Sentences with phrase «tissues on a cellular level»

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Her lab uses Hydra genetically engineered to light up the animals» two tissue layers, which allowed the researchers to observe the hydras» feeding process on a cellular level.
It concentrates on analysis of gene function at all levels: the gene and its product, the cell and cellular interactions, embryonic tissues and the entire animal.
Turmeric is one of those few natural substances that work by directly blocking estrogen receptors on the cellular level, hence having the effect of reducing the sensitivity of your breast tissue to estrogen.
Focus on anti inflammatory foods, on foods rich in antioxidants and micronutrients that support everything that happens on a cellular level, from tissue repair to hormone production.
The lipogenesis on the cellular level manifests in the tissue as a fatty deposition.
Because iodine is essential for every major body function on a cellular level, the body absorbs it into human organ tissues, all while mistaking it for iodine.
If your horse has an abnormal growth or abnormal appearing skin near his or her eye the best way to decide appropriate treatment is taking a sample of this tissue (a biopsy) and sending this to a pathologist to confirm the type of mass or if the tissue is abnormal on the cellular level.
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