Sentences with phrase «to address poverty»

Neither the texts nor the standards address poverty as a moral or spiritual problem; indeed, they say little about poverty at all.
And to directly address the poverty and inequality that many children face.
Must we, as a society, address poverty before we can improve schools?
We all may not have the same solutions for poverty, but we will be those for whom addressing poverty is a priority.
Build and strengthen mechanisms keep the peace, address poverty solve common problems.
She has come to doubt the whole project of school reform, saying it will solve little without addressing poverty and segregation.
Hudson said she thinks Miner will focus on addressing poverty in her state of the city speech and said the next mayor will need to focus on this continuing problem as well.
«What we're doing for businesses by making them more competitive on the world stage is really going to help address the poverty issue in Central New York by allowing them to compete better on the world stage and providing all these jobs for Central New Yorkers.
The first panel underscored the importance of addressing poverty through policy.
He also said the bill could help address poverty issues in Syracuse and throughout his district that «are as real as they are anywhere in the United States.»
Perez - Williams said she would focus on the ninth - grade drop - out rate, the school - to - prison pipeline and on addressing poverty among school children to improve the schools.
Insurance programs, social protection measures, and disaster risk management may enhance long - term livelihood resilience among poor and marginalized people, if policies address poverty and multidimensional inequalities.
Encouraging and supporting healthy marriages is a cornerstone of the Bush Administration's proposed policies for addressing the poverty - related woes of single - parent households and, importantly, for improving the well - being of low - income children.
I also encourage you to read John Rennie's analysis of the challenge, and opportunities, involving in simultaneously addressing poverty and environmental conservation.
I left the church because I had learned more from Oprah about addressing poverty and injustice than I had learned from 25 years of Sunday school.
The Left will never address poverty so long as they are indifferent to family structure.
Moreover, double - counting official development assistance as climate finance not only undermines the trust desperately needed in the UNFCCC but, equally importantly, imperils the longstanding need to address poverty eradication in developing countries.
«If you want to address poverty at scale, replication is the most important,» Gunton says.
This got me thinking that perhaps if we rallied around something more important, if we decided to take on truly significant challenges — like addressing poverty, pursuing racial reconciliation, defending immigrants, sharing the gospel, caring for the lonely, living simply, embodying the Kingdom — we wouldn't have as much drama.
An advisor for the charity, Sue Richardson told Premier: «Simply generating more money - either within an economy or even, in many cases, raising the level of income for people - does not actually address poverty in all of its complexities.
The leaders of two state Assembly committees that address poverty held an invitation - only meeting in Rochester yesterday, and the media wasn't on the guest list.
The state should adopt the Executive Budget's formula improvements that better address poverty and district need, while also taking steps to ensure that students receive additional resources — especially in schools that serve low - income students and students of color.
«Large - scale violence - prevention programs addressing poverty and educational disparities are absolutely necessary, but may require long - term investment to yield results.
Dennis Van Roekel of the National Education Association sees addressing poverty as the solution: «The United States» standings haven't improved dramatically because we as a nation haven't addressed the main cause of our mediocre PISA performance — the effects of poverty on students.»
This Op - Ed by BBA National Coordinator Elaine Weiss reflects the emerging policy environment — which recognizes that reaching higher standards and ensuring accountability require addressing poverty's impacts and incorporating educator perspective — in which BBA is poised to take on a new leadership role.
School districts have to look at designing summer reading programs that do not require a significant monetary investment and address poverty area obstacles.
You hear this mistaken belief underlying many of the arguments against major education reforms today — that we must address poverty first because we can not expect children who face such great challenges to succeed in the classroom otherwise.
One might never know, too, that art addressed poverty, apart from etchings by Kay Brown, or that Mendieta was Latino.
Relatively few countries specifically address poverty or rural employment when updating their forest policies, it says in the report, despite the forest sector employing 13.2 million people across the world, and at least another 41 million people informally.
Clearly, rural and remote communities have much to gain (including better health and wellbeing) if the influential rural health lobby could find its way to join up with wider advocacy campaigns addressing poverty and inequitable policies across the board.
I look forward to sharing SkyPower's commitment to help address poverty through solar energy,» said Kerry Adler, SkyPower's President and Chief Executive Officer.
«The likelihood is that the best prospect of addressing poverty and social justice in Scotland in the future is to make the UK economy stronger and to direct the money we make from that growth to those who need it most.»
But the former revolutionary turned scientist recently came to a surprising conclusion about how best to bring back grasslands and in the process help address poverty and social breakdown in some of the poorest corners of the planet.
«Given the advantages of this policy, it is essential that the Government retains its commitment to it, helps schools share good practice in terms of managing provision and ensures that the funding schools receive for addressing poverty and deprivation is not affected by the lower registrations for free school meals that may be an unintended consequence of this initiative.»
letting teachers teach, treating each student as an unique individual, limiting standardized testing, banning those with profit motives from our schools, addressing poverty as a roadblock to learning, and maintaining local, community control of schools.
As with so many traditionalists, Cody would rather ignore the fact that reformers actually do talk plenty about addressing poverty, just not in the manner that fits his impoverished worldview on the role education plays in addressing those issues.
We try to build the capacity to address poverty so we do not have to depend on someone from the outside swooping in, solving one problem, and leaving.
Routh's prints do not directly address poverty, but the struggles of the South are apparent in the poor condition of houses and farms in the background of many of his prints.
I'm not sure what is more maddening, a teacher union leader saying that we need to address poverty before we focus on schools or an education reform advocate claiming that we can close the achievement gap with the right school reform efforts.
Part of Cristina's approach to address the poverty issue and attempt to reverse the cycle has been to provide universal child allowances (per - child subsidies) to eligible families in exchange for proof of school attendance and similar conditions.
Inaugurating the International Conference on Addressing Poverty and Vulnerability in the HKH region, jointly organized by the International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and the National [continue reading...]
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