Sentences with phrase «tiny robots not»

Two tiny robots not much bigger than a breadbox, named Jake and Elwood, motor their way through doors and windows like no submarine could.

Not exact matches

These armies of tiny biological robot doctors are not science fiction: March has already developed probiotics that protect mice against cholera.
Tiny robots that swim through our blood vessels attacking viruses and malignant cells have not quite crossed the line that separates science fiction from science — but there might be a way to jump - start their development.
Surgical robots might allow precise operation in tiny places our unwieldy human hands can't go, but using those robots removes the surgeon's valuable sense of touch.
Researchers have designed and built a tiny robot that not only walks on water, but leaps free from its surface, talents that mimic the water strider.
A robot has sent back the first images of markings on the wall of a tiny chamber in the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt that have not been seen for 4500 years.
To quote a tiny yellow robot during one of Transformers: Devastation's many brilliant moments, «I did not see that coming.»
(06/29/2010) Many people would likely consider «insect intelligence» a contradiction in terms, viewing insects — when they think of them as anything more than pests — as something like hardwired tiny robots, not adaptive, not intelligent, and certainly not conscious.
Scientists at the North Carolina State University have developed a technique that can help exploit the resilient nature of cockroaches by turning them into Cyborgs that will assist humans with rescue and relief efforts by fitting in tiny spaces at disaster hit zones where robots can't reach and pick up sound (including human voices) using tiny microphones.
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