Sentences with phrase «tiny spots of»

Sometimes when you check the litter box, there will be blood in the urine, at other times there may be just tiny spots of urine even though they were in the litter box for a long time.
Now Ludwig - Maximilians - Universitaet (LMU) in Munich scientists have demonstrated how tiny spots of silver could markedly reduce energy consumption in light - based computation.
The hepatocytes are first patterned onto surfaces dotted with tiny spots of collagen, and then surrounded by supportive tissue made up of stromal cells, which act as connective tissue and support the hepatocytes in carrying out their liver functions.
summer squash may be stored in the refrigerator, unwashed as water droplets may cause tiny spots of decomposition.
After quite a bit of suctioning and some oxygen, he got a tiny spot of pink on his head which nearly immediately spread to his whole body, replacing the purple that he had been upon first arriving.
Fragile little me, spinning around on a rock in space, peering into a tiny spot of our galaxy, and yet that spot is the most limitless thing I could ever see with my own eyes.
If you don't have the privilege of owning a study or library then utilise the tiny spot of land at the top of the stairs.

Not exact matches

12 Years a Slave The misleading poster by Italian film distributor BIM Distribuzione featured the giant head of movie star Brad Pitt, who served only a supporting role in the film, while the movie's lead actor Chiwetel Ejiofor was given a tiny spot at bottom right corner.
In a whirlwind, daylong visit to Chicago to see retail and restaurant customers including Pete's Fresh Market, Jewel - Osco, Taco Bell (YUM), and 7 - Eleven, the head of this $ 66.7 billion (revenues) global company repeatedly spots tiny imperfections.
Betcha it sings into its hairbrush in front of its little tiny bathroom mirror in the apartment it has in that assisted living spot that smells like dirty diapers.
I wish we had more of a garden; we have hardly any sun hit our yard, so my plants (basil and chives are the extent of them) are stuffed into a tiny spot on our front porch.
But I couldn't have this recipe go to waste so I found a tiny spot by the kitchen window and made it work to the best of my ability, haha!
-LCB- If strawberry halves do not sit level on the platter, cut a very tiny slice from the rounded side of the berry half to create a flat spot for it to sit upon. -RCB-
The tiny kaniwa seeds, the bursts of pomegranate arils that pop in your mouth, the plump sweet corn kernels, and toasty pumpkin seeds give it an incredible texture, and a cheerful look, that deserves a spot on your holiday table for sure.
With an open kitchen, a few tiny booths, and fresh flowers, the all - white dining room is a tranquil spot to enjoy a cup of tea and a treat from the fika case (currant scones, brioche rolls, tea cakes...) or a glass of wine with one of her more composed desserts like Murray's black pepper cheesecakes.
I thought so, too — until I ate one: crispy yet chewy, with hits of salinity from the tiny black olive chunks tucked in the bittersweet chocolate cookie (they're hidden in there; you can't spot them in the image above).
Wenger will only ever be a very very tiny spot within the history of ARSENAL FOOTBALL CLUB and anyone who thinks differently are MAD.
It is a vantage point Manchester United have had to get used to — Robin Van Persie aside — in terms of spotting potential new players which are but tiny dots on the horizon.
The sand isn't white (but who cares really) and in many spots contains a lot of tiny sticks / brush (not the kind that would hurt anyone, but somewhat uncomfortable for toddlers to walk on).
I'm a pancakes kind - of - a-girl and the ones in this tiny, cozy spot are legendary.
The most awkward spots to pump were in the backseat of my car at my husband bicycle race with a manual pump and in a tiny bathroom stall with my son in his car seat at the airport (i've done manual and electric at the airport).
Your baby may have a cone - shaped head if born vaginally, milia (tiny white bumps on the face), red splotches on her or his skin, stork bites (patches of deep - pink skin on the face and neck), a mongolian spot (bluish - green or gray birthmark on the lower back or bottom), genital swelling and / or vaginal discharge or blood spotting if you have a baby girl.
Merely being in the presence of such iconic (if not controversial) species as tiny Marbled Murrelets and reclusive Spotted Owls — both pawns in the long - standing battle to conserve old - growth forests in the Northwest — was in itself a humbling experience.
* Constipated stool with a hint of red blood (streaked or spotted throughout) could be a result of small tears in the anus or tiny hemorrhoids.
Needless to say, the first week my twins were home and I was pumping like a madwoman and getting very little sleep, the first hard lump and bleb (a small white spot on the tip of the nipple that looks like a tiny, milk - filled blister) that happened completely freaked me out.
While there is a place and time for the exciting new electronic toys and building sets with billions of tiny pieces, there's a special spot in my heart for the simple, imaginative toys that have very few parts and can last for years.
To spot such tiny displacements, however, scientists must damp out vibrations such as the rumble of seismic waves, the thrum of traffic, and the crashing of waves on distant coastlines.
South Africa's new MeerKAT radio telescope has discovered more than 1300 galaxies in a tiny patch of sky where we'd only spotted 70 before.
The Dawn of the Deed By John A. Long When paleontologist Long spotted a set of tiny bones inside a 380 - million - year - old fossilized fish, he not only discovered the oldest known embryos, he also found the earliest known evidence of animals copulating directly, rather than releasing sperm and eggs to meet in the open sea.
Hairspray consists of tiny polymer beads that must hold hair in place, he explains, and «that's like taking a spot of glue and putting it between two huge steel levers and expecting it to hold the levers in place.»
But x-rays are not good at spotting tiny tumors, partly because of a lack of contrast and partly because the calcifications associated with tumors are much smaller than benign deposits and therefore easy to overlook.
Toward the right side of your TV screen tape a tiny (half a centimeter in diameter) bit of white cardboard with a black spot in its center.
The planet — Proxima b — was discovered by astronomers who spent years looking for signs of the tiny gravitational tug exerted by a planet on its star, after spotting hints of such disruption in 2013.
Beneath the plastic surface of the DVD, tiny pits and level spots called lands are arranged in a spiral with a 0.74 - micron pitch about the size of an average bacterium.
• Tip: Bananas do have seeds, but they are very tiny, appearing as little black spots in the center of a banana slice.
At solar distances, the planets are just too tiny and often too washed - out by the light of their suns to be spotted visually.
The researchers found that 11 of the soccer players had between 1 and 39 tiny spots on the brain that appeared brighter on the images (see arrow).
This technique, suitable for tiny samples, allows for x-ray fluorescence and x-ray diffraction of the same spot.
Then his team attached tiny electrodes to a spot a few vertebrae higher than the tail, on top of membranes just above the spinal cord.
Researchers therefore tested the ability of the SWIFTS spectrometer to spot these tiny movements.
To stay in that exact spot, the craft will use a field emission electric propulsion engine, which ejects ions of liquid metal cesium to exert a miniscule thrust to counter tiny forces on the craft, such as the sunlight itself.
Such targeting and ease of identification of cancer cells could allow oncologists to spot even tiny numbers of diseased cells in a biopsy sample.
The tiny red spot in this image is one of the most efficient star - making galaxies ever observed, converting gas into stars at the maximum possible rate.
A bat routinely spent half an hour selecting a spot, clipping down horse hair if necessary, nicking out a tiny divot of flesh and then licking the wound, often while urinating, all without waking the horse.
Chisholm first observed the vesicles in 2008 when one of her graduate students, Anne Thompson, spotted tiny buds on the surface of Prochlorococcus under an electron microscope.
But the researchers spotted something new: a pad made of three lobes held together by tiny plates that can mould to a surface and stick using inter-molecular forces (Journal of Experimental Biology,
Then one day, Sawchenko and George found themselves staring at an X-ray film of a mouse's VTA when they suddenly spotted tiny black dots on the X-ray film — the CRF - producing neurons where they had never been seen before.
With Belcher's nanoparticles, surgeons should be able to spot and remove tiny clusters of just a few cells, even when they're hidden behind other organs, thus preventing those seeds from growing into major malignancies.
Before Kepler, plenty of Jupiter - sized worlds could be seen, but with its precision eye for spotting the tiniest of fluctuations of star brightness (as a small exoplanet passes between Kepler and the star), the space telescope has found that smaller exoplanets outnumber the larger gas giants.
Only one very tiny spot observed for a few hours on Jan. 3rd interrupted a string of spotless days from New Years through Jan. 11th.
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