Sentences with phrase «to academic problems»

Academic problems are common among abused children, as are difficulties with concentration and social interactions.
And it is coming home to many with the force and surprise of a revelation that these home problems — the problem of a socialized Christianity, and even the academic problems of criticism and theology — wait for their solution until they are carried into the white light of missionary passion...
You have a nice core of three (hopefully Watkins comes back healthy and Reaves» academic problems are taken care of).
When a kid who's normally happy in the morning drags his feet, complains of mysterious stomachaches, starts to have academic problems, or wants to quit extracurricular activities.
When left unchecked, aggression in childhood, such as fighting and teasing, has been linked to academic problems, peer rejections, and poor mental health in adulthood.
And a lack of sleep can contribute to academic problems and increased behavior problems.
Without appropriate support, stressed out teens may be at a higher risk for mental health problems, academic problems, and health issues.
The good news is that with early intervention, special education, and tutoring, the risk of cognitive and academic problems can be reduced, as can the severity of a learning disability.
Research has shown links between cyberbullying and low self esteem, academic problems, depression, and in some highly publicized cases - suicide.
Research has shown links between cyber bullying and low self - esteem, academic problems, depression, and in some highly - publicized cases — suicide.
The city school district is setting up programs as early as pre-kindergarten to try to ensure fewer students have the academic problems that lead to academic failure and dropping out.
Treat the application a bit like an academic problem: Consider which small part of it you may be able to do something about, then work from there.»
Baker thinks this kind of information could ultimately help teachers and guidance counselors figure out not only which students are at risk of academic problems but also why they are at risk and what can be done to help them.
«Behavior issues in early elementary school have long - term implications, so early intervention is needed to support children at risk for academic problems,» said Sandee McClowry, the study's senior author and a professor of applied psychology at NYU Steinhardt.
The most interesting essay tackles a traditional academic problem, that of consciousness.
I am fortunate enough to work in an environment that encourages me to link academic problems to life - struggling questions.
Offer training for teachers in reading that «aggressively» works on improving students» vocabulary skills or helps teachers work on academic problems in their classrooms.
This shift was achieved by focusing on an academic problem long enough to develop an instructional solution.
Whether the student has behavioral issues or is having serious academic problems, the teacher must have the finesse of a diplomat to tactfully but clearly communicate the situation to the parents.
«By focusing only on schools, government may waste money trying to fix academic problems that it could have prevented in the first place at less expense.»
The label «LD» would be reserved for children whose reading or other academic problems proved severe and intractable.
Nearly 2,000 school districts operate alternative schools for students with disciplinary or academic problems.
Question: Do the academic problems boys are experiencing come as a surprise?
The passports are part of a new project to address the academic problems of the more than 10,000 Puerto Rican high - school students who transfer between the two school systems each year.
Despite the recommendation of a committee formed to study the academic problems of collegiate athletes, the National Collegiate Athletic Association's executive body has voted against a proposal to put the issue of freshman eligibility on the ballot of the ncaa's January 1984 convention.
Why has the Department of Education refused to launch a single research project into boy's academic problems?
We studied the effects on two groups of at - risk children: those whose mothers had less than a four - year college degree and those who had displayed significant behavioral, social, and / or academic problems.
Rather than lay out the case for the brokenness of the current virtual school model, I would encourage you to simply do a Google search for «virtual schools» and see what results pull up in the News section — academic problems, high attrition rates, low retention rates, etc..
My point is that simply picking up a school of children who come from low - SES households, who often have emotional and behavior problems, along with their academic problems, and placing them in a different building is not going to solve any problems.
The offending student might be trying to get your attention or the attention of other students, divert attention from academic problems, or get back at a particular student.
A Gender Support Plan and the recommendations outlined above is one step forward to help prevent some social and academic problems from emerging at school, and to help transgender students feel accepted in their learning communities.
The GED completers more often reported that their primary problem with school was difficulty attending school rather than academic problems.
He bristled when the head of one school turnaround company compared Indianapolis Public Schools» academic problems to stage three cancer during a recent state board meeting.
Written by an experienced school psychologist, this unique resource gives classroom teachers and specialists at all levels the key information and practical strategies they need to recognize and respond effectively to 30 of the most common problems encountered in today's classrooms, including: academic problems, behavioral problems, and physical problems.
We specialize in serving students ages 12 - 16 who have exhibited behavioral problems in traditional school settings, including problems such as truancy, multiple suspensions, mental health issues, peer conflicts, family dysfunction, academic problems, and gang involvement.
Public schools can't just decide to drop a students because of behavorial or academic problems
«It should not be about a watered - down curriculum or remediation... that's exacerbating and masking student academic problems that already exist.»
Some of these things can be measured in traditional assessments, like for problem - solving, give kids a problem — not an academic problem — one where they're forced to address an issue where there's a goal and an obstacle in the way (which is the operational definition of a problem) and see how they perform.
Practice 1: Use data to identify incoming students with histories of academic problems, truancy, behavioral problems, and retention.
She said she decided to try something new after her son, who previously attended Bates Elementary in the Jackson Public School District, started having behavioral and academic problems.
Students» academic problems are often only a symptom of deeper social emotional concerns.
* Confer with parents or guardians, other teachers, counselors, and administrators to resolve students» behavioral and academic problems.
While intervention and assisting students to address their academic problems is important, such a push to avoid special education also stigmatizes the profession.
The hope is that if education schools are pushed to do a better job of preparing teachers in the first place, the country can solve many of its academic problems.
* Guide and counsel students with adjustment or academic problems, or special academic interests.
Guide and counsel students with adjustment and / or academic problems, or special academic interests.
Confer with parents or guardians, teachers, counselors, and administrators in order to resolve students» behavioral and academic problems.
«We're catching more «on the edge» kids,» said Lisa Foster, a 5th grade teacher, referring to students who could be having academic problems but can fade from attention in a classroom of students with more pressing needs.
He said DPI is not aggressive enough in translating their priorities to school officials in an effort to combat some persistent academic problems.
Many studies have shown that school choice models are divisive and unequal: they tend to concentrate social and academic problems in certain schools and they wreak havoc with comprehensive education.
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