Sentences with phrase «to access pornography»

He did the same thing with promising to prevent children accessing pornography.
The risk of accessing pornography usually gets the most attention in the media, but there are other inappropriate sites.
The Department of Culture, Media and Sport have postponed age checks on accessing pornography online... More
Statistics — and the experience of youth workers — suggests that children and young people are accessing pornography from an early age and then consistently through their teenage years.
Around half of UK adults access pornography, including a large proportion of women.
Youth are unlikely to try to get around the school filter to access pornography because it would be pretty obvious — even from a distance — what they are looking at.
Educators should thus use their AUPs as «teachable moments» to promote programs to focus on the positive uses of the internet and technology while warning about hazards such as contacting strangers or loss of respect for others by accessing pornography that can come about as a result of unrestricted use.
The Christian charity was forced to fire three employees for having sexual relations with clients and the forth staff member was let go for using a work computer to access pornography.
Very quickly, accessing pornography is seen as typical.
All part of a three - year plan, LeTV is hoping the initiative will help increase profits after China's regulators forced them to make changes to their content offering while stopping their sales of televisions and set - top boxes (due to tighter controls that forced providers to remove third - party apps from these devices as they may be used to access pornography or pirated software).
«The Appellate Division of the Superior Court of New Jersey decided, «that an employer who is on notice that one of its employees is using a workplace computer to access pornography, possibly child pornography, has a duty to investigate the employee's activities and to take prompt and effective action to stop the unauthorized activity, lest it result in harm to innocent third - parties.
AFFECTING ADULTS 20 % of men admit accessing pornography at work 13 % of women admit accessing pornography at work 53 % of Promise Keeper men viewed pornography the previous week in one study 10 % of adults ADMIT to having internet sexual addiction (Internet Pornography Statistics: 2003
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