Sentences with phrase «to accept this statement»

In this connection, the panel need not accept the statements of counsel as being the statements of counsel's client if the panel desires direct testimony.
This Procedural Review Hearing Tribunal need not accept the statements of counsel as being the statements of their clients if it desires direct testimony.
Otherwise, you adopt the same kind of mindset they do when they expect people to just accept their statements as facts, yet they provide no evidence to support them...
Don't just accept statements that they're «for teachers» — everyone is pro-public education during campaign season.
What's next: Look for Don Jr. to accept the statement graciously.
The Lausanne Covenant provided what is probably the best and most widely accepted statement of the evangelical concept of the theological basis for mission.
I don't accept your statement saying that God is beyond understanding.
Accepting a statement also requires less cognitive effort than rejecting it.
That film is like painting — context can certainly enhance a certain line of thinking, but the job of gleaning pleasure comes from imaginative flights of fancy more than blindly accepting statements as fact.
Those burdened by solidarity thinking can not accept any statement by colleagues and outsiders other than «all professionals within my sector are hard - working, dedicated, and therefore, competent at their jobs», or «if not for some outside force such as poverty or bad parents, we could be successful at our jobs.»
Once my daughter accepted this statements and internalized them, her tennis game dramatically improved....
But, basically, you should never risk more money per trade than you are TRULY OK with losing, because you COULD lose on ANY trade, let the be your guiding principle before you enter any trade, because if you really accept this statement you will not ever risk more than you are comfortable with losing.
The example above uses one set of input variables, but no other choice would change the generally accepted statement that «outcomes from a TFSA and RRSP are equal when there is no difference between the tax rates at contribution and withdrawal».
In selecting «Accept» below you acknowledge that you have read, understand and accept the statements above, accept the limitations and conditions set out above and release the IGCA, its officers, agents or representatives of any claims arising out of use of this web site.
It said that viewing a lawyer's webinar online does not create an attorney - client relationship if the lawyer states at the outset of the webinar that no such relationship is being formed and the viewer affirmatively accepts this statement (such as by checking a box before the video will play).
CCD accepts the statements of facts set out in the Appellant's factums.
Be wary about accepting statements that the adulterer realizes what he / she did was wrong - knowing this beforehand often didn't prevent the affair from happening.
The non-custodial parent need not accept a statement from, for example, the child's physician or school administrator, that «I'm sorry, we can not give you this information because you do not have legal custody.
(This is why I can not accept the statement of Julia Hervé (the daughter of Richard Wright) that King was defeated.
In this connection, the panel need not accept the statements of counsel as being the statements of his / her client if the panel desires direct testimony.
For in so doing, one has begun to exceed the competence of science, inasmuch as such a statement is not scientific but philosophic, and to accept the statements of science as universal facts is scientism.
If we believe the quote of Jesus words in the gospels is accurate then we must accept the statement that He was / is the only way.
To explain, in my American culture, we applaud the first attacker but we do not applaud the counter-attacker... when the first attacker speaks in prejudice, then we accept the statement verbatim... or at best, we wince and walk away ashamed that we «must» be wrong...
At the time, I wrote that Jews should accept this statement «in full satisfaction of their grievance against the wartime Vatican.»
While there is a «biblical triumphalism» in Dr. Grant's writings that is similar to the Reconstructionist message, we accept his statement that he is not a theonomist and are grateful for the clarification.
Mat 19:11 But He said to them, «Not all men can accept this statement, but only those to whom it has been given.
If they are assured of salvation through an invisible church, why must they accept the statement that the function of the church is to «identify» the power that saves them as the power of Christ?
In the absence of adequate answers to such questions, it is difficult to accept the statement of A.M. Mundadan that» tradition is unanimous in asserting that the prelates of St. Thomas Christians came from Babylon (Persia) for many centuries before the arrival of the Portuguese in India.»
But that said, I don't see why we can't give Pope Francis the benefit of the doubt, and accept his statements of conern for the poor at face value.
Your belief in «evidence, logic and reason» is itself an act of faith which leads you to accept some statements and reject others.
Her «crusade» would be a totally natural response to a loss such as the one she experienced, and I accept her statements in that context (though I don't necessarily agree with all of them.)
During Orvil's last few years, people would come to the town board with suggestions to name this after him or name that after him, and we accepted those statements respectfully, but we recognized that until one's passage, one's contribution and one's record is still open either for future accomplishment or potential diminishment.»
It's interesting because I have come across people who find it nearly impossible to accept this statement.
For years, I accepted this statement as fact.
Messick's family issued a devastating statement blaming, «our new culture of unlimited information sharing and a willingness to accept statement as fact,» specifically citing the fight between Rose McGowan and Harvey Weinstein that also ensnared Messick.
Phase - out to be completed 30 years after McDonald's accepted statement of humane principles OAK BROOK, Illinois ---- The McDonald's restaurant chain, buyer of more than two billion eggs per year, 4 % of total U.S. egg production, on September 9, 2015 announced that it will phase out use of eggs from caged hens over the next -LSB-...]
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