Sentences with phrase «to affect gameplay»

I don't get changing your mind about a game over a word that doesn't affect gameplay in the least but to each their own.
This doesn't affect gameplay in any way and is just your in - game avatar.
I worry more about the games performance and FPS, because it actually affects the gameplay, which is much more important then the resolution.
I'm just not assured that the new tactics really affect the gameplay in a meaningful way.
I did notice a few instances of slowdown but it was that minor that it never affected the gameplay in any way.
Most notably, the unique skill - set of each player will dramatically affect the gameplay on a second - by - second basis.
In - game currencies which can be bought with real money and then used to purchase things which affect gameplay are also included here.
A few minor scratches and some dirt here and there, but easily cleaned and did not affect gameplay at all.
There are problems with distances, but they rarely affect gameplay.
Some maps also don't fit on the screen properly, but this problem doesn't affect the gameplay too much.
You are able to vote on what the factions should go affecting the gameplay for every user.
Plus, an all - new dynamic weather feature even affects gameplay, so choose your home wisely.
Although each frame rate dip was very noticeable, it never adversely affected gameplay.
Judging from the footage included in the video, your decisions can massively affect the gameplay and how your character turns out.
What is the reasoning behind loot boxes affecting gameplay instead of just having cosmetic loot boxes?
How does the introduction of these multiple playable characters and their unique abilities affect gameplay?
Nothing that seriously affects gameplay, but serious fighting game veterans will certain is aware of this issue when it does in fact happen.
It doesn't usually affect gameplay, but there ARE times where the game looks like a slide - show on my PS4.
There will also be a day - night cycle and weather system that significantly affect the gameplay, in addition to new elements like camping and cooking.
When fans found out that it can actually affect gameplay, many saw it as a form of gambling or a shortcut for many to be better in online multiplayer.
Just be wary of your internet connection because at times, I had some horrendous lag which really affected the gameplay.
But this is just an aesthetic feature that doesn't affect the gameplay at all.
There are a number of graphical shortcomings and distractions that continually put me off, and sometimes they even affected the gameplay.
It's something that didn't happen often, but when it did happen, it adversely affected the gameplay.
The race chosen doesn't affect gameplay in any way but the class certainly does.
It's just a cosmetic item that doesn't affect gameplay in any way, but still he's seen wearing it in all cutscenes and loading screens.
Additionally, developers will have two new Twitch integration tools to play with, both of which put audience interaction and participation at the forefront: ChatPlay, which allows users in the Twitch chat stream to directly affect gameplay by using keywords, and JoinIn, which lets broadcasters pick a volunteer from the audience to get into the game with a single click.
Eric: «Not really seeing how the animations affect gameplay as you mention them since there's nothing you can do once a finishing execution starts but interesting point on the nailbomb I'll take it to the team»
If Red Dead Redemption 2 fielded it's multiplayer component with lootboxes that provided players with weapons, horses and other items that greatly affected gameplay, then slapped huge prices on them while saying «psst, you can also get them for real money», the outrage would rain on the game's parade big time.
The only sounds you'll hear are typical Zelda-esque grunts and vocal hiccups and while this a nice nod to the series, it negatively affects gameplay.
Players can customize five base stadiums by added new features that can affect gameplay by preventing or adding status effects on the player, create their team jersey by selecting a graphic and kit, customize each individual players look, and more.
The story loops, twists and contorts, and these shifting narrative perspectives also affect the gameplay, to the point where entirely new mechanics strong enough to carry an entire game are added 20, 30 or 40 hours in.
Do you love the trend of online multiplayer games having loot boxes, in - game currency and crafting systems that affect gameplay Continue Reading →
METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES features new advances made possible by Kojima Productions» FOX Engine, such as radical new game design, day and night cycles, and weather conditions that will all dynamically affect gameplay.
Combat and movement throughout the game are influenced by Dante's ability to call upon both angel and demon abilities, dramatically affecting the gameplay style.
Not really seeing how the animations affect gameplay as you mention them since there's nothing you can do once a finishing execution starts but interesting point on the nailbomb I'll take it to the team.
When you level a category you do actually see the leveling affect the gameplay, which becomes a motivating factor to continually play against the same opponents (you get a lot of repeats).
Graphically, The Evil Within is a visually impressive on the game on the PlayStation 4 that does suffer from some frame - rate issues and clipping but fortunately this does not affect the gameplay whatsoever.
However, the issues affecting gameplay and the scaled back leveling system disallow the handheld rendition from setting itself apart as a truly great mobile gaming experience.
The overall story is fun and enjoyable, then, with engaging characters aplenty and some neat twists and turns toward the end that will be sure to have you on the edge of your seat, even if you will see a couple of them coming, but where the game falters and flounders is the pacing of its story, which in turn affects the gameplay.
If a guild is successful in conquering the planet then the entire guild does get a bonus buff of some kind which may affect gameplay depending on the buff.
The game looked like a 3D world with 2D sprites, but I didn't see any examples of elevation affecting the gameplay.
Unlike L.A. Noire, where you can make yes or no moral choices and move forward as those choices affect your gameplay, morality is not a gameplay feature in Spec Ops: The Line.
During the interview Oda gives some insight into the development of the Resident Evil 0 Remaster, where he describes how he wanted to try new things, while also making sure it did not affect the gameplay balance.
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