Sentences with phrase «to academic life»

For proof of this issue's timelessness, peruse this 1990 article about a famous magazine piece, «Gate Receipts and Glory,» that decried the pernicious effects of moneyed sports on academic life — in 1938.
«It is one of the best Marketing classes that I have taken in my academic life.
Telfer is updating its part - time program starting next year to provide more flexibility, allowing students to better balance their professional and academic lives.
The obligation to «publish or perish» has come to rule over academic life.
In the early 1970s the 18 - year - old Yuki, the son of a university vice president, rebelled against the Tokyo academic life in which he was raised, defying his parents and moving to the U.S..
GLEN ARNOLD, PhD, used to be a professor of investing but concluded that academic life was not nearly as much fun, nor as intellectually stimulating, as making money in the markets.
This is one piece of evidence among many that the show is too gentle and good natured to reflect actual academic life.
A professor of French literature, he scorns academic life.
That was the year that every one we started school with graduated, went off to pastor, to the academic life, to Oxford.
Having been barred from the professions and academic life due to discrimination, a whole generation of Quakers built successful businesses in Cadbury's day.
After World War II, he suggests, «people with a strong connection to academic life played the role of «village explainer» in America.»
Even though this conjunction makes academic life more complicated, there is no reason to have to choose between «rigorous scholarship» that is needed to educate future scholars and «religious engagement» that is needed to educate future ministers.
Lewis spoke frequently and with great fondness about the simple pleasures of his academic life — friends, books, nature — so it's easy to gloss over these thing as just that: simple pleasures.
J. Jeremias lived in Jerusalem as a boy and has devoted a large part of his academic life and work to research into Palestinian Judaism at the time of Jesus.)
Steinfels concludes: «Anti-Catholic animus is not keeping Catholics out of board rooms or country clubs, however, although it may complicate the careers of those in academic life, journalism, or some professional fields who don't make sure they are seen as «thinking» Catholics.
Earl Brill has astutely noted that «the major defect in the religious life at both Yale and Princeton was its lack of integration into the academic life itself.
There is a great gulf, if not a total separation, between academic life and campus social life.
Whitehead states the wrong: «Mr. Russell, a scholar known in every major university of the world, impelled by motives which religion dare not disown, has been driven out of academic life and deprived of academic encouragement...» Whitehead «leave [s] the question here,» without drawing the conclusion explicitly: restore the lectureship to rectify the wrong.
Because academics so often fear (with good reason) deviating from what senior professors and administrators want, it took a senior administrator lobbying for changes to make family leave part of the normal routine of academic life.
Surely this can not be a reflection of Oxford academic life?
Turner shares a widespread skepticism about whether the evangelical thinkers will make much of an impact on the large and multifarious worlds of evangelicalism, but of this he is more certain: «That [they have] made, and will continue to make, a substantial mark on American academic life seems indisputable, especially in history, philosophy, and, more recently, sociology.
If we fail to make such an effort, we risk isolating Christian faith from cultural and academic life.
One of UCLA's own faculty members has written a historical study of civic life in early modern Philadelphia that is directly germane to my own analysis of his and others» academic lives at UCLA.
Although analogies drawn between civic and academic life are far from perfect, I would insist that something like Nash's analysis of Philadelphia better captures the fabric of his and others» academic lives at UCLA than does the language of Gesellschaft.
The wider philosophical conceptuality that includes them is that one known today as Process Thought, with which I have been working for more than forty years of academic life.
For all that, of course, anyone who supposes that an academic life is chiefly one of leisured reflection and friendly conversation need only read your pages on teaching at Notre Dame and at Duke to begin to see how intensely politicized is the contemporary university.
Still influential through its heirs and their journal Annales, this school controls French academic life and much of public opinion with an absolute rule resembling, not coincidentally, that of Louis Quatorze.
The increased professionalization of academic life in religious studies also works against serious faculty investment of time and energy in interdisciplinary teaching and research.
What about Marsden's claim that this antireligious bias is unfair to Christians and impoverishing to academic life?
I wonder whether there is a single Christian in American academic life today who would deny «the virtual establishment of non-belief.»
I am less interested here to press my description of the particular values that inhere in academic life than I am to insist that, whatever their identity, they are built into the institution's spatial and temporal forms, its patterns of behavior, and its ideological set; and that value, both systemic and sentient, has a profound socializing effect.
If Christians are to contribute prophetically to the struggle for new meaning and purpose in academic life, they must attend with quickened imagination to «the teaching of the apostles, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to the prayers.»
One of the things I like about the academic life is that it has given me an opportunity to spend my summers in the Mediterranean world.
Christopher Jencks and David Riesman in The Academic Revolution (Doubleday, 1968) argue that the meritocratic world view is the basic determinant of academic life and «an inevitable feature of highly organized societies with a very specialized division of labor.»
The arrogant elite it creates, structured into academic life, is especially vulnerable to tyrannical political power.
Reviewing the hops, skips and gaps in his academic life, he says, «I have only one diploma, from P.S. 164.
This means being able to tune in to the emotional and academic lives of our children.
When teens know their parents are interested in their academic lives, they'll take school seriously as well.
Wentzel, Kathryn R., & Asher, Steven R. «The Academic Lives of Neglected, Rejected, Popular, and Controversial Children.»
The how, whom, and why of parental involvement in children's academic lives: More is not always better.
If you feel strongly that your child's health and academic life are being disrupted by a lack of sleep, advocate for your child.
Many parents remember their own childhood summers as true respites from school, devoid the rigor and rigidity of academic life.
However, openly uncooperative and hostile behavior becomes a serious concern when it is so frequent and consistent that it stands out when compared with other children of the same age and developmental level and when it affects the child's social, family and academic life.
We know this works - not just for protecting kids from the mental and emotional impact of porn, or sexual predators, or the requests of their peers - but even in their broader academic life.
They identified 452 eminent academic life scientists whose deaths were premature — defined as happening before the scientist entered pre-retirement or took on a predominantly administrative role — and studied how these demises affected the «vitality (measured by publication rates and funding flows) of the [scientists»] subfields.»
I love the unrealistic goat setting — it makes so much sense to have big dreams, why not apply it to academic life?
A wise and caring mentor can mean the difference between wandering around aimlessly and striding purposefully down the path of academic life and beyond.
If you can not get much feedback from your boss, you can always turn to some science blogs that talk about academic life as well as research.
Whether you are thinking about starting a career in academia, you have just started, or you have been at it for a long time, here are the 10 best pieces of advice that were given to me — in no specific order — to have a truly enjoyable, fulfilling, and successful academic life.
The student who had dedicated her academic life to mathematics and never served on the student council went on to hold significant positions at the National Academies and at the National Science Foundation.
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