Sentences with phrase «tiny screen shots»

Not exact matches

Soldiers chase a group of adults and children in a warehouse type dwelling, shooting them with a combination sleep - drug and tracking device (please see the Substance Use category for more details); the people fall to the floor, asleep, and we see a tiny ball bearing stuck on the skin at the neck or shoulder; one woman rolls down a staircase (she is unharmed and awake), and a little girl cries and runs off screen.
To distinguish the character - defining songs (always of inner turmoil) from the more matter - of - fact and plot - driving singing - as - dialogue, Hooper and cinematographer Danny Cohen shoot the characters» solos in long close - ups (most done in a one - take or with only a short cutaway in the middle or a complete break just at the final word)-- every tiny movement magnified and expanded on the screen.
Instead, the screens utilize a low - key, alternating colors vertical - line design, with tiny pictures of four characters adorning the Main Menu and a small shot of Hayley Mills attached to the Set Up menu.
A bunch of Wii U games with very minor additions (it's great that these games will get a second chance to sell, but to me [and all Nintendo die - hards] they're nothing but old games), a few seconds of a new Mario title (what was showed could of easily been generated for the sole purpose of that trailer, and may not be actual footage from a game in development), an NBA game that we saw on a tiny screen, and some shots of Skyrim, a 5 + year old title.
This simple game had a tiny pixelated avatar that would run across the green screen of the Game Boy, collecting tranquilizer guns, shooting dinosaurs, and running for its life.
The experience of having text come at you as if shot from a gun is a bit unnerving at first, but I can see how, if you were to «relax into it,» as my dentist is fond of saying, it might be no more unpleasant than reading paragraphs on the tiny screen and could even be preferable.
Power and menu buttons are on the side, while a shutter button is on top, next to a tiny but functional monochrome OLED screen that shows battery status, shooting mode, remaining time / photos, and the basic settings.
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