride, and you've got yourself a very nimble feeling city car.
«I think Mountain Buggy has achieved something special - the Nano folds down to such tiny proportions that it's hard to believe there's anything more than a stripped - back, minimal comfort travel stroller in the bag.
But that certainly is not possible now, Paternoster says: «The variability in this study only explains a very tiny proportion of the variability in face shape, and so can not be used to predict the face shape.»
Come to the side and the Ford EcoSport reveals its rather tiny proportions with the body lines moving upwards.
Meanwhile John Hutton, former DWP secretary, is equally sniffy about union involvement, pointing out that only a» tiny proportion of the population are in trade unions.»
Only a tiny proportion of people entering this form of direct sales stay in it and make a good living.
Though only affecting a tiny proportion of the market, the problems were widespread enough to spook PC makers and prompt a temporary recall of the updated software.
Those jobs are only temporary, those jobs are dirty, and those jobs are a tiny proportion of Canada's wealth.
According to market share data from IDC, Android is used on more than 2 billion devices, only a tiny proportion of which are Google devices.
Like Spence he is skeptical that mixed - income projects will ever meet the needs of more than a tiny proportion of the poor, and he suggests that the best, though imperfect, policy might be a system of housing vouchers that disperses the poor by providing them with a subsidy with which to seek housing in the private market.
Cash welfare for families, although accounting for a tiny proportion of federal outlays, touches upon our most sensitive public issues: work, family, sex, abortion, personal responsibility and community integrity.
Just one act of abuse is too many but it should be remembered that the priests who have abused are a tiny minority of the total number of priests and the abuse they have carried out is a tiny proportion of all abuse - less than a half of 1 \ %.
When he was asked about the protests from certain sections of the fanbase, he said they only come from a tiny proportion of supporters, and he will forgive them (as he does every year!)
Similarly, Cathy Warwick, on being confronted by the reality that there are not enough staff and equipment to provide care for women in labor now declares that what midwives women really need is access to a specialized service that is appropriate for only a tiny proportion of the population and represents a dreadfully inefficient use of scarce resources.
Only a tiny proportion (probably less than 1 per cent) of all women are physically unable to breastfeed - if a woman has breastfed before it is very likely she can do it again.
Opposing the bill in the Commons, Conservative MP James Arbuthnot said the practice seemed «out of touch with the majority of the people we represent, because only a tiny proportion of our constituents go to church.»
As he explains in his introduction: «This book is an attempt to explore and explain that sense of entitlement; that conviction, running through the ages, held by a tiny proportion of society that they have an inherent right to rule, to do what they will, to lard it over others and to receive special treatment and privileges».
Labour said the funding announced today by the chancellor was a «tiny proportion» of over # 2 billion of spending cuts to HMRC imposed by the coalition, however.
Currently in the UK, wealth taxes are a tiny proportion of total tax income (although above average compared with other OECD countries).
These powers will achieve little because the government is failing to identify more than a tiny proportion of illegal migrants.
«A ban on selling beer at below duty plus VAT will have a negligible impact as supermarkets sell only a tiny proportion of beer at below these levels.»
We would clearly agree that was racist / sexist, even if only a tiny proportion of women / Jews / Chinese worldwide were affected.
«These cases are clearly regrettable, but represent a tiny proportion of cases - 0.03 per cent of the nine million disclosures issued by the CRB since it began operating in March 2002.
For instance, in 2015 we pointed out that the introduction of the first female Bishop still meant that they represent a tiny proportion of the population; we also helped young humanists speak out from within the Lords chamber on the need to strengthen our democracy, including getting rid of the Bishops.
It should perhaps be said that this is an odd way of seeking to oppose the changes since it is based on a strange logic that argues that the Labour - Union link must be preserved in its current format, while estimating that only a tiny proportion of members would actually positively commit to joining Labour.
Even Sir Menzies's best friends don't deny that they have a problem when his satisfaction ratings are in deeply negative territory and only a tiny proportion of voters - usually no more than 6 per cent - rate him as the best leader to be Prime Minister.
«These are a tiny proportion in terms of the number of businesses, but in terms of job creation it's a really big chunk.»
«This represents a tiny proportion of the embryo's total mass and as far as we can tell CGH has no impact on its ability to implant,» says Wells.
Instead, we need to intensify agriculture and other human land uses in existing areas as much as possible, and encourage as an environmental boon the growth of the world's major cities that already successfully concentrate today's enormous human population onto only a tiny proportion of the world's land.
Specifically, the report says, «[t] he academic career expectations of doctorate candidates need to be managed in ways that recognise that only a tiny proportion of those who undertake PhDs will progress into a career in academia.»
This is how most antibiotics in use today were discovered, but finding new drugs has proven difficult because only a tiny proportion of bacteria isolated from soil grow successfully in the lab under normal culturing conditions.
A study last year found that a tiny proportion of methylated genes, about 200 out of 25,000, sneaked through the process, but the researchers are still investigating whether the «escapees» made it through by design or accident.
Prevention programs for sex workers currently occupy a tiny proportion of overall funding for HIV, despite the disproportionate burden of risk in this group.
To get solid - state nanopores and membranes in these tiny proportions, researchers, including Drndić's group, are investigating cutting - edge materials, such as graphene.
While it's only a tiny proportion of the estimated 100,000 species in the sample, it's a leap forward for scientists who have had only a fraction of that success to date.
The company now has ~ 34M members in 39 countries, but only a tiny proportion of those generate revenues.
Every so often, the action swaps to a world of tiny proportions, filled with inspired sight gags and terrific effects work.
We agree that the overall cost of private placement, on average, nationwide constitutes a tiny proportion of the overall cost of public school spending, but that's not the point.
(What sense does that make for schools with a tiny proportion of ELL students?)
And the number of all - through schools, though growing, is still a tiny proportion of English schools.
The findings suggest England's grammars take only a tiny proportion of pupils who are, or have been, eligible for free school meals.
(2) Teaching for mastery approaches can enable all pupils (with only a tiny proportion of exceptions) to succeed in maths.
«Grammar schools select only a tiny proportion of children for the best education, leaving others with a second rate choice.
Instead of proposing to cream off a tiny proportion of children to attend «elite» schools at eleven, a Government truly committed to all children would follow PISA's advice: countries should «strive to have excellent schools in every neighbourhood and make them accessible to all students».
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