Sentences with phrase «tiny sharp tooth»

Not exact matches

And as this tiny human I have created squirms and wiggles and laughs and bites my shoulder with his razor - sharp little teeth, I can't help thinking that it is me he is here to teach, and not the other way around.
And as this tiny human I have created squirms and wiggles and laughs and bites my shoulder with his razor - sharp little teeth, I can't help thinking that it is me he is here to teach, and not the other way around.
Puppy teeth may be tiny, but they're also super sharp and can cause more damage than you might expect.
Around 4 weeks of age, many mother dogs become reluctant to nurse their puppies, which now have tiny razor - sharp teeth.
They mouth tiny hands with razor - sharp teeth, they jump, and they're also easily injured.
We've quickly learned to offer her plenty of chew toys to avoid the bite of those tiny, sharp teeth!
Ticks feed on the blood of the host, and use tiny but sharp teeth to embed themselves firmly into the skin and soft tissue of cats.
The horned frogs have tiny but very sharp teeth and strong jaws.
Horned frogs are a complex of species ranging through South America and are widely captive bred in the U.S. Voracious feeders, capable of a powerful bite with rows of tiny, sharp, serrated teeth, they are commonly referred to in the trade as «Pac - Man» frogs, and adults will often readily take adult mice.
Except that the upper horizontal line is notched clear across with quick tiny strokes of white that suggest sharp, crazed little teeth.
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