Sentences with phrase «tipping points in»

But there are also tipping points in social, economic and political systems.
Third, we believe that modelling of carbon tax implications is most useful in assessments of tipping points in the relative costs of different technologies.
The precise levels of climate change sufficient to trigger tipping points (critical thresholds) remain uncertain, but the likelihood of crossing tipping points in the earth system or interlinked human and natural systems decreases with reduced greenhouse gas emissions (medium confidence).
I am developing a documentary series based around the concept of tipping points in relation to climate change but am finding much of the information confusing / contradictory (no doubt some of this can be put down to lazy journalism but even amongst the climatologists I have been talking to there doesn't seem to be much consensus).
Better yet, read it plus companions Pseudoprecision and Tipping Points in my cheap ebook.
We know there were social tipping points in earlier civilizations, points at which they were overwhelmed by the forces threatening them.
We thank the British Embassy in Berlin for hosting the workshop «Tipping Points in the Earth System» on October 5 — 6, 2005, and all of the participants of the workshop and the expert elicitation.
Imprecise probability assessment of tipping points in the climate system.
To this end, we organized a workshop entitled «Tipping Points in the Earth System» at the British Embassy, Berlin, which brought together 36 leading experts, and we conducted an expert elicitation that involved 52 members of the international scientific community.
Tipping points in open systems: bifurcation, noise - induced and rate - dependent examples in the climate system
I don't know about tipping points in climate but we seem to be passing a tipping point in the culture around this controversy.
More on tipping points in this post.
They're going beyond all kinds of tipping points in the search for some crazy energy grail nobody has seen or knows what looks like.
It turns out that they are discussing tipping points in a dissipative system, i.e. chaotic behavior has little or no role in the considerations while stochasticity is essential.
Support for the saturated greenhouse effect leaves the likelihood of AGW tipping points in the cold
Lenton, T., A. Footitt, and A. Dlugolecki, 2009: Major Tipping Points in the Earth's Climate System and Consequences for the Insurance Sector.
See: Earth «Serially Doomed»: UN Issues New 15 Year Climate Tipping Point — But UN Issued Tipping Points in 1982 & Another 10 - Year Tipping Point in 1989!
More substantial changes would be along the lines of «Exploring potential impacts of a 2C world using insights from paleo climate records, modern observations and climate modelling» or «Exploring the potential for tipping points in the climate system before 2C».
On the other hand, we are entering the unknown if we allow warming to surpass 2 ℃, as tipping points in the Earth's climate system make accurate predictions difficult to make,» Dr King said.
Lots of interesting finds to be had in AR5 — I just came across this in the introduction: «there is no evidence for global - scale tipping points in any of the most comprehensive models evaluated to date.»
For the first time, the report includes a discussion of climate - related «surprises,» or unanticipated changes, in which tipping points in the Earth's systems are crossed or climate - related extreme events happen at the same time, creating «compound extreme events,» multiplying the potential damage and destruction.
We'll be reaching the first tipping points in a moment, you'll see.
``... there is no evidence for global - scale tipping points in any of the most com ¬ prehensive models evaluated to date in studies of climate evolution in the 21st century.
No one who believes in science and cares about humanity can possibly believe it is rational or moral to come anywhere near 1,000 ppm or the tipping points in the carbon cycle.
The risk of crossing thresholds in tipping points in the Earth system (e.g. West Antarctic ice sheet disintegration and Amazon dieback) increase
Why Scientists Fear Tipping Points in Climate Change.
Identify indicators of change in the state of permafrost to serve as early warning signs for possible tipping points in the state of the arctic system.
«We need to stop debating the existence of tipping points in the Arctic and start managing the reality of dangerous climate change.
In other words, there are many such threshold tipping points in the bio-geophysical-social system, but the problem is we don't know precisely where they are — ergo the need to frame it probabilistically and my skateboard ramp is an analogy to the steepening threats as we add warming.
The first report knew, and commented on, the possibilities of gradual climate change pushing ecosystems or economies over thresholds and triggering abrupt responses, but the new report focuses on such tipping points in our societies and environment.
An that's true IMO for many points unsufficiently documented, but highly mediatized because of their psychological impact (rate of sea - level rise, effects on biodiversity, tipping points in carbon cyles, global frequency of extreme events, etc..)
Thus, the concept of an emissions budget is very useful to get the message across that the amount of CO2 that we can still emit in total (not per year) is limited if we want to stabilise global temperature at a given level, so any delay in reducing emissions can be detrimental — especially if we cross tipping points in the climate system, e.g trigger the complete loss of the Greenland Ice Sheet.
I wrote back that my to - do list does include a look at the notion of tipping points in this context.
One of the texts that we use is With Speed & Violence: Why Scientists Fear Tipping Points in Climate Change by Fred Pearce.
Tipping points in the climate debate.
If this passes tipping points in large enough volumes, there could be additional collapses in marine life beyond what we directly produce with overfishing and pollution.
[UPDATE, 3/31: Daniel Botkin, the ecologist and author, has weighed in with an exploration of tipping points in ecosystems.]
The idea, said Carver, was about «getting to know an artist's practice,» identifying «the tipping points in their careers,» and following them «from emerging to more mature.»
In contrast to many other attempts to apply behavioral finance theories, these two leading indicators have the virtue of being quantifiable; in other words, they indicate the potential tipping points in human emotions.
Wouldn't it be cool to try and look for Tipping Points in business, or in social policy, or in advertising or in any number of other nonmedical areas?
It attempts to define the earth system processes that humanity needs to be active stewards of in order to avoid deleterious or even catastrophic tipping points in critical Earth systems.
Signals of the «behavior of the planet» Praetorius is more concerned with transitions and tipping points in Earth's history.
But the uncertainties associated with passing tipping points in the climate system are dangerously large, the NRC committee finds.
By applying recurrence network analysis, which studies when a system returns to a former state, pyunicorn was able to detect tipping points in time series.
But there are also tipping points in social, economic and political systems.
«There needs to be further research to try to more intelligently understand where are the key tipping points in the evolution of the technology, so we can help encourage the beneficial impacts and mitigate the negative impacts.»
The visible failure of the war on drugs, combined with a generational tipping point in attitudes, has poll after poll showing a majority of adults favouring the legalization or at least decriminalization of recreational cannabis use.
Nevertheless, it's possible that concerns about the job market and income inequality reached a tipping point in the early 2000s.
Debaltseve is emerging as a major tipping point in the war in Ukraine.
Crossing the tipping point in efficiency and cost has made returns on those sources, respectively, jump to 10 % and 17 % annually over the last three years, with lower volatility.
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