Sentences with phrase «to add up to thousands of dollars»

For investors with a long - term investment horizon of 30 + years, these lower fees could add up to thousands of dollars over time.
If you do not pay on a contingency basis, the costs of expenses can quickly add up to thousands of dollars.
These additional out - of - pocket costs, known as cost sharing, can add up to thousands of dollars per year.
Room rates are typically about the same as those being offered on the hotel's website, but these perks can add up to thousands of dollars of extra value per stay.
Repair costs increase every year and can add up to thousands of dollars depending on the vehicle part or service required.
Although its only a few hundred dollars per year, it will add up to thousands of dollars after several years.
It can really add up to thousands of dollars a year as an additional fee for the risk.
For many people, their computer, devices, and textbooks add up to thousands of dollars that they can't afford to replace.
We used an example of how a 2.5 % interest rate increase can add up to thousands of dollars in interest.
There are, however, a few ways you can save big on your books, and these savings could add up to thousands of dollars over your entire college career.
These closing costs slightly differ from loan to loan and though initially may not seem like such a big deal considering that you are purchasing a property that's worth many times over closing costs can actually add up to thousands of dollars!
It is a good idea to get both, as replacing things like fixtures and carpeting add up to thousands of dollars just as easily as fixing siding or a basement damaged by floodwaters.
Replacing your belongings can add up to thousands of dollars without the help of El Paso rental policies.
Abovitz says the high cost is justified because over time, a Magic Leap headset can replace «your phones, your televisions, your laptops, your tablets, which add up to thousands of dollars
Depending on the property tax rate where you live and on the value of your home, that can add up to thousands of dollars in deductions every year
Even if the extra payment wasn't a ton of money (ranging from $ 50 to $ 200 per month over the years), I thought these payments could add up to thousands of dollars over time (which they did).
Maybe you shrug it off as just a few minutes here and there but those few minutes can easily add up to thousands of dollars of lost revenue every year!
Clothing, cell phones, television, electronics... These things can quickly add up to thousands of dollars.
Those with pristine credit scores, stable employment, little debt and dual household income will enjoy some of the most competitive rates available, which can add up to thousands of dollars saved over the course of a mortgage.
For many students, these costs can add up to thousands of dollars per semester in fees that are NOT covered by a pre-paid plan.
If the team can reduce expenses by $ 5 to $ 10 per person, and there are 10 to 15 people on the road for 60 days, that adds up to thousands of dollars in savings, he said.
Not only do we get paid very little, but the cost of editors, cover artists, advertisements, and more can add up to thousands of dollars a month, so even if we do make a lot of money, it disappears quickly.
Nevertheless, many authors sign with subsidy publishers or vanity presses who charge them a fee which can add up to thousands of dollars.
Paying for those services can add up to thousands of dollars, though.
These fees can add up to thousands of dollars.
You'll want to find a good balance between interest rate and closing costs in these cases, since closing costs can add up to thousands of dollars.
These tax breaks include pension income splitting, the age credit, and the pension income credit, as well as other provincial perks, and they can add up to thousands of dollars a year.
Closing costs can easily add up to thousands of dollars.
If that person lives 30 years in retirement, that small monthly difference would add up to thousands of dollars.
But if you simply change your behaviour and have the money on hand at the beginning of each year by watching your budget a little more carefully or spending a little less the year before on non-essential items, the benefits of earlier contributions can add up to thousands of dollars over 20 years or more.»
Knowing your mortgage rate is vital because a difference of even 1 percent can add up to thousands of dollars over the mortgage term.
increase can add up to thousands of dollars in interest.
A higher interest rate could add up to thousands of dollars over the life of the loan.
Collectively those charges can (and usually do) add up to thousands of dollars.
Many of these third - party fees are relatively small, but together they can add up to thousands of dollars.
The interest paid on Toronto mortgage rates can add up to thousands of dollars over the course of a loan.
Your mortgage penalty could add up to thousands of dollars.
And, by taking the extra six months it means you won't have daycare costs for that time, which could add up to thousands of dollars.
The savings you get from paying lower management fees over the years can easily add up to thousands of dollars.
Fees and charges can add up to thousands of dollars over the life of your home loan, so make sure you know exactly what you're in for - see fees to find out more.
Over the life of a 20 or 30 year term life policy, a difference of only two or three dollars per month can add up to thousands of dollars in lifetime premiums.
It may not save you $ 8,000 right away, but there's also a possibility this tip will prevent medical bills that can easily add up to thousands of dollars.
I've seen very young dogs (few months old) develop symptoms of allergies and lifelong treatment will add up to thousands of dollars.
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