Sentences with phrase «to accept limits»

Please note that we are currently only accepting a limited number of romantic suspense and women's fiction titles.
We have thus accepted a limit on our emissions and at the same time provided an incentive to our partners in developed countries to be more ambitious.
A smaller number of shelters only accept limited numbers of animals but promise to care for them until they are adopted.
The good news was that he was beginning to accept some limits from me.
Kids accept our limits when we accept their desires, and their anger, sadness or disappointment about our limits.
But, on the other hand, it also accepts limits, since there may be work for which one is simply not suited, however desired and freely chosen the work may be.
We request that you book your appointments in advance, but we do accept limited walk - in appointments.
Banks also often will accept a limited scope appraisal.
Working for someone else means accepting limited upside and unlimited downside.
Limits set and enforced with empathy help the child to better accept these limits.
Makes me feel sad for the generations before us who just accepted the limits and boxes placed around them.
This will increase the chances of someone else accepting your limit trade.
Everything is changing now... You don't have to accept limiting beliefs anymore as you can decide to free your mind... Now is the time to see yourself in a new light.
The whole point of accepting the limit increase on your credit card is to get your debt - to - credit ratio lower.
The Help Fix ME program accepts a limited number of applications each month.
Because the best student credit cards know their applicant demographic, they are willing to accept the limited credit history of most college students.
Providing reasons for the directions you give helps children accept your limits without becoming defensive.
We can only accept a limited number of participants into the program.
You'll also want to make it known that you're only accepting a limited number of street team members.
By doing this, you are not only preparing yourself to hit the ground running in your next job but, you are training your mind to not accept limits or a career ceiling.
Limits set and enforced with empathy help the child to better accept these limits.
The County Solid waste committee will meet to consider accepting a limited amount of ash.
«the domination of the object to be looked at, always saying that a certain line should go in this direction or that, a red had to be here and a blue there because that was the way it was on the model, began to be limiting...» (p. 75) Goodnough never accepted limits in his painting, embracing in his own work what he describes as the «feeling in the best work of American painters of the «wild» which has been the heritage of this country.»
We do not accept limit orders for municipal bonds, commercial paper, unit investment trusts (UITs), certificates of deposit (CDs), or mutual funds.
Nakia, on the other hand, never accepted her limited role as part of the Dora Milaje.
Among other things it stated that «investigations conclude that infrasound levels adjacent to wind farms are below the threshold of perception and below currently accepted limits set for infrasound».
With a scheduled property floater, the policyholder insures by item rather than by category and the insurance company agrees to accept limits based on the appraisals.
Those investigations conclude that infrasound levels adjacent to wind farms are below the threshold of perception and below currently accepted limits set for infrasound.
That runs entirely counter to Andrew Lansley and David Cameron's vision of the health service and it also puts the Liberal Democrats in a far more radical position than Labour, which accepts limited private sector involvement.
For that reason, the court has so far accepted limits capping how much any one person can contribute to a candidate or a political committee and limits capping a person's total contribution to any combination of candidates or committees.
Today, the adherents of the mainstream religions typically use modern family planning to limit their family size and accept that limiting human numbers makes sense.
Michael Bay is not a man who accepts limits.
«We'll accept a limited fiduciary standard,» it says, «but only if the SEC writes specific rules for how advisers should behave.»
In some cases, where ownership is dispersed among a number of different owners — such as a large law firm or medical group, for instance — the bank will consider and sometimes accept a limited guarantee shared by all business partners, says Battles.
d. Accept the limits on our current knowledge and just stop there, without invoking a magic act by any god to fill the current gap in our knowledge.
Nevertheless, a nation should include at least such elements as common commitment to the rule of law, generally accepted limits on political power and rhetoric, belief in constitutional governance, the rights of citizens, etc..
We must relate to each other from within the context of our cultural, social and sexual predispositions and in so doing accept our limited perspective rather than believe that we have the universal blueprint for what it means to be human.
Tillich's religious socialism, which took class struggle more seriously, was also more precise in its criticism of capitalism — though he also accepted a limited place for a regulated free - market mechanism.
As Melissa predicted he would, Jacob accepted the limit that I insisted upon and didn't give up his «nay - nay.»
Remember this: if someone has a disorder such as ADD, ADHD or ODD and manifests trouble dealing with educational material such as math and English, the same learning disability affects their ability to take in non-educational information such as how to accept limits read social situations and solve social problems.
But he'll accept these limits more easily and learn to police himself more quickly if there are lots of places that he is allowed — and even encouraged — to run.
Gordon Brown now accepts its limits for constitutional change.
Yet Patterson is only the latest in a years - long line of candidates to accept limited liability company donations, a list that includes everyone from Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, the state's top law enforcement official, to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, the LLC loophole's biggest financial beneficiary.
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