Sentences with phrase «to a sustainable level»

They suggest that the housing market is slowing down to a more sustainable level of growth, which is a positive trend for long - term stability.
The chart below shows the average of the gaps between home prices and their long - run sustainable level in the largest 100 markets, weighted by housing stocks.
Here we have three healthy snack recipes that will help you bring your workout to a whole new level by providing you with sustainable levels of energy while you're pounding the iron.
I am decidedly a bear on housing prices (at least in the hot coastal markets) at present, but I recognize that momentum can carry prices far beyond sustainable levels.
We find that no country meets basic needs for its citizens at a globally sustainable level of resource use.
«If environmental factors are driving the population down, previously sustainable levels of fishing might suddenly drive a collapse,» he said.
This, the report says, suggests that it's possible to make economic progress while achieving sustainable levels of development..
That's a more sustainable level of appreciation, compared to what we've seen over the last couple of years.
During the bubble years of 2005 through 2007, home prices were significantly more than 10 % above the long - run sustainable levels.
That's a more sustainable level of appreciation, compared to what we've seen over the last couple of years.
Climate Action Network International: Climate Action Network International (CAN) is a worldwide network of over 850 Non-Governmental Organizations in more than 100 countries, working to promote government and individual action to limit human - induced climate change to ecologically sustainable levels.
But that charter school closed in June after enrollment fell well below sustainable levels.
The UK regulator, Ofwat, deems that leaks within the UK water network have been at an economically sustainable level for the last 15 years — which means that the cost of finding and repairing the leaks would cost more than the value of water lost.
And like all frantic booms which go way past sustainable levels, corrections also overshoot fair value.
The post-crash growth rate reached a double digit peak in 2013 but has decelerated to more sustainable levels since then.
To learn more about how the SDLs were determined, including more information on how the «environmentally sustainable level of take» was determined, see the Murray - Darling Basin Authority's website.
«The market should continue its slow march back to normal, as annual (price) appreciation rates fall to more sustainable levels around 3 percent,» said Stan Humphries, chief economist at real estate data provider Zillow.
«While the season ahead will undoubtedly be difficult for dairy farmers, the bank is firmly of the view that prices will recover to more sustainable levels over the medium term,» he said.
Clarke, 74, told the Observer that the economy still has a «long, long way» to go before sustainable levels of growth could be maintained.
Using skipjack tuna as a model case study, the authors showed that curtailing IUU fishing combined with capping harvest at its maximum sustainable level could by 2035 generate a 14 percent increase in catch and a 15 percent increase in profit compared to current levels.
Upward pressures such as lower prices and sales are being countered by lower employment and income growth, leaving the market at a safe, sustainable level which Porter describes as «something closer to normalcy.»
The foreign currencies rise to sustainable levels versus the US dollar.
I caught up with Foley by e-mail, saying that the paper appeared to paint a picture in which cereals, particularly, benefit from fertilizer and the other inputs favored in large - scale farming, while specialty crops can offer smaller farming operations sustainable levels of income.
Even as leading carbon emitters find a path toward sustainable levels of carbon emissions, the allure of coal - powered energy is too powerful for developing nations to forgo.
Some analysts believe that the upcoming Bitcoin futures by CME may be able to stabilize the current Bitcoin Bullrun and hopefully stabilize the price at a certain sustainable level.
In river catchments, where increasing urban and rural water demand has already exceeded sustainable levels of supply, ongoing and proposed adaptation strategies are likely to buy some time.
Subsequently, as home prices have continued to rise, the gap has narrowed to 7 % below the long - run sustainable level in February 2015.
An overvalued housing market has home prices that are 10 % or more above the long - term sustainable level (which measures home affordability based on the per capita income levels in the area).
Nations must invest $ 37 trillion in energy technologies by 2030 to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions at sustainable levels
For human survival, it is essential to abolish or to adjust these to an ecologically sustainable level.
One example might find a company struggling with excess capacity from a supply glut that has driven down the profitability of a sector below sustainable levels.
The long - term health of the property markets in these metro areas will greatly depend on the speed with which oil prices rebound to sustainable levels for U.S. producers.
Researchers have previously attributed the overestimates to the time lag needed for species to go extinct after their habitat is reduced past sustainable levels — the «extinction debt».
The post-crash growth rate reached a double digit peak in 2013 but has decelerated to more sustainable levels since then.
The SDLs reflect the «environmentally sustainable level of take» in the Basin.
«We've saved the country from calamity but we've got a long way to go before we get a competitive economy, with sustainable levels of growth and all that.»
However, anything pushing out beyond the ring might upset the balance and tip a community beyond sustainable levels
We were inspired by the 2,000 Watt Society in Switzerland, and are hoping to cut our per - capita energy use down by 80 percent or so, to a globally sustainable level — without losing a lot of quality of life.
In the meantime, the super-charged spending raises the risk of overheating the economy by pushing unemployment further below its long - run sustainable level and leading, at last, to a pick - up in wages and inflation.
Our analysis suggests this would be a more sustainable level of debt for the commonwealth to carry relative to its potential gross national product (GNP).
LONDON, April 20 - British emerging markets - focused hedge fund Onslow Capital Management has closed after a long period of low volatility hit returns and assets fell below a sustainable level, it said in a letter to investors.
The hikes ultimately will return the central bank's key short - term rate, called the federal funds rate, to about 4 percent over the next two years, which economists generally consider more a sustainable level.
CoreLogic defines an overvalued housing market as one in which home prices are at least 10 percent higher than the long - term, sustainable level.
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