Sentences with phrase «to affect humans»

These animal health issues do not affect human health, but they do decrease the amount of pork available.
It is known to affect the human body in many different ways.
This disease can also affect humans in a similar way.
Is there sufficient scientific evidence to conclude that wind turbines adversely affect human health?
These mites also affect humans who acquire them from contact with affected dogs.
The report details how climate change affects human health and can impact our future, but the question remains: What can we do about it?
This is a crucial debate to have — and one that must involve people who are real experts on how goals actually affect human behavior.
Scientists on the ground and in space this week are exploring a wide variety of phenomena affecting humans living in space.
A major challenge has been to find a way to better understand the way the disease affects human nerve cells.
Stress, anxiety, depression and pain doesn't just affect humans, it affects our pets too, especially our dogs.
In most cases, climate (and thus climate change) affects human systems in three principal ways.
Brain banks researching how trauma affects the human brain have a problem on their hands: not enough female brains to study.
This approach has amazing potential to positively affect the human condition by giving people interventions and treatments that yield more years of healthy, productive life.
Vitamin D deficiency doesn't only affect the human bones.
[2] This rise in sea levels around the world potentially affects human populations in coastal and island regions [3] and natural environments like marine ecosystems.
Done in collaboration with local companies, residents and other organizations, the project's aim is to bring awareness to how palm oil production is negatively affecting humans and animals alike.
These powers, if left to their own devices, can greatly affect the human dimension, in a detrimental sense.
Visual stimulus has been an enormous factor affecting human imagination.
The researchers focused on basic questions about how one gene affects human embryo development.
We now know that psychological trauma profoundly affects the human nervous system.
The company says that research shows that genetics, and in particular body scent, strongly affects human sexual attraction.
The result will be a public database that outlines how each drug affects human genes under healthy and disease conditions.
I would prefer to consider as mystical all that refers to faith as it directly affects human experience.
The samples produced evidence of 57 different chemicals, 45 of which they believe have some potential for affecting human health.
More recent research on the epigenetic modification of gene expression by early maternal care in animals suggests the possibility of similar processes affecting human development.
We've all got to eat, and do so every day, and so questions of how we manage the environment and how the environment affects human health affect all humankind.
Peak continues the artist's exploration into the ways in which technology affects the human psyche.
Again, in this recent series the artist carries on his research on the way technology affects human psyche.
Identify and execute legal requirements and government reporting regulations affecting human resources functions and ensure policies, procedures and reporting are in compliance.
The present state of the world seems to me to be substantially determined and explained by the influence of two progressive changes affecting human consciousness at the deepest level.
Yes, the «one child policy» affected human fertility, but look at efforts by governments to get husbands and wives to have children and the effects are tiny at best.
I find it exciting and inspiring that evolutionary principles can shed light on important problems affecting human health.
The majority of affected human patients are less than 21 years of age.
Matchmaking can also help basic researchers learn how mutations in the gene they study affect humans.
It's also possible for very large doses of melatonin to affect human reproduction.
It's more a matter of saying we don't know what affect humans are having on the climate.
There is virtually no published research on how the substance affects the human body.
This scientific assessment examines how climate change is already affecting human health and the changes that may occur in the future.
When I speak of money affecting human psychology, I am currently talking about fiat currency.
The purpose of these trials may include seeing how a treatment affects the human body and establishing a safe dose.
The science of stress affecting humans has long been documented, but have you ever considered how it affects your dog's or cat's health?
Our body has a very quick reaction towards any change in the environment and this change being a major one affects the humans with a much higher intensity.
The fact remains that video games affect the human mind and every day life.
How will environmental changes such as ozone depletion and global warming affect human health?
There's still so much to explore about how bacteria affect human health, and probiotics come at the forefront of it all.
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