Sentences with phrase «tiny robots with»

If you want to form very flexible chains of nanoparticles in liquid in order to build tiny robots with flexible joints or make magnetically self - healing gels, you need to revert to childhood and think about sandcastles.
A tiny robot with moves inspired by caterpillars and jellyfish is small enough to crawl, walk and swim inside the human body.

Not exact matches

Feynman dreamed of robotic arms that would assemble ever - smaller versions of themselves until they could place individual atoms like bricks in a wall (doomsayers have responded with the nightmare version: self - replicating tiny robots dissolving the world into «gray goo»).
Aside from greater autonomy and resiliency, Ferrari said her lab plans to help outfit RoboBee with new micro devices such as a camera, expanded antennae for tactile feedback, contact sensors on the robot's feet and airflow sensors that look like tiny hairs.
But now two computer scientists report a tiny step toward that future with a robotic system that designs and builds robots with just a bit of help from a human hand.
A robot surveying the underside of Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf has made a startling discovery: Clinging upside - down from crannies in the ice shelf with their tentacles dangling into the icy water were thousands and thousands of tiny sea anemones.
So in this issue Hanson follows that through to a conclusion coming up with tiny insect - like robots with greater than human level intelligence living by the billions in skyscrapers and sort of doing their virtual work at the equivalent of pennies per day and what this leads to, there are two different ideas about what this kind of economic runaway advancement would ultimately lead to.
The surgeons of tomorrow will include tiny robots that enter our bodies and do their work from the inside, with no need to open patients up or knock them out.
Engineers have come up with tiny bio-hybrid robots that can swim in a manner similar to sperm cells.
Understanding the biomechanics of this little snail could help engineers design some nifty sea - faring robots, and it could also help with ecological studies: Zooplankton like helicina move upwards to the surface of the ocean each night to eat (and avoid being eaten), and this mass migration of tiny organisms is one of the biggest biomass movements on the planet.
Then true inspiration struck: Using leftover equipment from the makerspace and a newly donated RV, Barnett created the Geekbus, a 40 - foot mobile STEM learning lab equipped with tools like buildable Lego robots, wind turbine kits, and Arduinos — tiny programmable computers that can be used in building clocks, keypad locks, and robots.
They drop tiny robots into zoomed - out stages and let them wreak havoc with lasers, baseball bats, grenades, and blinding storms of enough missiles to choke an Ichiro Itano dogfight.
You will be constantly changing your plan to deal with new threats such as snipers or bigger robots or tiny spider - like mechanical beasts that cling to you and blow up.
Next up, I tried RoboRaid, an AR shooter that fills the room you're in with tiny robots who want to shoot you in the face.
The perfect game would be called My dad: It would be a shooter where I (and u) go on a journey through space, gritty bland color warfare battlefields searching for my dad but for some reason your also fighting aliens and stopping the US from getting blown up.The game would end with you being inside my dad and fighting tiny robots that took over him and made him leave my mom when she said she was preggo.The game would end with a kinect enabled reunited Hug till you hear a gun shot and the credits roll (got ta setup the sequel now)..
The game will be a 2D platformer / arena shooter in which players pick from one of the three Tiny Robot Justice Squad heroes are tasked with taking down a robot army controlled by a rogue AI.
Crafted to hook fickle - minded youngsters, Gotcha Force is game all about collecting and building teams of mechanized extraterrestrial beings known as «Gotcha Borgs» to battle against their friends» — think Pokemon, but with tiny robots.
Each piece in the exhibition provides only an oblique, tangential, narrow view, like a tiny robot equipped with only a single photoreceptor.
Scientists at the North Carolina State University have developed a technique that can help exploit the resilient nature of cockroaches by turning them into Cyborgs that will assist humans with rescue and relief efforts by fitting in tiny spaces at disaster hit zones where robots can't reach and pick up sound (including human voices) using tiny microphones.
In Mekorama, we use the motion controller to help guide out tiny robot friend through these puzzles by pointing it where to go, moving blocks with the motion controller to gain access to new levels, and much more.
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