Sentences with phrase «to address corruption»

At the top of the list was addressing corruption in state government.
Their actions demonstrate a lack of courage and complete refusal to address the corruption issue.
So how should boards with operations in emerging markets address corruption?
She said such issues as campaign finance reform, strong schools and efforts to address corruption appeal to voters across the political spectrum.
Samuels said the state constitution could potentially be amended to improve voter access, curb big money in politics and address corruption at the State Capitol.
Several government reform advocates back curbing legislators» outside income as one way of addressing corruption and conflicts of interest.
«How can the new Forest Administration hope to address corruption if the people at the top remain the same?»
Those who support a convention say dramatic action is required to address corruption charges that have forced more than 30 officials out of office in a decade as well as issues such as New York's high taxes, unequal funding of schools, and the influence of big - money donors in campaigns.
Following the refusal of the Senators to bring the bill to the floor and the subsequent lack of legislation addressing corruption — a priority for Governor Cuomo — the governor announced that he would launch a Moreland Commission to investigate potential corruption in the legislature.
«It is past time for the Governor and the Legislature to come together to address the corruption crisis in Albany which these recent events underscore,» said Susan Lerner, Executive Director of Common Cause / NY.
According to a June 17th poll by the Siena Research Institute, a plurality of New Yorkers — 44 percent — wanted the state legislature to address corruption as a number one priority before the end of the session, including voters across every region, party and demographic group.
He asserted his remarks about the need to address corruption thus falls under the purview of his job as an arm of the Department of Justice.
Kolb is a leading legislative supporter of ethics reforms to address a corruption problem that has seen more than 30 lawmakers leave office facing criminal or ethical allegations since 2000.
But Horner says addressing corruption in Albany may not be enough of a justification to convince the public to vote to hold a convention.
But the governor does not address corruption reform.
By a wide margin, voters told Siena addressing corruption should be the top priority for the governor and state lawmakers before the end of the legislative session.
Asked for comment about the steps the administration has taken to address the corruption scandal in the Buffalo Billion and which Cuomo promises has followed through on as Buffalo Billion II moves ahead, a spokesperson for Cuomo provided some background information but pointed Gotham Gazette to prior public statements by state officials.
While those policies seem to have brought some limited improvements, they have hit a wall not only in failing to address corruption like DC's — similar graduation inflation and test - gaming have cropped up across the nation — but also in academics.
Eisenhower's farewell address addresses corruption of science as well as the military - industrial complex.
Domitille Baizeau and Tessa Hayes The Arbitral Tribunal's Duty and Power to Address Corruption Sua Sponte
Samuels says the state constitution could potentially be amended to improve voter access, curb big money in politics, and address corruption at the State Capitol.
Misau however, told the police to address the corruption issues he raised rather than diverting attention.
«There's a lot companies can do internally to address corruption if they are indeed serious.
The Union has described as unsatisfactory, efforts aimed at addressing corruption in the first year of the New Patriotic Party administration.
He cited reforms involving fiscal responsibility and discipline, addressing corruption and unresponsive bureaucracies, focusing on the productive sectors of the economy, and improving the business environment, Ghana with these reforms, according to President Akufo - Addo, «is a land of opportunity for private capital.»
Chavez was elected in Dec98 on the platform to write the constitution to address corruption.
And Cuomo has stumbled badly when it comes to addressing corruption, as evidenced by the recent revelations that he meddled with the Moreland Commission on Public Corruption, which he created in 2013.
A bill that could address corruption in Albany is progressing in the state Legislature, but it might not be the measure that Gov. Andrew Cuomo wants to become law.
In his State of the State speech, Gov. Andrew Cuomo once again called for a reform package to address corruption in the legislature.
We, and I think New Yorkers, would prefer the governor and legislative leaders bang together a deal to address corruption in Albany.
The governor and legislative leaders skipped the traditional end of session news conference and announced the deal in a press release, avoiding any questions about the demise of the proposals to make bigger changes to address corruption.
Citizen Action said in a statement that the governor's failure to address corruption is only adding fuel to the desire to run a progressive leaning candidate as an alternative to Cuomo.
Sandy King, chair of the Yates County Republican Committee, highlighted Kolb's support for lower taxes, protecting gun rights, reducing spending and addressing corruption in state government.
Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner told New York state legislators on the Joint Budget Committee on Monday that she believes there needs to be government reform in New York state to address corruption.
«I refer to them as my future bosses, and I ask them if they would like me to take on the corrupt Albany party boss» candidate, whoever they may be, and whether they want me to fight for the hard working families of Western New York, and address the corruption that goes on in Albany,» Stocker said.
Supporters say it's a once - in - a-generation opportunity to address corruption, government inefficiency, environmental protections and other important topics.
In his speech Buhari commended the governor of the state for embarking on a summit to address corruption.
A plurality of voters — 41 percent — said passing laws to address corruption should be the top end - of - session priority.
Mahoney noted that upstaters appear to be paying even more attention to the issue of campaign finance reform and public corruption that residents in NYC and the suburbans, adding: «This is a state that's fed up with corruption, and a state that believes campaign finance reform is the best method to address that corruption
A bill that could address corruption in Albany is progressing in the New York State Legislature, but it might not be the measure that Gov. Andrew Cuomo wants to become law.
Citizen Action, in a statement, says the governor's «failure to address corruption» is only adding «fuel» to the desire to run a progressive leaning candidate as an alternative to Cuomo.
Upstate Newspapers: Ethics Reforms Insufficient to Address Corruption The Rochester - based Democrat & Chronicle called Governor Cuomo's inability to pass comprehensive campaign finance reform his administration's «most notable first - term failure.»
Mr. Mahama was however quick to add that, the PNC is devising a detailed manifesto which contains solutions that will address corruption and ensure growth and sustainable development of the country.
«This legislation was touted and marketed as an attempt to address corruption in campaign expenditures - secretly collaborating with candidates in violation of the law - but the bill goes far beyond campaign and coordination,» said Perry.
«Dismissing the Director of the Forest Administration is an absolute minimum first step any donor really interested in Cambodia's development should expect from a government committed to reform and addressing corruption,» said Global Witness Director, Simon Taylor.
A UN-appointed panel uncovered $ 1.8 billion in illegal payments and concluded that Annan had made little effort to address this corruption.
World Bank and donors should address corruption and impunity in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Commission for Africa report offers opportunity to address corruption and impunity in Africa
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