Sentences with phrase «to add mass»

So when water adds mass of air, as result temperature stays lower.
So, with that being said, let me dig into some of my favorite methods for adding mass onto your frame with just bodyweight training.
But could there exist a better way to add mass without getting fat at the same time?
But that could change next year as the second - year ice adds mass through the long winter freeze.
It's a good steroid for quickly adding mass and power.
At the end of the day we are not talking about just adding mass, but quality lean mass, a.k.a. muscle.
Each year your caloric intake has to go up or else you stop adding mass.
Since a lot of what I do is bodyweight training adding mass doesn't really help with those goals.
Furthermore, both solutions add mass, weight and design complexity to satellites, which are already quite expensive to launch.
Eating enough food to gain muscle can become a chore and be quite uncomfortable, so being able to add mass while eating less is a bonus.
Does this plan naturally add mass, and if so, is it recommended for someone who isn't interested in adding muscle mass?
The easy way, the convenient way to sort the safety requirements is to add mass back in.
These long rods add mass to the system, which increases the load on the valve springs.
Machine crunch is one of best exercises for adding mass to abs since we can use rather heavy weights safely.
If you're looking for a way to quickly add mass and power, this is one of the oral steroids you should be considering.
IF you're looking to add mass as quickly as possible, there's no better way to get radical surges in size than by going all out in the gym.
The opposing effects of El Niño on ice shelves — adding mass from snowfall but taking it away through basal melt — were at first difficult to untangle from the satellite data.
While the average bodybuilder has to use a more careful approach to adding mass in order to earn as less fat as possible, when it comes to hard - gainers, it's all about taking it to the extreme.
Unlike some other Transformer tablets, the keyboard part doesn't add masses of connections.
His second in command was also a racist perverted old man who added mass murder to his accolades.
Therefore, the white dwarf is left over after adding mass to a star, which becomes the blue straggler.»
The addition of the tags adds mass to the product so researchers can easily detect the reactive products using mass spectrometry.
That ice layer adds some mass to the basin, but it isn't thick enough on its own to make Sputnik Planum have positive mass, Johnson says.
The manipulation added mass to some of these electrons, which took their places side - by - side with the Dirac electrons, a startling result in a solid - state material, Madhavan said.
When Hubble observations showed this also occurring around galaxies too puny to warp light by themselves, astronomers realized that the galaxies must be suffused with an unseen kind of material — dark matter — that invisibly adds mass to the universe.
Entering a calorie surplus will give your body all of the necessary fuel it needs to start adding mass.
If she wants to add mass during an off season, this is the perfect segue into a bulking phase, as she will already know what caloric level will allow her to start gaining weight at a controllable level.
These same factors are typically responsible for stalls in weight gain for those looking to put on size, so it behooves us to review them, but from the perspective of someone desiring to add mass rather than reduce it.
So here goes; any male can permanently increase length and girth in the same way a bodybuilder adds mass and becomes larger.
In this workout we are not going to be working on adding mass, but we are going to be working on lifting and rounding, in other words polishing up your butt!
Big pintles and nozzle orifices mean bigger flow, but also add mass and latency to the operation.
The 64DD was meant to add mass storage capabilities to the N64, but it never caught on.
The game adds masses of new content and Nintendo...
The sequel then adds masses of new tracks, cars and game modes - but crucially the tech remains much the same.
For many people first getting into weightlifting, it's all about adding mass.
These strengthen the bones and add mass as well to the body.
Overhead extensions work great for adding mass to the triceps by targeting all three heads but emphasizing the long head.
The concept behind soundproofing walls resembled that behind soundproofing vehicles: Just add mass.
«Some people are worth # 2 million because they have added masses of jobs, masses of investment, masses of growth.
So this is a fairly significant technical challenge to make deeply cryogenic tanks out of carbon fiber, and it's only recently that we think the carbon fiber technology has gotten to the point where we can actually do this without having to create a liner — some sort of metal liner, or other liner, on the inside of the tanks, which would add mass and complexity.
Looks like he has added some mass.
On the flipside, each additional element will add mass to the potty and is likewise one all the more thing that will require cleaning when it gets covered in pee or crap.
But Einstein showed that when you add mass, including planets, people, and even coconuts, it warps the fabric of spacetime.
The added mass of this rock and sediment has impeded subduction, ultimately causing stress to build up over time.
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