Sentences with phrase «to a normal state»

Feeling tired is a completely normal state of being, but if you find often find yourself lacking energy, that's a sign something's off.
Such tests are often promoted as the means of differentiating growth hormone deficiency from normal state.
To restore the window into normal state, move the mouse to the top of the screen.
Overall, the medicine had helped me get to a more normal state.
This could indicate that the extreme disappearance in 2007 triggered a new normal state.
After baby is born, when your body begins to return to its somewhat normal state, these glands will decrease in size.
The nonprofits are not required to follow normal state agency procurement guidelines or to get authorization from the state comptroller before hiring private companies.
Next year or so, the previous normal state returns!
Highly experienced in troubleshooting and repairing various electrical systems returning them to normal state of capacity.
Remember, with a bit of effort and with the help of time, your body will return to a more normal state to a large extent, probably within a year.
Business groups estimate the Health Care Reform Act (HCRA) assessments, if they were counted as normal state taxes, are the third highest tax the state levies after personal income and sales and use taxes, and the single biggest business tax.
Harvard Law probably has a decent ROI over normal state school law program however I doubt the ROI for the average Harvard English lit major is substantially higher than the average English lit from a state school.
«But if we reduce emissions drastically to the lowest pathway recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (RCP2.8), then we will never enter a new normal state for extreme seasons at a regional level in the 21st Century.»
The company managed to win other Buffalo Billion work and obtained reimbursement for expenses that exceeded normal state limits.
Meaning, you have to pay normal state and federal income taxes; and if you are under age 59.5, a 10 % premature withdrawal penalty will be imposed.
«If you are in a position of public trust, and you talk to, meet, or collude with a foreign power» while trying to subvert normal state channels, «you are, in the eyes of the FBI and CIA, a traitor,» said Glenn Carle, a former top counterterrorism official at the CIA.
In fact, many persons with MCI convert back to a cognitively normal state.
All tasks were executed in a perfectly normal state of waking consciousness — not under hypnosis, which was induced only when the color suggestions were made,» says Kallio.
«Although some aspects of normal state spin electronics, or spintronics, are more efficient than standard semiconductor electronics, the large - scale application has been prevented because the large charge currents required to generate spin currents waste too much energy,» said Professor Mark Blamire of Cambridge's Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, who led the research.
Our understanding of how genes govern behavior comes largely from experiments that involve altering a subject's normal state with external stimuli over a short period of time, such as giving a mouse some cheese as a reward for completing a maze.
I didn't realize that my seemingly normal state was one of haze, though, until a few weeks into a raw food diet when I had gained a new perspective and was able to compare.
Some abnormal thyroid test results can arise from other diseases or even normal states like a female's estrus cycle.
Corgi PRA is caused by a mutation in the gene called PDE6A whose normal state is essential for normal vision.
The atmosphere precursor for the La Nina normal state is the great atmospheric seesaw of the polar annular mode.
Nearby Dallas has a towing program in addition to normal state penalties.
Bob can simply give the value to Alice, and Alice can agree to update the channel status to the more normal state without the HTLC and the time - out deadline.
Being overwhelmed with the enormity of all there is to do is a very normal state of affairs for most of us.
He is accused of deviating from normal state procurement rules in the awarding contracts to favored businesses, some of whom were major donors to Cuomo's campaign.
He said the schools in question were a mix of primary, secondary and academy schools and that there was no evidence to suggest that academy schools, which are more independent than normal state schools, are likely to have been a particular target.
These are both normal states for the yeast protein, but when human proteins form amyloids they are usually associated with diseases — especially neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's, as well as rheumatoid arthritis.
As a result, an extreme El Niño is less of a perturbation from the new normal state of affairs.
«It gives us hope to know that if we act quickly to reduce greenhouse gases, seasonal extremes might never enter a new normal state in the 21st Century at regional levels for the Southern Hemisphere summer and Northern Hemisphere winter,» Dr Lewis said.
Experts say efforts have been made recently to convey North Korea as a normal state, presenting Ri and Kim as a more traditional «first couple.»
According to UPI, the designation of Ri as a «first lady» may be part of an attempt to present North Korea as a «normal state» that has a traditional «first couple.»
Your flow state — or as some call it, the zone in sports — allows you to push past physical and mental boundaries that would otherwise be impossible to cross in a normal state of mind.
As we told SquawkBox a week ago, having WFC trading at a discount to JPMorgan (NYSE: JPM) is not a normal state of affairs.
So to label that «normal state» with a label such as «atheist», that then gets used as an epithet by the brain washed, seems pretty silly really.
Is it because that the natural reproductive functions of women are not valued in their normal state, but an immaculate conception is of more value?
It reflects and corresponds to the normal state of Mankind become at last alive to the possibilities and demands of its evolution.
The animal then returns to a normal state.
I have never completely caught the disease called Q, though from time to time I have experienced that shivery feeling, and the concomitant double vision, that those who have a chronic case of the Q disease reveal as their normal state.
(b) Tribal warfare was a normal state of affairs (I Samuel 14:47 - 52) just as business competition is in our day.
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