Sentences with phrase «to affect sales»

In order to make sure that it doesn't affect the sale of these smart speakers, here comes the device's parental control.
The scandal didn't affected sales of the company's mobile devices, or slow down its output.
Although external factors do affect the sales of self - published works, the sales have remained stable enough according to the store's data analysis.
What's funny though, is the sales did show up on launch day — or just before — but didn't affect the sales rank at all.
So it is only a modest internet hit and hasn't affected sales in the least (yet).
Here's the situation: The higher the interest rate, the higher the mortgage payment, the less a buyer can afford, which affects the sales prices.
Battery life is one of the most significant concerns that not only hit consumers but is also adversely affecting the sales of many smartphone vendors.
In addition, a stronger dollar makes export goods more expensive, which could negatively affect the sales of companies with significant exports.
Well, just because they still sell a LOT does not mean these things don't affect sales at all.
The installation of a 2.0 litre engine in Japanese models made buyers liable for more annual road tax over the smaller 1.8 - litre engine, which affected sales.
I am very confident that I can positively affect any sales team and its organization.
This diversity directly affects sales of your ebooks internationally.
The decision would most definitely result in a competition among the three products, which can definitely affect the sales of its latest gaming platform.
The bad press has probably affected sales, so look carefully for a good deal if you're shopping for one.
This issue hasn't surfaced as a major cause of poor customer retention, the issue is affecting our sales effort, because prospects use the help desk during trials.
But I'm sure it does affect sales numbers for authors / publishers.
If they do, explain how it can ultimately affect the sale of the property, but don't try to force them into anything.
There are a few things happening in the neighborhood right now that could drastically affect your sale or your purchase.
They are pushing the Chinese market as it continues to grow, but also, how will the 4 in the 4 series affect sales here in australia and overseas with asian buyers.
Is online discovery really affecting the sales patterns for books?
Now, if this stranger's review affects sales, okay, that's important.
I've done many giveaways for many types of books and they never affect sales.
* The models helped in analyzing various factors affecting sales before and after a social media page was launched.
The thing here is that there's no doubt now that smartphones and tablets are affecting the sales of handheld consoles.
Now, I realize there are many factors that could have affected sales besides pricing.
A $ 199 Tablet couldn't possibly affect sales of a $ 499 tablet.
A bad cover, and there are a lot of them, can affect your sales almost more than anything else.
The jury seems to be out on whether this move affects sales and if so, by how much.
Don't know if it ever affected our sales, but it felt good.
But has the loss of this security measure affected sales?
I can definitely see subscription services affecting sales but I tend to lump them with libraries — they allow you to try books and authors you might not otherwise.
How much would a good - but - not - great cover affect sales?
I will not minimize problems to help affect a sale.
They also have to provide information about effectiveness of marketing campaign, competitors, and changes affecting the sales of the organization.
A home inspector can talk about the inspection process, offer warning signs of major defects, and lead a discussion on how inspections affect sales.
They'll also know what questions to ask, how PV solar installations affect the sale of a home, and how to identify installations on a multiple listing service.
Hiring a painter and painting trim is such an easy thing to do and truly affects the sale of you home.
Very low supply, declining affordability, appraisal issues, and lender processing delays were reported as the key issues affecting sales.
You will have paid sales during the promotion, so this should affect your sales rank, unlike free promotions.
If a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission, but it does not affect your sale price.
Authors can benefit from this, and they can even try different cover art designs and see if it directly affects the sales.
Too many factors affect sales, a lot of them are established before we join the party and many we have no control over, like competition for example.
What can a seller do if they have issues with neighbours that are affecting the sale of their home?
If a purchase is made, it's possible I may receive a small commission, but it does not affect your sale price.
That did affect the sale of print books, showing a 7 % decline in sales from brick - and - mortar stores.
The Author will not publish or authorize the publication of any other work which would adversely affect the sale of the Work without the Publisher's prior written consent.
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