Sentences with phrase «to accept influence»

We also discovered that men accepting influence from women was predictive of happy and stable marriages.
• Explain the need for accepting influence (which may include references to research).
They don't take a break, they don't see each other's side, they don't accept influence.
They have a sense of humor with one another, and they're good at accepting influence.
When you accept your partner, you also accept their influence when discussing problems.
You are having some difficulty accepting influence from your spouse, which can cause a marriage to become dangerously unstable.
He has begun to experience how accepting influence actually results in getting more of what he wants from his partner.
It's important for women to accept influence too, but the research has shown that the majority of women already do this.
Research shows that couples in which men are willing to accept influence from their wives are actually happier.
Explain the need for accepting influence (which may include reference to research).
Remember the importance of accepting influence in pursuing mutually satisfying compromises — topics of disagreement can range from the ice cream flavors you're sharing to whether or not you'll be visiting your in - laws, so it may be wise to acknowledge divergent preferences and brainstorm ideas with your partner in advance.
Dr. John Gottman also discovered that men accepting influence from women was predictive of happy and stable marriages.
A married man can improve his EI by accepting influence from his wife.
As for Rasputin's apparent ability to stop Alexei's bleeding, Smith explains at length how modern science accepts the influence of mind over body.
Whereas his predecessors at St. Gaetano grudgingly accepted the influence of the mafia, Puglisi refused money from Mafiosi.
Practically all great artists accept the influence of others.
For men, accepting influence usually means trying some of the approaches suggested by his wife instead of withdrawing or surrendering or ending the discussion with a premature resolution.
Compromise is about accepting influence from your partner.
This includes finding a way to understand and honor some aspect of their partner's position, with a focus on yielding and accepting influence rather than on persuading.
Look forward to our next post on Friday, in which we will give you a metric designed by Dr. Gottman to calculate the way that Accepting Influence works in your own relationship!
Marriage researcher and expert Dr. John Gottman said accepting influence from each other is a critical element in a successful intimate relationship.
To see this from another perspective, Dr. Gottman's research reveals that, «The wives of men who accept their influence are far less likely to be harsh with their husbands when broaching a difficult marital topic.
Accept Influence Recognize that your partner has good ideas and important opinions (shocker — your way isn't always the best way or the right way).
Gottman has culled seven principles essential to the success of any marriage: Maintain a love map Foster fondness and admiration Turn toward instead of away Accept influence Solve solvable conflicts Cope with conflicts you can't resolve Create shared meaning Packed with questionnaires and exercises whose effectiveness has been proven in Dr. Gottman's workshops, this is the definitive guide for any couple who wants their relationship to realize its highest potential.
Relationship researcher John Gottman has found that marriages in which the husband accepts influence from his wife are far less likely to end in divorce than marriages where he is closed to her suggestions.
In this clip Dr. Gottman explains what happens when partners can not accept influence from each other.
A husband's ability to be influenced by his wife (rather than vice-versa) is crucial because research shows that women are already well practiced at accepting influence from men.
Many are walking this road; avoiding the hard truths, oblivious to the fact that secularism and relativism are becoming more widely accepted influences.
The same goes for accepting her influence — take the umbrella to work.
Respect and understanding are communicated by accepting influence from one another; that is, partners are responsive to each other's feelings.
To truly deepen your love and to listen well to each other, a new mindset of looking for the positives in your partner, accepting their influence in decision making, and nurturing the couple friendship are needed to effectively manage conflict and reset the overall tone of the relationship.
The IPCC and the modellers do recently seem to have come to accept the influence of the EL NINO / LA NINA cycle as a warming / cooling process.
Dr. Gottman's research showed that men who had the emotional intelligence to accept influence from women fare much better relationally than men who don't.
Do note that if you suddenly stop punishing without working on building that warm relationship with your child, laying the foundation for them accept your influence, you will likely not see much of an improvement in their behavior!
Accepting influence is one of the markers of a healthy relationship.
«Learning the importance of accepting influence and knowing to stop if flooding occurs.
Couples who learn to accept differences, to accept influence from each other, and to compromise can use conflict as a springboard to strengthen their bond.
If you can not accept influence, conflict is bound to escalate.
According to marriage research conducted by John Gottman, among the most important predictors of marriage success are the man's ability to accept influence from his wife, and the woman's ability to moderate her approach to seeking influence over her husband.
Dr. Gottman found that a relationship succeeds to the level that the husband is willing to accept influence from his wife.
You can learn why negative behaviors like «flooding» and «stonewalling» derail and destroy relationships while «active listening» and «accepting influence» can turn your relationship around.
Dr. Gottman found that women are already willing and able to accept influence from the husband.
In today's posting, we'd like to continue the Sound Relationship House Series by sharing a quiz designed by Dr. Gottman to assess of the state of your relationship in terms of accepting influence, a tool that the two of you can use in order to build a positive perspective in your relationship.
It is also very important for colleagues to be able to accept influence and repair their negative interactions.
Taking your partner's side in solidarity, even when you think their perspective is wrong, communicates that you respect them and that you're willing to accept their influence.
Accept influence Our reality is subjective, meaning that there are always two viewpoints and both are correct.Try to understand your partner's perspective and find some common ground.
One of the hallmarks of a great couple relationship is an ability by both partners to accept influence from each other, to go back and forth and try and «get» each other's perspective.
The first step to righting the situation is to understand just what it means to accept influence.
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