Sentences with phrase «to accumulate fat»

Syndrome X sufferers tend to accumulate fat around their waist, contributing to their waist - to - hip ratio.
It's much more likely that you will accumulate fat deposits if the body does not use them for various essential processes.
This is something known as adrenal fatigue, which forces to body to deposit fat reserves it intends to use in the future, leading to accumulating fat tissue around your stomach.
According to materials and articles recommending this diet aid, this mixture of cinnamon powder and honey stops the body from accumulating fat.
When you start out relatively lean, your metabolism is much faster and will be starting out with a body that is geared towards building muscle, not accumulating fat.
Specifically, why do fat cells accumulate fat molecules to excess?
But why would your fat tissue continuously accumulate fat if you're not simply «eating too much and exercising too little»?
When you've accumulated fat on your body, it doesn't just sit there, waiting for exercise to destroy it.
The discovery may also be a contributing factor regarding the tendency of some individuals to accumulate fat in the liver and abdomen.
Choosing your foods wisely prevents your body from accumulating fat and activates burning of your stored fats for energy.
«As fat cells grow larger, they begin to overexpress a protein that acts as a metabolic brake that slows down fat cell metabolism, making it harder for these cells to burn accumulating fat,» he said in a statement.
The researchers mapped the metabolic changes caused by accumulated fat in liver cells, and combined this data with an analysis of biological networks of liver and other human tissues.
For example, when you are bulking, you are building muscles, but you are also accumulating fat deposits.
I have continued to take the same amount of testosterone each week and not only have I not been able to prevent muscle atrophy but I am accumulating fat as well.
Recent research shows that the location of accumulated fat determines its likely impact on health: fat packed in and around the abdomen turns out to be the most harmful for both the body and brain.
During this time, your little one is accumulating fat beneath his or her skin, resulting in a chubbier and rounder appearance.
Several studies have suggested that people with an apple - shaped body who accumulate fat in their belly are more likely to develop heart disease than their pear - shaped counterparts, but that theory has been called into question by recent research.
Our bodies will heal themselves when fed properly, and when we have been accumulating fat at an «unhealthy pace,» we might expect to lose it when our body is healing itself.
To start with, most women with a high body fat percentage accumulate fat tissue on their arms, buttocks, thighs and abdomen.
This will aid the body in flushing accumulated fat out of the body.
Not only that, it triggers the roller coaster hormone ride we talked about in # 1 — and elevating our insulin levels over and over causes insulin insensitivity, causing the body to accumulate fat around the midsection.
The treatment harnesses liver cells» own ability to burn accumulated fats.
«We mapped the metabolic changes caused by accumulated fat in liver cells, and combined this data with an analysis of biological networks of liver and other human tissues.
Lumps or masses in dogs are normal as they age and accumulate fat deposits over time.
Han noted that the worms lacking a functional COMPASS complex not only lived longer than their peers, but they also accumulated fats in their guts.
The tiny particles are 1,000 times smaller than the tip of a human hair, and are designed to latch on to atherosclerotic plaques — hard deposits made from accumulated fat, cholesterol and calcium that build up on the walls of arteries and are prone to rupture, producing dangerous clots.
The program not only blasts off fat but also specifically targets the zones where women tend to accumulate fat as they age (belly, butt, thighs, and upper arms).
This is induced to accumulate fat in tissue as well as used in the form of glucose for muscles.»
Pour off the accumulated fat, and discard it.
Remove the pan from the heat and pour off the accumulated fat.
Pour off any accumulated fat.
Your baby is still quite thin, but will become more and more plumper, as he or she accumulates fat under the skin.
Green tea will boost your metabolism and burn the accumulated fat faster.
They were thought to migrate from their normal location in the blood vessel wall into the developing atherosclerotic plaque, where they would attempt to wall off the accumulating fats, dying cells and other nasty components of the plaque.
Yet when Leinwand inspected the snakes» hearts, she could not find any accumulating fat deposits.
When humans consume a high - fat diet, they accumulate fat in their bodies.
«Prostate cancer cells somehow bypass the cellular control switch that regulates the levels of cholesterol allowing them to accumulate this fat,» McDonnell said.
«When an animal lacks TRIP - Br2, it can't accumulate fat
The amount of food you ingest no matter how «clean» it is, still contains calories, and if you ingest too much you will accumulate fat.
While all people are genetically predisposed to storing fat in different body areas, the stomach is in most cases your body's preferred choice of depositing and accumulating fat, even when you are following a very strict training and diet regimen.
The accumulated fat around your internal organs inside the abdomen cavity is called visceral fat, also known as white adipose tissue or WAT.
Low levels of insulin mean that it will be less likely for your body to accumulate fat and more likely to burn off a small amount throughout the day.
Instead, all I've included are the ingredients proven by decades of safe use, dozens of reports, and countless success stories to work for people like you with an extra ten or more pounds of extra, accumulated fat.
There is propaganda against mass gainers that it is not that effective, and even if it becomes effective, it accumulates fat.
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