Sentences with phrase «to add anything to something»

But I don't add anything to them except butter and salt and pepper.
You may even find you can enjoy your coffee without adding anything to it.
I would recommend it; however, the Switch version doesn't really add anything to it.
I encourage you to keep it to a maximum of two cups per day and avoid adding anything to it.
I actually love this dish without the dressing and find it a little lighter, so no need for adding anything to it if you'd prefer not to.
You see, our writers will follow your original instructions very carefully, but you won't be able to add anything to them later on without having to pay extra.
Every once in a while I come across a piece of writing that states something so perfectly that I really can't imagine adding anything to it.
Now the trash will look so nice you won't want to add anything to it at all and dirty it up!
The lightest shade of the bunch, this color balm is very very pale — it really just enhanced the color of my natural lips without adding anything to it.
As you'd expect from us, we don't add anything to them or take anything out.
I have never added anything to them but I would probably not add more than 1/4 cup of the ingredients.
Rev 22:18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book.
After prodding for elaboration, I got the secret: get your pan screaming hot before adding anything to it.
Seriously though we love gnocchi too but have not added anything to it as of yet.
Really you could add anything to them flavor wise, nut wise, seed wise, even change the dates to another dried fruit (like apricots, raisins or cranberries) that will bind these into a bar.
Some serve it with ice cream but more traditionally you will see it served with custard, while I am a fan of both of these things I wanted to tweak mine a little so I would have enough juices without having to add anything to it in the end.
You can seriously add anything to it, corn, black beans, diced avocados, carne asada, diced chayote, ANYTHING!
Afterwards I only ever create a new collection or add anything to it using one specific device.
Self - employed is by itself an audit risk (because so much more opportunity for misreporting) but I doubt exact pattern of estimated payments adds anything to it.
The argument now is over if Mann added anything to it or what he knew about it.
Did you forget about Revelation 22:18 — «I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book.»
That's why this month I've made a commitment to make the most of my winter wardrobe without adding anything to it.
The peppers don't really add anything to it and the mustard vinaigrette is just too tart and wasn't really absorbed by the potatoes.
If you happen to leave the country after you have started one, you can maintain your existing account, but you can't add anything to it as long as you're a non-resident.
I have never added anything to them but I would probably not add more than 1/4 cup of the ingredients.
Mash with a fork (don't add anything to it) leave it to cool.
You can add anything to it!
That does not efface what I have written just because I am not adding anything to it.
'' warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book.»
I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book.
I believe in a progressive revelation of Christ through all the scriptures, which ended when the Spirit inspired John to write «I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: if anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll.if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.»
Would I need to add anything to it?
When I eat yogurt I do not add anything to it.
Add anything to it?
I am not adding anything to it.
I certainly do not need the excess sugar, barbeque sauce have enough already, it might enhance the flavor but it was nothing that I can not live without, I've used the barbeque sauce as is, I did not add anything to it and I did not cook it to thicken on the stove top like she did.
The base is quite simple and you can add anything to it....
Enjoy and send me a note if you gave this summer salad a try, tweaked or added anything to it.
And I added milk powder but I can only find skimmed ones here in the UK so I don't think it added anything to it.
My family loves this, there is never any leftovers ☺ This recipe is perfect just the way it is, no reason to add anything to it!
We don't add anything to it.
Enjoy and send me a note if you gave this summer salad a try, tweaked or added anything to it.
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