Sentences with phrase «to accumulate in the blood»

The main underlying cause is atherosclerosis, where fat accumulates in the blood vessel walls in the so - called plaques.
The body uses glucose accumulated in the blood, then the glycogen from the liver and muscles to their full capacity and once they are depleted, it begins to use fat as a source of energy.
When the liver is damaged toxic substances normally removed by the liver accumulate in the blood and impair the function of brain cells.
Excess glucose not used for energy production converts to triglycerides that are either stored as unwanted body fat or accumulate in the blood where they contribute to the formation of atherosclerotic plaque.
As fat is used to provide energy, byproducts called ketone bodies accumulate in the blood, causing ketosis, a condition that can slow labor or, if the buildup is great, even cause fetal distress.
The FDA warns that if you regularly eat types of fish that are high in mercury, it can accumulate in your blood stream.
The bile acids accumulate in the blood and interact with the TGR5 receptor on white fat cells to change their metabolic function.
Anthocyanins increase the activity of specific genes called PPARs — which help the body utilize sugars and fats and prevent them from accumulating in the blood.
It is a matter of fact that eliminating toxins from your body on a regular basis flushes out harmful compounds that gradually accumulate in the blood, and as a result wreaking havoc on your body.
Dogs with kidney problems should be fed a diet that is low in phosphorous, as phosphorous accumulates in the blood when kidneys are diseased.
This triggers a series of symptoms such as over eating, weight loss and as the sugar accumulates in the blood, thirst and urination.
If you give more protein, then there is a tendency that more nitrogenous wastes will accumulate in the blood leading to more problems.
Digestion ceases and toxins accumulate in the blood, exacerbating the shock.
If the process continues, it is possible for oxidized LDL to accumulate in blood vessel walls and create the early stages of hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis).
When someone is insulin resistant or doesn't make enough insulin, glucose accumulates in the blood and adds to blood flow issues involving plaque buildup.
Symptoms of congenital PSS usually appear by six months of age and include failure to gain weight, vomiting, and signs of hepatic encephalopathy (a condition where toxins normally removed by the liver accumulate in the blood and impair the function of brain cells) such as seizures, depression, tremors, drooling, and head pressing.
If, however, the liver is functioning poorly, as occurs during some infections, or the tubes which transport the bilirubin to the gut are blocked, this changed bilirubin may accumulate in the blood and also cause jaundice.
Studies show it is readily absorbed through the skin and can cause toxic levels of lead to accumulate in the blood.
Mice have to spend three weeks running on a wheel for the hormone to accumulate in their blood.
This led Wild and his team to hypothesize that increasing damage to the brain areas affected by HD would cause higher levels of NfL to accumulate in the blood.
If you consume more than this, your system becomes saturated, and the additional alcohol will accumulate in the blood and body tissues until it can be metabolized.
The fat fragments combine to form ketone bodies, which can accumulate in the blood and lead to a condition called ketosis (ketoacidosis).
This abnormal and rigid shape causes them to accumulate in blood vessels, blocking blood flow and preventing oxygen from getting to tissues, explains Dr. Rondelli.
Also, give supplements containing the folic acid form of folate a miss, as this can accumulate in the blood and cause long - term health problems.
When the liver, kidneys, bowel, lungs and skin become burdened by toxic overload they do not function optimally and toxic material build up in the tissues and accumulates in the blood.
One of these pigments is called bilirubin, which is responsible for jaundice when it accumulates in the blood and body tissues.
If the liver gets overloaded it slows down, and this can cause toxins to accumulate in the blood.
The effect of phytosterols on infants will be accentuated because they accumulate in blood and tissues at a rate three - to fivefold above that observed in adults.18 Once absorbed, they can affect not only the hormonal environment, but can also be deposited in aortic tissues of both infants and adults, resulting in atherosclerotic lesions.17
With good health, disposing of nitrogen is not problematic, but in individuals with chronic kidney disease, dialysis does not remove these protein - bound toxins, allowing them to accumulate in the blood.
McCully's pioneering 1969 theory that linked homocysteine — an amino acid that accumulates in the blood — and heart disease was not embraced by the medical community.
When your body notices that the sugar level is elevated, it is a sign that you have more sugar than you need right now, your body is not burning it and therefore it is accumulating in your blood.
For example, in 2010, in a study published in the journal, Circulation, it was found that all three diets reduced the plaque that accumulates in blood vessels, thus reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Consuming more than the liver can metabolize, causes alcohol to accumulate in the blood and body tissues.
Consuming more alcohol than the liver can process, will cause the alcohol to accumulate in the blood and tissues.
Cholesterol and lipids can not be secreted normally for the same reason and accumulate in the blood.
As these byproducts continue to accumulate in the blood, it can cause a very serious and potentially fatal illness.
Without an adequate amount of insulin to «open the door,» glucose is unable to get into the cells, so it accumulates in the blood, setting in motion a series of events that result in diabetes mellitus.
It accumulates in the blood, setting in motion a series of events which can ultimately prove fatal.
While fats are initially beneficial energy sources, lipid waste products (ketone bodies) accumulate in the blood and invoke severe and potentially life - threatening metabolic abnormalities.
The body doesn't break down fat efficiently resulting in acid compounds that accumulate in the blood.
Your dog's body will start to break down the fats causing small deposits to accumulate in the blood.
As diabetes progresses, waste products called ketones can accumulate in the blood and cause depression, vomiting and dehydration.
So with diabetes, glucose accumulates in the blood and the body breaks down stores of protein and fat as alternative energy sources.
A ketone is a type of acid, which, if allowed to accumulate in the blood, can lead to ketoacidosis, a potentially fatal condition.
When nitrogenous wastes are not effectively processed by the liver, they accumulate in the blood and can reach the brain resulting in what experts call hepatic encephalopathy.
Normally, the kidneys filter out any excess phosphorus from the body, but when the kidneys are failing, phosphorus will accumulate in the blood.
At these depths, a diver has only a matter of minutes before breathing compressed air becomes dangerous, due to high levels of nitrogen that accumulate in the blood.
Patients suffering from kidney disease or failure usually have a decreased ability to naturally filter the acid that accumulates in the blood.
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