Sentences with phrase «to accept rejection»

Don't accept a rejection without asking yourself why — most people find it really helpful to understand why they aren't successful.
Of course, some may have an easier time accepting rejection more than others.
Another reaction could be that when you hear «no» your self - doubt increases and you respond by accepting the rejection without further exploration.
It is really difficult to accept rejection from someone you loved and appreciated.
They believe in what they are doing and they do not accept rejection as defeat.
About 75 percent of applicants accept the rejection outright or become overly defensive — and thereby fail the test.
The lesson from these examples is that successful authors learn to accept rejection because they have a passion for writing.
Accepting rejection means you are choosing to move forward.
I've tried my best to be a very good writer all year: I sent out my submissions regularly; I improved my writing skills by taking classes and joining a writer's group; I even accepted any rejections as necessary steps on the road to acceptance.
It is really difficult to accept rejection from someone you loved, liked, and appreciated, whether it's them saying no after you ask them out, them breaking it off after a few dates, or them leaving after a longer relationship.
«you have to know how to accept rejection and reject acceptance.»
Jesus» willingness to accept rejection and death as part of his Messianic mission seems to have been the last straw for Judas.
But in the very moment of the rejection of God by man, Christ - who is both fully human and fully divine — accepts the rejection and turns to God praying for the forgiveness of humanity «Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.»
«For example, recognizing the funding landscape tends to make you accept rejection more calmly, whether it is a grant or in university life, like hearing «no» from your department head or dean.»
The best pieces of advice I've received were to always give everything a go and learn how to accept rejection.
I've learned that accepting rejection not only requires thick skin but grace and humility.
You will have to learn to accept rejection.
Accept the rejection, don't push it any further, and try (hard as it may be!)
Either way, be gracious enough to accept the rejection and move on to someone you'll match with.
A college mentor, Whit Burnett (Kevin Spacey), schools him in the art of accepting rejection, only to finally fit one of his earliest works («The Young Folks») into the magazine he edits.
It would be totally kickass if people would be a little kinder to one another, but for that to happen, people have to like themselves a little more, be willing to accept rejection, and respond appropriately to their feelings of envy.
Don't expect instant recognition, and accept that rejection and setbacks are a natural part of the process.
Case in point, if we accept rejections, then every said disagreement becomes true to stigmatize and disrupt the quality of your work as a unique storyteller.
Patterson provided enough explanation to accept rejection and said he would keep trying with other books of his with stride.
But if it turns the other way round, its takes understanding and the power to control one's emotion in order to accept the rejection.
When you start looking for job opportunities, be aware that you need to learn how to accept rejection.
And learn to accept rejection — you'll run into it a lot.
On the other hand, when the rejected parent gives up and accepts the rejection, it also reinforces the child's unconscious decision.
In KFT47: Managing Rejection, I will show you how to accept rejection, place it in it's proper perspective, and see how to use it as a means to move forward.
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