Sentences with phrase «tiny things look»

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Apple is the company that built the greatest comeback story in business on the tiny iPod — which did one thing well and looked great doing it.
Atheists: I know many there are many people that practice religion just by fanaticism, I've seen many people in my opinion stupid (excuse the word) praying to saints hopping to solve their problems by repeating pre-made sentences over and over, but there are others different, I don't think Religion and Science need to be opposites, I believe in God, I'm Catholic and I have many reasons to believe in him, I don't think however that we should pray instead of looking for the cause and applying a solution, Atheists think they are smart because they focus on Science and technology instead of putting their faith in a God, I don't think God will solve our problems, i think he gave us the means to solve them by ourselves that's were God is, also I think that God created everything but not as a Magical thing but stablishing certain rules like Physics and Quimics etc. he's not an idiot and he knew how to make it so everything was on balance, he's the Scientist of Scientist the Mathematic of Mathematics, the Physician of Physicians, from the tiny little fact that a mosquito, an insect species needs to feed from blood from a completely different species, who created the mosquitos that way?
The building itself was a forbidding, huge, gray concrete thing with tiny windows and permanent streaks down the sides so that it always looked as if it had been in a drizzle.
It was easy for me to look at him as a faraway King who was disinterested with my tiny problems because he had bigger things to deal with.
although, i look forward to the tiniest little things so the list always seems to be going strong (but always low on the adventures and closer to the mundane).
The funny thing about tiny food is if you get the camera close enough, it looks big.
Buying those teeny tiny clothes is fun, and I loved looking for things like car seats and strollers, but the crib mattress itself?
It's not just tiny things that look good up close!
Now, daycares and preschools for young kids are one thing, because tiny kids simply don't have the capacity to look out for themselves or others.
If you have other children to care for or need to work to pay for medical bills, then NOT being in the NICU 24/7 feeling helpless and being distressed looking at your tiny, sick infant may be the best thing you can do for your baby and yourself.
I revel in the small things; like the look on my daughters face when she's done something wrong, or that tiny trickle of drool my son leaves on my arm when he's sleeping.
He snuggled up and the plane takes off and same thing, I kind of wait until we were sort of getting in the air, he likes to look out the window and I show him things, even when he was tiny I like to try to involve him in things and show him what's going on and stuff and so, look around and see what's going on and then we start getting up a little bit higher then latch and he just falls right asleep.
So it makes much firmer stools and the babies can have anywhere from a nice soft poop like the breastfed baby all the way down to having teeny tiny little rabbit pellets or the things that looked like little pencils coming out.
For your first tests, look for the big things that everyone will see: don't worry about changing a few words in a paragraph somewhere on one page which might be only seen by a tiny portion of people.
To look for effects that can be due to things that on earth would mean nothing — the rebound due to the light, tiny little gas leaks potentially, gravity of other planets — it's very, very small.
Down the microscope, they looked like tiny, sperm - like things, hatching out of their hidey - holes.
Actually, the big bright yellow thing suddenly looks like The Iron Chicken checking up on Tiny Clanger... and I'm sure we've detected primordial Soup out there (though they're not sure about the colour yet)
Monkeys typically find other monkeys impossible to ignore, and this experiment was no exception: the monkeys often failed at the reward task because they looked at the faces, especially if the faces depicted emotion.When humans are torn between paying attention to two different things, it triggers a «conflict» circuit in a brain region called the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) which is part of a larger brain structure controlling rational thought and emotions.Using a tiny sensor implanted in the dACCs of the monkeys, Platt's group was able to measure the electrical activity of single neurons.
My first batch, with avocado oil tastes great, but it's watery with tiny curd looking things.
If you are a tiny little thing and look good in anything, boyfriend or even straight cut jeans look good.
I've not seen anything like the safari look jacket ever as far as I'm aware, it's so beautiful & flattering with the ruffles at the top and the belt thing, that looks almost steampunk < 3 and makes your waist look tiny.
I like to do a little bit more if I am editing things to look more «artsy» like the photos I did with Mila, but I wanted this one to look fresh and clean since it's going on the cover of my new planner from Tiny Prints!
yes a little sad thing is that it is in very tiny quantity so fears of it getting over sucks but don't worry purchase as many as you want to because what's important is to look sexy and attractive.
This looks like such a FUN project... I want to go find all the tiny things to put inside!
Regardless of how good the effects are, when you have a teeny tiny man running around fighting things at bullet speed, things will look kind of funny or awkward at times.
It's good at making tiny things floating about the screen look pretty and come to life, but lacked any real relevance in scenes driven by dialogue and story.
Ultimately, the film closes on a series of real - life photos that seem intended as evidence of tiny things Trumbo got right — «Look, Dalton Trumbo really did work from a bathtub!
The Yellowjacket battle suit looks pretty amazing when it's tiny, but something tells me you won't want to see Darren Cross wearing the damn thing when he's angry.
Tiny outside front lights are out of place on a large SUV like this; in fact, the whole thing looks odd.
Secondly, it's amazing how tiny things about the way a cover is put together can change how professional it looks.
First of all, prices vary widely by location, and second, I don't want to spend ages looking up every single tiny thing I buy.
Lorraine adopted Pippa after seeing her on Petfinder: «She was an itty bitty thing, and the tag they had on her was huge, making her look even tinier.
If you think your dog is too small or too young to learn anything, take a look at this video that went viral last year, of a tiny young Yorki doing amazing things:
(except for the part where you are looking for that one tiny flea on them and you can't find it because the darn thing blends in!)
One of the first things you should do to pet - proof your home is to get down on your hands and knees and take a look from the perspective of a tiny four - legged friend.
He'd passed away when I was a toddler, but I remembered certain things: the way he bent his tall body to fillet a catfish at the sink on Kennedy Street; a single, hand - in - hand walk through his early spring garden, where he'd pointed out the white look of a tiny alpine strawberry still on the vine.
We owned a Tefal Toast n Egg machine, for one thing, and while our surround - sound system looked impressive our tiny living room rendered the audio like having your head in a bath while four men shouted at you instead of just one.
One thing I DID often find myself looking at was the tiny real time «in - game» graph, especially if I had a friend who I was comparing against.
This is all the worse when playing split - screen multiplayer, as the tinier screen space means things look that much blurrier.
«As explained by mathematician William L. Paschke, Chaos Theory posits that, «if you do the same simple thing over and over, beautiful patterns can emerge, and, more importantly, sometimes if you change the starting point by just a tiny little bit, you can get a completely different - looking pattern.»
It's comical, actually, how people forget things and how they are only able to look at one tiny aspect.
Torres - García was friends with the most notable artists of avant - garde circles in Paris and New York during the 1920s and experimented with color, form, and mythologies on canvases that appear to be broken up into tiny cells, some of which contain simple - looking people and things.
It's also been a while since we looked in on Kirsten Dirksen and Fair Companies, the folks whose videos on tiny houses, off - grid living, and all things sustainably simple we've posted on so often.
So, things are looking pretty sunny for the state of Massachusetts and tiny houses.
Today, the group works with local governments and cities to see how they can incorporate the tiny house lifestyle into individual communities, helping them look at things like ordinances and strategic planning.
We think we are doing this incredible thing living in tiny houses here in America when people live tiny around the world and have done so much much much longer than people have lived in large houses (when we look at the history of civilization).
It gets difficult for the parliament to look at the tiny things, so these common laws courts prevent the society from getting disturbed by seeing to the cases of the common people.
Those tiny speed bump looking things that make your whole car rattle if you drift over the line.
Most of those things aren't possible on this new toy without holding it in one hand, looking at it, and futzing with the tiny touchscreen with the other (I tried in the store).
Finally, there's the Echo Spot, a tiny little futuristic - looking thing with a 2.5 - inch circular display.
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