Sentences with phrase «to adulthood»

Adulthood, apparently, isn't what it used to be.
«Past research has found that people grow steadily happier as they age from adolescence to older adulthood, with happiness peaking when people reach their 60s and 70s; the moodiness of youth subsides, and maturity brings more contentment.
Now, new findings from psychologist and author Jean Twenge are adding to the gloom about the state of adulthood in this country.
I'm betting this one is where a lot of people — young and old — will fail the functional adulthood test.
If that's your understanding of adulthood, endless laundry and a nine - to - five job is sure to be a comedown.
Individualism works well for young people, who are often unattached and working on finding themselves — adolescence and young adulthood are inherently self - focused life stages.
Especially if they've spent the last four or however long years studying, it's a nice signifier that they can begin to enjoy their free time, their adulthood, and hopefully the fruits of all that labor.
The adolescence age of Silicon Valley seems to have grown into adulthood and the businesses, tech or not, are becoming smarter by the second.
The symptoms of social anxiety disorder usually begin around age 13, and symptoms persist into adulthood.
Like renowned programs such as Y Combinator and Dreamit Ventures, these corporate - run initiatives help early - and midstage companies get from the concept phase through adolescence and into young adulthood.
Founded in 2011 as an app for sharing photos and short videos that disappear after the recipient has viewed them, Snapchat was originally an answer to growing teen concerns about permanent online social media potentially haunting users into adulthood.
Things we are taught in childhood do not serve us well in adulthood.
This is partly because socioeconomic class in childhood is a strong indicator of socioeconomic class in adulthood.
In short, science shows that continuing to play the high school popularity game into adulthood will make you nasty and miserable.
The trouble arises, according to Prinstein, when we choose to chase the high school definition of popularity deep into adulthood instead of reverting to the earlier and more beneficial definition of the concept.
Or pick up Don't Worry, It Gets Worse: One Twentysomething's (Mostly Failed) Attempts at Adulthood by Alida Nugent.
Throughout adulthood, we have a choice to pursue greater likability or greater status - a decision made so much more difficult by the growing number of platforms (reality TV, social media, etc.) designed to help us gain status.
«Throughout adulthood, we have a choice to pursue greater likeability or greater status - a decision made so much more difficult by the growing number of platforms (reality TV, social media, etc.) designed to help us gain status.
That might be news to some overprotective parents, but it's probably blindingly obvious to lots of 20 - somethings who have recently smacked into the reality that, thanks to their loving but sheltered upbringings, they're woefully underprepared for adulthood.
Our brains are remarkably resilient, even growing new brain cells deep into adulthood, but even this incredible organ eventually ages.
One of Buffett's investments in himself came in early adulthood, when he signed up for a $ 100 Dale Carnegie public speaking course that he says changed his life.
Our culture values homeownership (and all levels of government provide incentives to support it) and it's seen as a stepping stone to adulthood.
While classmates at her all - white elite high school breezed into adulthood and homeownership with help from their parents, she «bought my first home as a co-signer to my grandmother who was next on the list of longtime renters in our gentrifying neighborhood... to be displaced.»
When we intervene early in life, we help avoid problems that are much more challenging to address in adulthood
The index also uses economic forecasts for 2030, the approximate time when children born next year will reach adulthood.
At this point, it seems more an issue of what type of work young Canadians can find, and how long it will take them to reach financial adulthood.
Basically, Horowitz unabashedly argues the hugely unfashionable opinion that a humanities degree is «nothing less than a rite of passage to intellectual adulthood.
Get ready to hear (lots) more about Generation Z. They're just barely on the cusp of adulthood, but their preferences and outlooks are a bit of a throwback to earlier generations.
«To a certain extent, this means playacting at adulthood until your inside catches up with your outside... It means that if you see a garment and think «costume,» that doesn't mean you should avoid said garment; it may even mean you should buy it.
If a suit is just going to make you look stuffy and out of touch, how do you signal you've arrived at actual, successful adulthood?
Whatever «big city» you pick (every state has one or two), you will be battle - tested and prepared for the rigors of adulthood.
Two years ago, when most American Gen Zers (defined as survey respondents who are 22 years old now) were still in school, they were distinctly cool to the idea of spending adulthood in an office, but that's changed quite a bit.
«Blockers» also carries a strong message for parents about letting go of their young ones once they transition into adulthood.
Children who develop a high level of EQ carry these skills into adulthood, and this gives them a leg up in leadership and in life.
Former Harvard president Larry Summers called the program «the single most misdirected philanthropy in this decade,» according to TechCrunch, while Slate Group chairman Jacob Weisberg wrote in Newsweek, «Thiel fellows will have the opportunity to emulate their sponsor by halting their intellectual development around the onset of adulthood, maintaining a narrow - minded focus on getting rich as young as possible and thereby avoid the siren lure of helping others or pursuing knowledge for its own sake.»
Raised on a diet of adoration and encouragement, they enter adulthood rosy with entitlement.
Millions of children born between 1980 and 2000, commonly known as Generation Y, have matured into adulthood with a unique worldview that is firmly entrenched in the beliefs that anything is possible and anyone can make a difference.
But most people have adequate social skills once they reach adolescence and early adulthood.
At the same time, boomers are finding their retirement plans affected by children who are increasingly relying on their support well into adulthood.
An increasing number of youth are taking longer to achieve the typical markers of adulthood — full - time job, spouse, car, house — and it's a source of shame and anxiety for the millennials receiving assistance.
As Richard Settersten, author of Not Quite Adults: Why 20 - Somethings Are Choosing a Slower Path to Adulthood, and Why It's Good for Everyone, has said: «the media focuses so much on coddled kids, but there's a huge, invisible class of young people that's just not part of our public discussion and who are really in dire straits.»
Having dabbled in improvisational theater early in his adulthood, Costolo inspires confidence with his refined public speaking ability, quick wit, and fast decision - making skills.
This finding, Bak said, inspired him to investigate the cognitive benefits of learning a second language during adulthood.
Runkel is a marriage and family therapist, and the author of multiple books on parenting and relationships, including, most recently, «Choose Your Own Adulthood
Robert Kegan, a Harvard developmental psychologist, refers to «orders of consciousness,» and has proposed that one of the most important developments in adulthood is the transition from what he calls the socialized mind to the self - authoring mind.
Holistic child development starting with prenatal care through young adulthood is the mission of Compassion International.
«I can't say there's been a huge change in personality from childhood to adulthood,» says his brother.
Increasingly, too, they're facing delays in some key landmarks of adulthood, from marriage and children to a stable career, according to industry and government reports.
From his youth through adulthood, Turner has suffered from distractibility, agitation and impulsive behaviour, as well as enjoying significant self - confidence and a constant level of high energy that's limited his need for sleep.
They may lack specific expertise, but they do have a few traits that haven't been jaded by adulthood, like taking risks, being bold and being assertive.
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