Sentences with phrase «to accomplish one's ends»

They each seem to have their own ways of accomplishing the end goal, but all of them get good results.
Of course, for him, institution - building was for the sake of accomplishing the ends of the movement, and about these he was quite clear.
I got a couple more achievements before everything died, so it wasn't a total loss, but I didn't accomplish the end goal.
Third, this way of life will not accomplish ends for which it was not intended.
He can spin a tale and keep you waiting for the next page and wanting to accomplish the end of the book.
Scripture articulates general norms of love, justice and community, often conveyed in concrete narrative illustrations, but rarely provides the systemic and institutional strategies and tactics to accomplish those ends in a complicated technological age.
Otherwise, you can always have your brother at 9 % and your friend at 1 % in the designations and that would also accomplish your end goal if you and your SO passed away at the same moment.
Confidentiality should be seen as a means of accomplishing this end rather than a way of keeping the abuse secret and avoiding the fact of accountability.
Our strength is from the Lord and not ourselves; He will accomplish his ends despite both our strengths and our weaknesses.
Yet a deeper inspection into the subject reveals that accomplishing both ends simultaneously is not an impossible goal after all, at least not for individuals who have the right combination of favorable genetics, substantial amount of experience and rigorous dietary discipline.
The quests and boss levels that students accomplish end up having real value that students are proud of.
BB just accomplished an end run around the competition for both infrastructure and devices.
With most debt resolution plans taking two or three years to complete, it's unclear how successfully clients accomplish their end goals.
Originating from the Greek word arithmos, which means number, an algorithm is defined as a «procedure for solving a mathematical problem in a finite number of steps that frequently involves repetition of an operation or a step - by - step procedure for solving a problem, or accomplishing some end by a computer.»
To accomplish our end safely and without violating any Instagram rules, we're going to emulate Android with the popular BlueStacks emulator.
Otherwise, you can always have your brother at 9 % and your friend at 1 % in the designations and that would also accomplish your end goal if you and your SO passed away at the same moment.
Laura made suggestions that I had not thought about and provided alternate (and honestly... better) methods to accomplish my end result.
While you may have accomplished your end of the bargain by creating a justified eLearning program, you need to educate your enrollees on success skills for their online undertaking.
To accomplish these ends, Musk said that Tesla — electric car manufacturer and creator of the giant solar rechargable home battery Powerwall — needed to acquire solar energy provider SolarCity.
There is more than one valid and good way to accomplish that end.
Nevertheless, he used the Christianity of the German Catholics and Lutherans to accomplish his ends.
Consider the methods described herein the degradation of youth through $ ex and drugs, the se - du - ction of this nation's media, educational, and religious inst - i - tutions, the discrediting of her leaders and decide tor yourself whether or not they are the very means that have been employed to accomplish these ends.
And yet, because it is relational rather than emanationist, it accomplishes these ends without reducing God to the world or the world to God.
If God, no less than humans, wants to end oppression, and God desires us as humans to use coercion at times to accomplish this end, must not process theists grant that God would coerce if this were possible?
Churches who consider the use of control, manipulation, coercion, shame and even abuse to accomplish their ends will employ them.
Barrier methods could accomplish this end, but they should not be used indiscriminately.
Ezekiel's drama of the captured city (4:1 — 5:3; 24:1 — lI) and his numerous similar performances, although regarded by the populace as merely good entertainment, had, for the prophet, as for several of the ancient commentators on his work (e.g., 4:4 — 6), some positive worth in accomplishing the ends he predicted.
Titled «Why It's Justified To Vote For A Morally Questionable Politician,» writer D.C. McAllister wrote that, in essence, God can use flawed people to accomplish His ends, so why not vote for one?
She attempts to use reason and manipulation, but not overt power to accomplish her ends (p. 889).
Toddlers love being helpful, but sometimes their eagerness to get involved with whatever mommy and daddy are attempting to accomplish ends up being an adorable hinderance.
Governor Cuomo is the force behind the Republican Senate's Coup to maintain power, by buying the IDC's allegiance in order to accomplish this end.
From the neccessary killing of a friendly Sophia Loren (just to keep the secrecy of the mission intact) right down to the end where none survive the mission although they accomplish their end.
In it they have reassured those concerned about centralized control that Common Core embodies a «tight - loose» approach, which is tight on the ends of education but loose on the means for accomplishing those ends.
She points out that Twitter isn't for selling books directly, but that you can still use Twitter to accomplish that end goal, even if you aren't selling your books directly on Twitter.
The DC Government could make use of both «brownfielding» (existing buildings) and» greenfielding» (raw land) projects to accomplish this end.
EGA acts as a strategic command center whose members set the environmental agenda and fund proven non-profit activist organizations to accomplish their ends.
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